NYPD Coerced me to drop charges or go to jail with a hole in my retina Saturday arrest for Dr Fagelman's savagely violent receptionist Delita's running punch to my eye grabbing my hair trying to drag me down the hall by my hair damaging my neck not fired or arrested I agreed to false arrest Oct 16 immediate than Det John Vergona changed my false arrest date to Saturday oct. 20, 2012 4PM IAB let him and his supervisor retire! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh9TedhfthE I am alleging fix, favors and retaliation -- please look at the first page -- it mentions HP tied to 911 Tech corruption as well as mayor Bloomberg Ray Kelly free rides Air Bloomberg....http://www.scribd.com/doc/188752042/NYPD-Commissioner-Ray-Kelly-Charles-Campisi-DI-Ed-Winski-Lt-Agnes-Lt-Angelo-Burgos-IAB-Sgt-Mary-O-Donnell-Sgt-Chen-Det-Andy-Dwyer-Det-John-Ve

Monday, February 29, 2016

Dr Andrew Fagelman Attack Receptionist YouTube Breaks 260,000 Views

Dr Andrew Fagelman Attack Receptionist YouTube Breaks 260,000 Views


I am so traumatized feel asleep early - woke-up to find the youtube of Dr Andrew Fagelman's violent lying attack receptionist Delita Hooks broke 260,000 views --  thanks and gratitude I want over million views every day that they lie and blame me is the day I'm going to ask you to Facebook it tweet it on him never to treat a patient violating my patient rights instead of apologizing hitting me over and over making a hole in my retina cervical damage she even pressed her barefoot against my vaginal area you see her in the three women in medical PJs they all lied so please continue to help. Not fired or arrested.

Ray Kelly's Appellate Lawyer in front of 3 Judges Aug 21, 2015 admits understandable I feel aggrieved put my constitutional rights were in violated when in fact they were! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh9TedhfthE&sns=em
Please help go viral to shame MD, my attacker, NYPD, IAB,  Cy Vance and ADAs involved thank you.

Vid 6 second highlights Vine
Watch Delita Hooks remove her keys which had already hit me because they would hinder her goal to do a running punch to my left eye -- she made a hole in my retina she violated my patient rights assaulted me repeatedly
https://www.scribd.com/mobile/doc/173385168#fullscreen Delita Hooks false cross complaint I paid 15 dollars to get she walked in to 01 Precinct 2 days after me and committed yet another crime.  I had to fill out this form and the employee from 1 Police Plaza filled out the bottom paragraph with all of Delita Hooks lies except for 1 she admits she knows I was a patient.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Ringlings Cruelty Protested Barclays 10am this am by me

Video and there are more of
elephant abuse RINGLING

Ringling torturing a baby elephant that needs to be feeding
and kept warm by elephant Mom and herd...

instead you witness torture and every parent and child
should be explained about all the animals tortured
deprived food....this elephant is not feeding --- they
do not feed until they submit...

CAN FIGHT BACK and have only to be murdered
in a sea of bullets for no longer agreeing to take the abuse!

Behind the scenes they are tortured as small babies
would that be okay with human babies?  It is not okay with
dogs, cats or any animals -- than the abusers get
in front of audiences with the BULL HOOKS you can
see in both photos -- the bull hooks and whips a reminder
of the beatings, torture they have endured ---



Nosey isn't Ringling but one of still too many elephants
abused right here in the USA forced to give rides and
This is NOSEY who has been abused her entire life
and is in pain -- she is lame and arthritic and forced
to do things she would never ever want to do...
she wants to be with other elephants and graze and
walk and share love the way elephants do...

12 Things Ringling Doesn't Want You to Know http://peta.vg/1i0i What you don't know about elephants is like what you don't know about the Wall Street implosion or corruption in government -- you probably don't to know but you wouldn't want your child beaten and starved in to submission....all babies elephants, lions, tigers etc want food and warmth as much as possible.... google elephant training and see what Ringling has done the horrors and abuses.... do you think they have with held food will making babies sit on ICE blocks or spread them eagle and beat them when the babies should be warm with their mother and feeding... Even Ringlings Sanctuary is a lie... Any elephant that performed in the USA was taken from either Africa like Tyke or Asia -- any elephants born here have roots in Africa and Asia and were stolen away from their mothers if their Mom's weren't murdered.....

