Project Manager, Festival of Ideas for a New CityNEW MUSEUM235 BoweryNY, NY 10002
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Clayton Gallery and Outlaw Art Museum Project Title: LES Exposed (p.s. Suzannah B. Troy’s portrait of Mike Bloomberg is in it so be there!)
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Rally at St. Vincent's on April 30 to Demand a New Hospital for the Lower West Side
Rally to Demand a Hospital to Replace St. Vincent's
Saturday, April 30, 2011, at 2:00 p.m.
2011-04-30 St Vincents Hospital One Year Rally PosterRupert Murdoch Glenn H. Hutchins Mike Bloomberg Why Suzannah B. Troy is banned from The NY Post as a commentor + why the Post refused to report Mike was booed relentlessly Triangle Shirt Factory 100 year Memorial!
Board of Directors -- Partnership for New York City
New Yorkers! Do NOT see Matt Damon’s new movie Adjustment Bureau Mike Bloomberg makes a cameo
The NY Post Prevents Suzannah B. Troy from commenting as she would today about the media refusing to report Mike Bloomberg was Booed Relentlessly at The Triangle Shirt Factory Memorial with Shouts of Tammany Hall
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Mayor Bloomberg Was Booed At The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire Ceremony
NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg was booed at the 100th Anniversary of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire ceremonies today.
NEW YORK - At a ceremony commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire, Mayor Michael Bloomberg was loudly booed by labor activists and union supporters, Agence France-Presse reported.
Mayor Bloomberg had been delivering a speech about fire safety when activists began to boo the unpopular mayor. The ceremony took place in Greenwich Village, outside the building where the fire broke out on March 25, 1911. The building is now owned by New York University.
Since he changed the term limits laws to run for a previously impossible third term as mayor, Mr. Bloomberg, a billionaire, has been on a scorched-earth campaign to shut down firehouses all across New York City. Critics allege that the closing down of firehouses and the layoffs of firefighters would put the city at risk should a large fire take place.
Today's ceremony was marking the deaths of 146 people at the Triangle Shirtwaist Company ; the outrage following the fire and deaths resulted in reforms in labor laws in New York and around the nation.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
As His Popularity Sags In This Tough Economy, Mayor Bloomberg Spends $1 Million On Desperate Campaign Commercials
Mayor Michael Bloomberg launches a major TV advertising blitz to fluff his ''reputation,'' even as his goodwill amongst voters shrivels up.
Mayor Bloomberg has reportedly made a media buy of almost $1 million worth of TV commercials that tell the story that he has been ''fighting for New York,'' instead of trying to close firehouses, shut down senior citizen centers, cut childcare, layoff teachers, avoid missing votes, build luxury condos on the hallowed ground of St. Vincent's Hospital, make money from government information, and end Progressive Era reforms. It should come as no surprise that, consequently, Mayor Bloomberg is falling in popularity amongst voters. It's almost as if Mayor Bloomberg's legacy has been flushed down the toilet.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Christine Quinn did not have money for the rent 4 times but she has money for a speech writer and a new condo! Mike and Quinn spin and lies
On April 28 the Council Slush Fund Investigation Enters Its Forth Year
Its 1057 Days Since the City Council Hired Lawyers To Defend Themselves From Member Items Slush Fund Crimes
* Entire City Council That Was In Office On April 28, 2009
"Politicians in New York City and Albany really enjoy giving away the public’s money and making it seem like their own largess. As the latest news out of the New York City Council attests, these grants are, at best, a political trick intended to buy voter loyalty. At worst, they have led to outright theft." (April 29, 2008, NYT Editorial)
Lawyers for Council Seen as a Departure (The Sun) * CITY TO PAY FOR COUNCIL'S LAWYERS - New York Post * Common Cause Blog :: Slush Fund Follies in New York * - NYC Taxpayers Petition For Slush Fund Inquiry * Lobbyists' Role in Council Slush Fund Scandal Probed - June 20 ... * BLOOMBERG HAS HIS OWN SLUSH FUND - New York Post* Phony Allocations by City Council Reported - New York Times * New York’s Slush Addiction - New York Times - Editorial * SLUSH-FUND SHENANIGANS - NY Post Editorial * QUINN: SLUSH FUND HELPED ME - New York Post
Sunday, March 20, 2011
City Councilman Ruben Wills OutStanding Warrant exposed in contrast The NY Times did a puff piece glossing him over!
Powerful piece and disturbing how The New York Times did a puff piece like they have with Mike Bloomberg and they guy has a criminal past. He is not a felon but really awful.
