I wrote this with 1 finger at 3am and emailed to George to meet his deadline. He asked me to write a letter. I expected he would fix my typos and or call me like every top newspaper including The Financial Times, The Wall St. Journal, 9 letters in The NY Times before I became anti-Bloomberg but George did not. I am a fixing typos now and add a note or two. I can't express the level of fatigue and the NYPD Rape Cop Pena trial beyond devastating so minimal editing on my part.
Dear West View:
Thank you for reporting the news blacked out by the media re: St Vincent's Hospital and The Rudin Luxury Condos starting with community outrage.
I want your readers to know I caught Christine Quinn on video and posted live to YouTube her cowardly escape out the back of PS 41 past a large garbage dumpster rather than face her critics mostly all from her district who including seniors like Elizabeth Adams who stood outside in the bitter cold for hours to testify the demand and urgent need for a hospital. I gave Christine Quinn hell from pushing through an illegal 3rd term to locking out her own district from testimony to her cowardly back door exits rather than face her critics. I even asked her if
she received anything "off the books" besides all the campaign donations aka kick backs from the Rudins?
What hit a nerve with her and got me a meeting with my lawyer Civil Rights Activist Norman Siegel the day before city council voted was telling her a 75 year old man from her district collapsed from standing in the bitter cold. The ambulance took a half hour. She responded with surprise considering the close proximity OF A HOSPITAL to City Hall/250 Broadway.
Well, Norman Siegel opened up the meeting by asking how she would vote. After 2 years and large campaign donations from the Rudin Family, Quinn stated she did not know. This was the mayoral candidate with the most money including from Wall Street firms like Goldman Sachs. She did not know? How is that for an honest answer?
I called for an investigation in to why the ambulance took a half hour. You would think Quinn would be the one doing so but she informed us she had her staff call the 1st Precinct and their contact there said it never happened. (Note: We were never given a name and I am confident Quinn and gang never spoke to DI Winski.)
Funny because Dr. David Kaufman and Nurse Eileen Dunn attended to the gentleman that fainted and he -- like so many never got to participate in the Democratic process to testify that a full service hospital is life or death. (Nurse Dunn an exceptional person.)
We assured Quinn Dr Kaufman made a series of 911 calls and I had asked an NYPD Sgt to call 911. He did and came back to assure me the ambulance was on it's way. (I found out after this letter the good NYPD Sgt was from the 6th Precinct!).
I told Christine Quinn that the 911 calls could be foiled.
I handed her a list of demands and concerns which I would happily share with your readers which are posted on my blogs.
I have sent in the request for 911 calls to the NYPD and tracked down the police officer as well.
The man who collapsed is okay and he too can join us if further testimony is needed in this matter but note Quinn and her staff's willingness to even consider a man did not collapse which by the way I have on video and no ambulance was called is mind boggling. (Note:the many people prevented from testifying they demand a hospital could testify they witnessed him pass out and the ambulance took 30 min.).
Note: I had written Commissioner Kelly and Deputy Inspector Winski thanking them for the NYPD officer who made the 911 call and followed through with me. I included a link highly critical of the private security for 250 Broadway for refused my demand the most elderly and fragile be given immediate access. I did point out the community was upset with too large a police presence and the need for barricades but the NYPD unlike 250 Broadway's security were respectful.
After the meeting I followed up with an email telling Commissioner Kelly -- remember the "thank you" to officer for calling 911 for me? Well I just met with Christine Quinn and she said it didn't happen.
Christine Quinn made interesting comments during the meeting like admitting St. Vincent's closing is her greatest defeat and she said she worked "...like the devil."
In response to our demand for a Town Hall meeting she looked at me and said not if People yell at me and call me fat.
Watch my YouTube of my yell down which got us a meeting and you can hear me say to Christine Quinn, "You lost a lot of weight but you are still a big fat liar."
Reminder Christine Quinn sold the lie we needed Mike Bloomberg for a third term to help us with the economy.
Quinn is helping NYU, Bill Rudin, Goldman Sachs and a list of "oligarchs of NY" who are creatively funneling money to put her in office for their greed endeavors at the expense of our safety as they crush our communities city wide.
Special thank you to Norman Siegel truly the People's Advocate.
Suzannah Troy
Artist Activist
Sent from my iPhone