Protesting by myself at 10am in freezing weather

and FYI babies are suppose to be fed and eat constantly
all elephants eat constantly -- these instead live in fear
of the bull hook and even more abuse violence that
is how they are trained in to submission...

they don't get to eat like elephants in the wild but are beaten
in to submission and than when they do tricks they get

Ringlings Cruelty Protested Barclays 10am this am by me

Elephants here in the USA -- their ROOTS Africa and Asia --
stolen away as babies -- they cried and suffered as did the elephant
herds if they survived what ever horror was involved...

Elephants brains are bigger than ours and their hearts --- elephants and
plenty of wildlife of the capacity to love and grief....

Elephants even have empathy....

they don't behave like their abusers around the world that beat
them and starve them in to submission....

Elephants -- every elephant you are going to see has been stolen from their mothers!!!! Those elephants have been starved and beaten
in to submission -- shame on Ringings
selling you a lie!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

God in Shackles Film to End Elephant Slavery IndieFEST Global Film Award! Award of Merit: Documentary Feature

God in Shackles Film to End Elephant Slavery IndieFEST Global Film Award! Award of Merit: Documentary Feature 

Dear Friends:
We have some amazing news!! We've won our 5th award since January 2016. Congratulations to each and every one of YOU.  We received this message from the IndieFEST Competition Director, " Congratulations! On behalf of our entire staff and panel of judges, I am pleased to inform you that you have won an IndieFEST Global Film AwardAward of Merit: Documentary Feature 
Winning an IndieFEST is something you and your entire team can be proud of!  Our judges base their decisions on the quality, creativity and technical aspects of each piece.  The award appropriately reflects the endless hours you and your team have spent to create your outstanding production!  Congratulations on your achievement!"
We are also thrilled to inform you that we have raised just over $75,000 ... only $15,000 more to go to deliver on our first phase.  Thanks so much to each and every one of you who have contributed time and again AND OUR HEARTFELT AND MOST SINCERE GRATITUDE TO  ONE IMMENSELY GENEROUS SUPPORTER, who launched a dollar to dollar match for up to $7,000, making her our fifth Honorary Associate Producer.  This was organized by our own Monica Kelley with the help of Poppy Farm, who has been  a huge supporter of our campaign from day one.  This $$-to-$$ match  is still underway.   And what this means is if you contributed $5, it will become $10, and if you contributed $100 it will become $200. We can easily reach our goal of $15,000 in a matter of a couple of weeks if we worked collectively.  Please click here to continue to donate and share our EPIC AWARD-WINNING DOCUMENTARY PLEASE HELP US UNSHACKLE THESE TORMENTED SOULS FROM THEIR CHAINS OF PAIN: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/gods-in-shac...
We are working in the background on "other things" that I will email you when the timing is right, as that information isn't intended for public display. 
Much Gratitude from all of us in the Gods in Shackles Team!!  Congratulations to all of YOU!! At the end of the day the elephants are the winners, as the message is now spreading globally, and seeping into India as well.
Gods in Shackles Team
Reply directly to this email to respond to the campaign owner, Sangita Iyer. Visit the campaign page to view all comments and updates for this project.
Help spread the word about the campaign!
Fb icon d26a32d73ae9613113113064f405153f096c2eb2d0b41d0354a691125c4898fe Twitter icon 8ad86b5d3c1303ee282684c923bb9d093debbeab8e3084a4f20f0742c222c312 Gplus icon d28b243eebc7c5ec24af803563b03c06caeafd1c74d7ed9f307446bf37c598a3 Email icon 26733be6998eb6413b112803e8affd3ce824572329680e48d3671d659a6e5a9d

Kim Basinger Letter to 17 Yr old Girl Goal Stop Animal Atrocities Help Nosey the Elephant by Suzannah B. Troy artist

Kim Basinger Letter to 17 Yr old Girl Goal Stop Animal Atrocities Help Nosey the Elephant
by Suzannah B. Troy artist -- traumatized from a violent attack  hole in my retina so trying my best to write this post...

America and too many People around the world have no idea that Elephants face extinction in the Wild and all elephants in captivity have been stolen away, horrifically abused including Zoos but the worst are Elephants BEATEN gang beatings in to submission and Kim Basinger was cutting edge with Montel Williams sharing the horrific truth behind Circuses and Elephant rides.

Now Kim Basinger reaches out to 17 year old girl who wrote the President asking for help
to Free Nosey and African Elephant that has been tortured abused and suffers from serve arthritis 
and is still being forced to entertain and give rides -- she has been denied food and beaten since a baby  to 
make her a submissive elephant as all working elephants are
and there is recent  video of her abuser pulling food away from her!

Here's *Kenzie Hurlburt's letter from Kim Basinger
on behalf of Nosey the abused
elephant like too many elephants stolen from her mother
and herd family
and than horrifically abused and she is lame and in pain
from years
of abuse and exploitation 
like all Circus elephants and elephants
tortured in to servitude. 

Kenzie is a brave 17 activist who received this a beautiful letter from Kim Basinger as People around the world continue to demand Nosey a dear elephant who is suffering be retired to a sanctuary.

Rebel Mouse has extensive coverage of the on going actions to save Nosey.





Deeply moving -- I cried --
I had no idea about Elephants
being stolen away as babies beaten gang beatings
to make them submissive around the world including
the USA = thank you Kim for speaking up so long ago.

*Kenzie is the 17-year old daughter of Jennifer Hurlburt (AFNN) They helped Richard Isley Director of the California Institute on Nosey's storybook, and Kenzie wrote the letter to the president in the book.

Kenzie is a brave 17 activist who received this a beautiful letter from Kim Basinger as People around the world continue to demand Nosey a dear elephant who is suffering be retired to a sanctuary.








Krasnov (@greennomad61)
.@AlecBaldwin Ele Sanctuary is ready 2 accept #Nosey & give her care she needs #LetNoseyGo bit.ly/1O5Vx6W  pic.twitter.com/IS9qyn41gB

Krasnov (@greennomad61)
.@dneiwert .@observer Eyes r the window to the soul. Nosey’s eyes speak volumes! #LetNoseyGo bit.ly/1O5Vx6W pic.twitter.com/gwFpYWOD7L


PLEASE sign every petition on elephants -- just google Elephant petitions..

Donate to any "real" sanctuary like

India's Wildlife SOS   http://wildlifesos.org

and the amazing David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust the saves the most elephants babies
of large scale mass murders of elephants in the Wild than any other rescue organization
and they still lose many babies to broken hearts.

A great way to keep current with the Trust's work is to join us on Facebook.  Here we look to share regular news,  photographs and short films featuring the Orphans' Project and our many other conservation initiatives, so this is another way to stay connected throughout the month. http://www.facebook.com/thedswt

Keeping our orphans along with their friends safe in the wild is a priority for the Trust and our Aerial Surveillance Unit plays an important part in doing just that.  Working together with the Kenya Wildlife Service the Trust's aircraft and helicopter patrol the vast area that is Tsavo with their constant presence unearthing illegal activities, helping  with human wildlife conflict, veterinary assistance and a continuous presence that definitely helps thwart poachers.   Here we share our Aerial surveillance report for January, which also show- cases the beauty of Tsavo as seen from the air:  http://www.sheldrickwildlifetrust.org/updates/updates.asp?ID=895

http://www.godsinshackles.com  I have also donated money to God in Shackles a movie that 
exposes horrific torture from baby hood on Temple Elephants like the US, Thailand and many countries but India and Thailand force the elephants to take part in huge public ceremonies and in India the torture may rank as the worst 

Gods in Shackles - A Film by Sangita Iyer About Horrific Abuses of Elephants Wins California Indies Merit Award

Gods in Shackles - A Film by Sangita Iyer About Horrific Abuses of Elephants Wins California Indies Merit Award

Please donate to this film with the goal  to stop the abuse of elephants it's a free piece temple elephants that suffer every single day horrific torture   I donated. 

In America, Thailand, Africa, Asia including India  rethink abuse of elephants go on in if you see any submissive elephants it's because they been beaten tortured starved in ways you can't even imagine you have to see video footage or see it in person -- elephants were stolen away as babies and immediately tortured including spread eagle being hit beaten groups of people beatings  in India vicious vicious chains that pierce their skin to skin actually grows over into the prongs that are pressing in and in America they use electric shocks so in America where as guilty and the USDA our government allows elephant abuses and Ringling Circus  is still guilty of abusing animals including elephants in there supposed sanctuary and they're using elephants as lab rats that's how out-of-control it is 

We are also trying to free Nosey an abused elephant from babyhood as well forced to perform and we want to real sanctuary for elephants were there not lab rats and abused  is happening right now in Florida thanks to Ringling.  

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Obama via spokesperson Attacks Schumer on Homeland Security Behind the Scenes?

Obama via spokesperson Attacks Schumer on Homeland Security Behind the Scenes?

There is 1 other payback issue gee what's that...?


excerpt please go to link so see it all.....

"WASHINGTON – In extraordinary attack, the White House on Wednesday slammed Sen. Charles Schumer for criticizing the administration’s proposed cuts to homeland security funding – labeling Schumer “wrong” and even calling his “credibility” on homeland security into question by digging up a sore point in his voting record.
White House press secretary Josh Earnest delivered the unusual broadside at the man presumed to be the next Senate Democratic leader, just hours after Schumer, Mayor de Blasio and Police Commissioner Bill Bratton denounced federal cuts to urban security funds.}
Note from Suzannah:
Obama -- anti-Hillary move but also a slap in the face to Bloomberg, Ray Kelly, de Blasio and Bratton and I am alleging a lot of tax dollars including 911 money has been stolen here in NYC defense contractors, lobbyists, consultants some retired NYPD behaved like Wall St Titians responsible for the Wall St Implosion!!!!!!!!!  
FirstNet is a 7 billion dollar rip-off scandal and Ray Kelly's pick chief of kick backs Chuck Dowd was cleverly booted by Bratton who first hosted a FirstNet boarding meeting a 1 police plaza (exclusively and only reported by me) pre the Federal Investigation of FirstNet.

If there were a series of terror attacks or one large scale attacks more would be exposed on stealing and wrong doing over the years and fyi Rudy Guiliani profited from SAIC one defense contractor who was robbing NYC tax payer blinds --- SAICs specialities spying and stealing --- Rudy's guys turned lobbyists for SAIC....do the math...
Wow what is going on behind the scenes?  I keep asking for a forensic audit of 911 and a criminal prosecution of 911 tech crooks bigger than CityTime and NYPD hugely responsible for "overseeing" but hardee har not policing 911 contractors lobbyists and consultants because top NYPD were getting kickbacks graft gifts...?  The 2nd command center is not up yet -- it was suppose to be completed in 2012 but the boondoggle is now a 900 million dollar campus -- mysterious huh since 911 went over budget over 1 billion dollars and and suddenly Mark Peters corrupt Cy Vance owned by Goldman Sachs is  protecting Bloomberg administration and his predecessor who got 2 kick back jobs Rose Gill Hearn stats over billing isn't stealing when it is....

Anyway Obama doesn't want Hillary, Ray Kelly, Bloomberg and pals in The White House and although he and Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch have done zero about NYPD Eric Garner and a lot more this signals Obama's true feelings about Ray Kelly and Broken Windows Bratton as well as an anti Hillary move --- 

Are the People of NYC going to be collateral damage yet again besides the thieves that robbed tax payer's lives on 911 Tech bigger than CityTime, Bratton and Dowd hosting FirstNet, the NYPD getting away with murder....if there is another terrorist attack our 911 system may collapse again and FirstNet will fail...? And a whole more will fail like Wall st Implosion crooks teflon...

Obama via spokesperson Attacks Schumer on Homeland Security Behind the Scenes?

#MTA Homeless Man Smoking Angers Subway Riders Practically Empties Subway Car

You can see it well unless you enlarge the photo but he is smoking some kind
of home made cigar  === he is in terrible shape clearly which is sad but
what you can't do is smell and the smoke from the cigar like item he
was smoking was really upsetting People and have riders run to the next
car over and give him looks of anger...

He really upset folks...

He looks like he needs medical care and a home.

Homeless Man Smoking Angers Subway Riders Practically Empties Subway Car

Kim Basinger Montel Williams Yrs Ago Anti Beating Torture Circus Elephants Kim Now Helping Nosey

@ActforNosey clicked on link scrolled down Montel interview w/ Kim Basinger gang beating footage of circus elephants (from babyhood) cried

Deeply moving -- I cried -- I had no idea about Elephants being stolen away as babies beaten gang beatings to make them submissive around the world including the USA = thank you Kim for speaking up so long ago.

Click on the link for this twitter and it will take you to Kim Basinger being interviewed by Montel Williams and they both agree the horrific violence to make Elephants perform is unacceptable --

the horrific beating of baby elephants and grown elephants must stop and right now Barnum's fake sanctuary in Florida still is abusing elephants.

Watch the Montel Williams segment see a poor elephant being beaten over and over -- the trainers use bull hooks, electric shocks and deprivation of food on elephant babies and adults -- spread them eagle and torture them and this goes on to this day.

1) Watch this and google elephant petitions and sign them all and get involved -- join us helping to Free Nosey and donate like I have to a film Gods in Shackles about the horrific on going torture abuse of India's Temple elephants -- PLEASE FORCE YOURSELF TO WATCH THE Kim Basinger Montel Williams segment and see the open torture gang beatings of elephants.

It is amazing more elephants have not fought back killing their abusers.

Action For Nosey Now (@ActforNosey)
NEW! A Secret We Can Finally Share & Exciting News About #Nosey's Storybook via @ActforNosey rbl.ms/242MAEv pic.twitter.com/hIa8mIUZVG

Please click on the link and watch bl.ms/242MAEv pic.twitter.com/hIa8mIUZVG


Kim Basinger Montel Williams Yrs Ago Anti Beating Torture Circus Elephants Kim Now Helping Nosey

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Eliot Spitzer Barbie Doll Syndrome Not alone Men Money the Abuse of Power by Suzannah B. Troy Artist

Eliot Spitzer Barbie Doll Syndrome Not alone Men Money the Abuse of Power by Suzannah B. Troy Artist

Eliot Spitzer Barbie Doll Syndrome Not alone


One guy said to me all guys have the barbie doll syndrome -- they want total control of women ---

he said Spitzer just has the money to act it out ---

yeah so do a lot of rich men and the men gay or straight have their barbies, boy barbies and ken dolls but around the world when it comes to poverty -- the worst cases you and I can't imagine go on with predators preying on girls and boys poverty level....

sick stuff.....

I don't think all men have the barbie syndrome but in NYC plenty do and they use their positions of power to exploit women.....

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Moo Shoes Whatetine's Day Sea Shepherd fund raiser FYI less than 90 Vaquita mini dolphins face extinction

Sea Shepherd Whaletines Day Bake Sale protect the vaquita



Sea Shepherd protect the vaquita. Actor Martin Sheen donated boat. Mexican gov helping   Under 90 vaquita in world ---vacquita like mini dolphins face extinction....

Moo Shoes Vegan Shoe Store lower east side hosted bake sale fund raiser....

There were 4 tables set-up and there was the most amazing vegan
desserts and vegan food plus this table and I bought a Sea Shepherd
Vegan cook book and woman's Sea Shepherd sweat jacket!

Moo Shoes Whatetine's Day Sea Shepherd fund raiser FYI less than 90 Vaquita

Suzannah B. Troy artist Lowline Lower East Side Valentine's Day the beginning

Suzannah B. Troy artist Lowline Lower East Side Valentine's Day the beginning

This is just the beginning the future -- the lower east side crushed by a Tsunami of Development needs green space so underground will be the future ----for right now this is the tiny first step and is not under ground but there will be fund raising and it will be magnificent...one day

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Breaking CityTime Carl bell sentenced time served, 3 years probation

Breaking CityTime Carl bell sentenced time served, 3 years probation while CityTime crooks appeal their appeals.  CityTime  still not over and Destin for the dumpster possibly along with 911 even figure figure titanic hunk of junk like CityTime.  

Rudy  Giuliani gave us hunk of junk  CityTime  and Mike Bloomberg should've thrown it out and he didn't  and worse he gave us 911 tech corruption the biggest scam corruption ever New York City government. 
Sent from my iPhone

911 tech corruption nyc gov bigger than CityTime 
 The second backup unit command center in the Bronx for 911 is years behind schedule originally planned 2012 it's still not up and is now a $900 million project and before Bloomberg left office 911 went over budget $1 billion under Mike Bloomberg Christine Quinn  and whistle blower told me the whistleblower contacted both of them with evidence and DOI said no foul.  


NYC Gov 911 Bronx 2nd Back up Unit scheduled completion 2012 now Close to 1 Billion Campus Uncompleted

NYC gov 911 scandal bigger than CityTime -- rewind  Jun 21 2013 I testified at City Hall --- at the time  911 2nd Command Ctr 1 yr behind schedule 50 million--- suppose to be completed 2012 see NYC gov document below stating 2012 completion date  now 900 million dollars price tag  due to open Summer 2016 How about Accountability answers????
911 Tech system a bigger scandal and crime than CityTime (NYC gov's still flawed payroll system) is still not front page news and it should be. 