NYDNY doing a series on corruption NY City Council!
True News From Change Blog Has Been Restored
Breaking News ! Update on True News From Change NYC Blog
Gary Tilzer's blog, True News From Change NYC, about New York government corruption, political reporting, and other commentary about government transparency, has been restored. Earlier today, it had been discovered that the True News blog had been suspended by Google for inexplicable reasons overnight. The suspension of the blog had become a focal point of support today by many New York bloggers and activists. No reason for the suspension is yet known, but New York bloggers suspect political censorship might have been one motive behind the removal of the blog.
Christine Quinn City Council's Dirty Secrets + Quinn's Slushgate!
CENSORED : True News From Change NYC Blog
Update : True News From Change NYC Blog Has Been Restored
Google Blogspot Blog Has Been Removed For No Reason ; Blogger Community Suspects Political Censorship ; Call To Action

Please send an e-mail to and copy Gary Tilzer, the owner of the censored blog, at -- demanding that the True News blog be restored.
True News is a blog dedicated to reporting about government scandals, politics, and transparency. (Here is the cached version of the True News blog.)
This is not the first act of censorship against Mr. Tilzer. Before the 2010 election, a YouTube video that Mr. Tilzer produced was banned by NBC/YouTube and had to be replaced with an edited version. In the last couple of years, others have faced incidences of cyber censorship or retaliatory activity. One and a half months before the 2009 election, the YouTube channel owned by the artist and political commentator Suzannah B. Troy was likewise censored, until bloggers and a lawyer intervened on her behalf. In 2010, this blogger was attacked by computer viruses 3 or 4 times, including on the day this blogger reported to the New York Department of State Committee on Open Government an act of censorship committed by Brad Hoylman.
Flashback : Secretary of State Hillary Clinton hailed Internet freedom as tool to ‘spread truth and expose injustice’
We need your help to keep courageous bloggers, like Mr. Tilzer, doing what they do. If you are reading this, it is because you are turning to the Internet for reliable information. For it to be here, bloggers, like Mr. Tilzer, have to be able to do their work without fear of retribution or censorship.
Google Blogger Censors NY Political Blogger Gary Tilzer -- Tilzer blog removed over night!
Dear Norman:
Gary's powerful work telling the truth about special interest groups and corruption by some of the most powerful rich players on the NY scene just vanished courtesy of Blogger Google and we believe his 1st Amendment rights have been violated.
If his blog is not returned by Monday morning would you write a letter like you did for me to Google when my YouTube channel was removed a month and half before the mayoral election.
Press at Google -- Please be confident starting Monday a massive email barrage will hit Google like Bloomberg's Blizzard to 2010. We will be posting a request all readers write you on the top of our bloggerIf this wrong is not righted people will leave Google products like YouTube and Blogger.
Thank you,Suzannah B. Troy
Tilzer calls Zenger the Father of Modern Journalism. Zenger was thrown in jail here in NY for telling the truth that the British Governor’s administration was corrupt and Gary Zenger just had his blog removed as I had all my YouTubes removed a month and half before the mayoral election for telling the truth. May 4, 2009
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Suzannah B. Troy The Morgan Library!
Mike Bloomberg Looks in The Mirror and See Glenn Hutchins, Outsourced NYC Gov by Suzannah B. Troy
Sally Goldenberger NY Post exposed Gartner Indirect Kick Backs (paid to fail quality control) CityTime! Glenn Hutchins Owns Gartner
FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 2011
Mike Bloomberg Financial Incest Fat Cat Deals CityTime Gartner Kick Backs? or When Mike looks in the mirror he sees Glenn Hutchins
How is it that Gartner is hired for Quality Assurance in nearly every City Agency and paid tens of millions of taxpayer money to monitor things and we end up with results like the City Time fiasco? Public Records show that these consultants are paid almost $300 an hour to make sure City Agencies are efficient or.... maybe inefficient as I am learning. Isn't it a bit more than ironic that all ofthis fraud occurs under their watch while the investment firm Silver Lake, who owns a majority of Gartner, and again which is run by Bloomberg’s fellow Harvard MBA friend, racks in the duckets for the failure. Hutchins also petitioned City Hall for Mike Bloomberg’s third term in an Open Letter published in the Daily News. I suppose I would be petitioning City Hall for Bloombuck's third term if all of my companies that I purchased could bilk the City during it and create a big failure that I get paid millions for so long as the failure continues. Why not in this regime? What a joke!!! Read the link yourselves: