NYPD Coerced me to drop charges or go to jail with a hole in my retina Saturday arrest for Dr Fagelman's savagely violent receptionist Delita's running punch to my eye grabbing my hair trying to drag me down the hall by my hair damaging my neck not fired or arrested I agreed to false arrest Oct 16 immediate than Det John Vergona changed my false arrest date to Saturday oct. 20, 2012 4PM IAB let him and his supervisor retire! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh9TedhfthE I am alleging fix, favors and retaliation -- please look at the first page -- it mentions HP tied to 911 Tech corruption as well as mayor Bloomberg Ray Kelly free rides Air Bloomberg....http://www.scribd.com/doc/188752042/NYPD-Commissioner-Ray-Kelly-Charles-Campisi-DI-Ed-Winski-Lt-Agnes-Lt-Angelo-Burgos-IAB-Sgt-Mary-O-Donnell-Sgt-Chen-Det-Andy-Dwyer-Det-John-Ve

Monday, August 8, 2011

Dow Dropping 634 Points Scope and Depth Very Serious USA and Global Economy by Suzannah B. Troy Artist

The depth and scope of the Dow dropping 634 points is very serious for the USA and for the Global Economy.

Tim Geithner needs to be fired or resign.

Geithner’s departure would be a sign that this is a severe and deep wide spread crisis for our economy and the world.

Geithner leaving would not solve the problem but would start the CPR and indicate President Obama is going to take steps to address this crisis.

Reminder Geithner is a tax cheat and he brokered the most corrupt bail-out along Hank Paulson that did not require any pay back so Wall St. bigs wigs gave themselves multi-billion dollar bonuses and they would have been able to do if that to start paying back the bail-out.

Geithner and Paulson protected way too many Wall St. crooks and inept players from going to jail and even enabled them to become even richer!

Geithner must go.