Mayor Bloomberg left office with the 911 tech system being over budget by 1 billion plus tax dollars but no investigative journalist has touched on the fact the 2nd emergency command center located in the Bronx is still not up and was suppose to be completed in 2012!!!

Somewhere along the line it was decided to take the back up command center at the time already a year behind schedule in 2013 at a 50 million dollar price tag and up spending to a 900 million dollar emergency "campus" is what I call it and MOST NEW YORKERS HAVEN'T A CLUE because there is not transparency.

Because of Sept 11 it was decided to put the emergency command Center in Brooklyn -- contractors starting with Hewlett Packard were openly stealing -- over billing -- Mark Peters under Bloomberg in now on the record stating over billing isn't stealing.  It is.   Like CityTime the 911 tech system was a hunk of junk.   Mayor de Blasio came in and said he fixed what was broke...but has he?  Why isn't anyone answering questions on the 900 million dollar back-up unit in the Bronx?

I know from my testimony at City Hall when Ariel Russo's parents testified before me -- that if any backing up of 911 is need the calls will be re-routed to 911.   

What isn't talked about is this 911 nightmare is Bloomberg and Ray Kelly's baby and they should be questioned and under oath.
Mayor Bloomberg who wants to be president allowed the largest boondoogle a tech titanic one of many to spiral out of control with tax payer dollars --- 911 in response to Sept 11 -- two separate commander centers and all these years the 2nd command center is still now up and running -- shocking -- like City Council raises -- HOW MUCH IS THIS GOING TO COST TAX PAYERS IN THE LONG RUN AND CAN TAX PAYERS SUSTAIN THIS KIND OF SPENDING WITH OUT ACCOUNTABILITY  TRANSPARENCY == YOU WANT TO SPEND BILLIONS OF TAX PAYER DOLLARS WHY ISN'T ALL THE SPENDING AND ACCOUNTABILITY ON WEBSITES -- I have called city council members the FDNY and I can't get answers but I found answers below and I have my testimony on YouTube...

NYC Gov From Bloomberg to de Blasio  911 2nd Command Center 4 Years Behind Schedule now 900 Million Dollars Not News

-- 911 originally called ECTP -- besides the contractors like Hewlett Packard tied to Homeland Security and Verizon caught in NSA scandal

I took a screen shot from the page below --- if you use my work can you credit me please?
It says the 2nd command center in the bronx was suppose to be done 2012 -- I testified at City Hall 2013 --it still was not done. I remember Gale Brewer was as upset as I was and at the time it was 50 million so explain how it ballooned up to 900 million dollars -- where did that 900 million come from as the 911 project at that time under Bloomberg was already 1 billion dollars over budget.

We are giving City Council a huge raise which with benefits pension will coast the city well over 10 million dollars a year -- a rough guess -- and now we have a 900 million plus command center that is MANY YEARS BEHIND SCHEDULE AND NEW YORKERS HAVE NO IDEA THEY HAVE BEEN LEFT OUT OF ANY BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT THE 2ND BACK UP UNIT --
if we had a large scale terrorist attack post 9-11 -- the 911 tech scam of the century under bloomberg and not bloomberg federal program FirstNet 9 billion two biggest scams in response to 9-11 -- this kind of spending and lack of accountability is like Wall St activities that led to an implosion?

Where is the transparency starting with 911 -- how about full accounting -- flow charts including contractors lobbyists nyc gov offices consultants and when the 2nd back up unit went from 2012 completion  50 million  to 900 million 2016 competition.


NYC a potential target terrorism post 9-11 911 tech scandal Bloomberg ray Kelly 2nd comd Ctr not up http://suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2016/02/nyc-911-scandal-900-million-bronx.html?m=1

The youtube contains my testimony and Liz Crowley said she would look in to my allegations -- fyi - I have a powerful witness who stood with NYPD and he said the ambulance was late -- now a new reporter aid Mark was shot in the head and it didn't matter but I say it did and if St Vincent's was open possible maybe Mark would have been alive --why was the ambulance late?  No answer from Liz Crowley.


Do you think Liz Crowley's staff will call me back and give me answers?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8dfDq74mO4  first I tell you about testifying and than you can hear my testimony….

testified  Jun 21, 2013

I stood outside City Hall at 9:30 am to testify 10:30 City Council Meeting on 911 which started 1/2 late.
Mayor Bloomberg's Deputy Mayor Cas Holloway did a 2 hour infomercial most though was a blatant lie 911 works.

