A younger man 40 -- perfect asks me out to lunch. The only problem is I have my pink bra hanging out and I look at bit like sex worker -- maybe a little too healthy and voluptuous but I dressed this way to demand Cy Vance resign. http://suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2012/05/cy-vance-one-term-cy-rape-cops-heroin.html
You see for the morons that read my blog --- NYPD and any and all men do not get to rape and be a sex predator period. You do not get to pray on us based on how we dress, if we are naked, drunk whatever!
Cy and his ADA could not convey to two juries that rape victims are not lying and the juries believed the rapists lying cops Moreno and Pena when it got down to actual penetration.
I want to ask Cy Vance if he will return the 5 grand Lloyd Constantine gave him because Cy should be more outraged than I am that Constantine acted as Pena’s defense attorney and more.
Anyway a nice man chatted me up and agreed to take my photo on my ipad. He asked me out to lunch.
I asked him “Are you a sex maniac?” He said no. I said forget it. I only date sex maniacs! Just joking but I again I know I have mentally ill morons reading my blog plus I know not to say that to the next guy that asks me out especially if he is a blog fan.
He gave me his telephone number. He was nice and he told me Cy Vance is a nice guy. I said I am sure he is. I said Cy is cute but he is a lousy DA and needs to resign.
and here I am in the subway on my way to protest Cy Vance.