To Gale Brewer's office -- her staff are wonderful --- I just don't think I will get answers although when I testified in 2013 Gale was as upset as I was that the 2nd command center was not up --
at the time it was a 50 million dollar project and already a year late!

This article now says the command center is 900 million — does that include everything staff, tech, building or just the building of the enormous “campus”

the article says the city says it is in budget but is it really?

the 900 million — is that part of the 2 billion dollars spent before Bloomberg left office or 900 on top of the 2 billion — the original budget is 1 billion under bloomberg like CityTime sky rocketed to 2 billion dollars….

Thank you,

Suzannah Troy

I knew Cy Vance is a dirty DA worse than Hynes in a shorter amount of time -- he refused  to prosecute 911 crooks  like they were Goldman Sachs royalty teflon in 2012 when the back up center already  50 million dollars was a year behind schedule -- I am guessing the powers that be knew the real price tag was going to be 900 million dollars and how could they justify spending close to a billion dollars on a 2nd command center still not up and running in 2016 with contractors and key officials maybe top NYPD in handcuffs.


In 2012 John Liu called 911 aka ECTP Mismanagement -- Tax Payers Pockets picked and prior to the press release below -- he first on 911 was called CityTime 2 and Scott Stringer removed these press releases from the website days after replacing Liu.  http://suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2015/12/ny-post-editors-chastise-scott-stringer.html

Is Ray Kelly in on me being repeatedly threatened, approved a violent attack at the MD's office where I had just had a cyst removed... than NYPD coercion threatening me as well as my attacker pay back for this blog -- the NYPD's role like head of Tech Chief Chuck Dowd one of how many taking expensive gifts from contractors over billing delivering late but the latest of all is the 2nd back up unit...

My Testimony at City Hall when I learned the 2nd back up unit in the Bronx was a mere 50 million dollars and already a year late -- first I talk about the experience and than listen....

also I bumped in to Ray Kelly and gave him my Justice card about the NYPD coercing me and fixing crime like a las vegas casino and than I met NYPD Chief Dowd inside before I testified -- I handed him my Justice card not knowing as per NYDN he was caught fixing crime and promoted my Ray Kelly and he read my card and refused my testimony.....when I introduced myself he refused to tell me what he was Chief of as if he was ashamed and I told him protocol requires he identity himself so he said he was chief of technology!

NYC Gov 911 Bronx  2nd Back up Unit scheduled completion 2012 now Close to 1 Billion Campus Uncompleted

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

911 Tech Bloomberg to de Blasio corruption Scandals Secrey Bronx Command center 900 million tax dollars

Terrorism Reality NYC 911 Scandal 900 Million $ Bronx Command Center Yrs Behind Schedule?

900 million $ tax payer $ Bronx 911 back-up not news public left out in cold for years biggest scandal bigger than citytime and  we face possibility terrorism threats I need think we'd have that second command center up and running years ago

Where is a full disclosure of all tax payer $ on 911 from the beginning when IXP pushed out Verizon protected  later Verizon was forced to pay back $50 million to the city later on  Verizon was caught giving head of NYPD technology Chief Chuck Dowd gifts  internal affairs was OK with that I audiotaped IA  posted on YouTube!

Public Safety Answering Center II will take its first call next June • Bronx Times

 I don't believe the common in this Bronx article about the budget and I want a full accounting transparency and FrontPage articles because this is about our safety!

 I testified at City Hall we need a criminal investigation at the time I did not understand and it is in my new lawsuit in New York State Supreme Court that 911 was and is the NYPD's baby so Ray Kelly and chief Chuck Dowd  have a lot of explaining to do along with Mike Bloomberg and key New York City officials and lobbyists under oath  along  with the past and current heads up Dept Of investigation so that would be Rose Gill Hearn and Mark Peters. 

Gail Brewer when I testified way back when maybe three years ago  furious that the command center was not up and running at the time dates and 50 million but the real price tech is close to billion Suzette additional billion dollars on top of the billion-dollar overrun on top of the original estimated billion so are we up to $3 billion on a 911 Texas them that Mayor Bloomberg  gave us 3 billion plus dollars  and it's not up and running in full completion and in my opinion is like Internal Affairs  really complicated and corrupted 

The story is huge and I made phone calls to the FDNY Gail Brewers office since one of the City Council's contact and no one gave me the answer I found this article myself online and not front-page news and it should be it's our lives -  I see NYPD elite units that are supposed to handle terrorism wolf we have a large scale terrace attack or series the 911 Texas and odds are 911 will collapse 

 Why isn't this front page news especially when we have Mike Bloomberg considering running for mayor and it's obvious why Ray Kelly  blocked from becoming head of Homeland security and it wasn't just his stance on stop and Frisk and Eric Garner's handwritten lawsuit.  

Kelly said 911  worked during hurricane Sandy but the phone lines didn't work FYI Verizon had to pay the city back $50 million on 911 and they were not even the lead contractor Hewlett Packard who is far more guilty!!!!

@PreetBharara @AlanChartock @SDNYnews 911 from Bloomberg Kelly to now over 3 bill$ & FirstNet 7 billion $ both response to 9-11 = scam?

My guess is top NYPD were taking kickbacks instead of stealing from  dealers getting kickbacks from lobbyist and contractors the New York yelling is already exposed chief Chuck Dowd  to this day continues to paint himself as a 911 expert when he is the chief of taking gifts  Who is taking big expensive gifts from Verizon who is over billing us and allowing Hewlett-Packard to deliver crap and deliver it late without blowing the whistle  Long with top NYPD officials anyone monitoring 911 and the command center in Brooklyn knew that the contractors were delivering late in delivering crap especially the lead contractor Hewlett-Packard people blew the whistle Mike Bloomberg and Christine Quinn were alerted from someone inside DOITT who was later harassed  I am ledge by an NYPD retired cop who's in advisor it's a horror story   Unreported I allege that Ray Kelly with malice and Bratton i'll leave it there oath and everything they stand for in my case they treated me like a rape victim because they hate this blog and what I have to say and then I'm a critic and I report NYPD and Internal Affairs doing 

If you follow the link on city council you'll see a mayor Bloomberg posted in New York City government website it's in NYPD website that gives you a clue how big NYPD's role is in 911 wrong doing along with the Bloomberg  administration. 

Mark Page and Bloomberg simple math at Harvard  along with anyone who could do simple addition Hewlett-Packard open the floodgates stealing and mysteriously the second command centers not up and running and it's a $900 million price tag no one's talking about it how many years is it gonna take to get that up and running specially with the possibility of terror attacks!!!!

Bloomberg's right hand Harris put her son into top position in technology with Bloomberg sisters best friend. 

layers and layers of news on this and then city time on reported  arrest zero accountability and zero transparency as I make phone calls and don't get answers   

 Continue to be treated like a Jew in the early stages of Nazi Germany   

 If you take my work can you credit me ???

"Nothing stays hidden forever"  David Lynch.  Comforts me re violence lies Dr Andrew Fagelman's Delita Hooks violence lies #NYPD IA lies

Ray Kelly's Appellate Lawyer in front of 3 Judges Aug 21, 2015 admits understandable I feel aggrieved put my constitutional rights were in violated when in fact they were! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh9TedhfthE&sns=em
Please help go viral to shame MD, my attacker, NYPD, IAB,  Cy Vance and ADAs involved thank you. 
Vid 6 second highlights Vine
Watch Delita Hooks remove DC her keys which had already hit me because they would hinder her goal to do a running punched in my left eye make me a hole in my retina 
https://www.scribd.com/mobile/doc/173385168#fullscreen Delita Hooks false cross complaint I paid 15 dollars to get she walked in to 01 Precinct 2 days after me and committed yet another crime.   

Monday, February 8, 2016

Internal Affairs, CCRB, NYPD IG Cook the books Mayor de Blasio says complaints against NYPD

Internal Affairs, CCRB, NYPD IG Cook the books Mayor de Blasio says complaints against NYPD 

Hilarious and tragic like a comedy horror show -- the agencies that supposed police the police cook the books and pass the corruption buck --- my case just one example and I am alive which is more than I can say about Eric Garner and his hand written lawsuit from 8 years ago sums it up as does his death so he is not making any more complaints...

The NYPD IA CCRB NYPD IG CCPC all fixed it and the are corrupt and there is no why they are reporting the truth but protecting the blue wall of corruption -- NYPD IG chief investigator NYPD blue blood, head of CCRB in bed with bratton -- IAB internal affairs bureau was and is very corrupt

It is amazing Bill de Blasio thinks he will get a 2nd term -- I am one of many who is not voting for him and will not vote for Scott Stringer....  any ideas on why...