NYPD Coerced me to drop charges or go to jail with a hole in my retina Saturday arrest for Dr Fagelman's savagely violent receptionist Delita's running punch to my eye grabbing my hair trying to drag me down the hall by my hair damaging my neck not fired or arrested I agreed to false arrest Oct 16 immediate than Det John Vergona changed my false arrest date to Saturday oct. 20, 2012 4PM IAB let him and his supervisor retire! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh9TedhfthE I am alleging fix, favors and retaliation -- please look at the first page -- it mentions HP tied to 911 Tech corruption as well as mayor Bloomberg Ray Kelly free rides Air Bloomberg....http://www.scribd.com/doc/188752042/NYPD-Commissioner-Ray-Kelly-Charles-Campisi-DI-Ed-Winski-Lt-Agnes-Lt-Angelo-Burgos-IAB-Sgt-Mary-O-Donnell-Sgt-Chen-Det-Andy-Dwyer-Det-John-Ve

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Death Toll Rises Rewind Mayor Bloomberg Yelled Down CityTime 911 ECTP at Press Conference NYPD I...

Bloomberg asks reporters if they want to ask him about what I was yelling to do so after the press conference --- none did.


Now as death toll rises will we get the criminal investigation John Liu requested after his 20 page audit?

Death toll rising 911 and 311 fail we were grossly over billed including "quality control" and consultants and in thus case lives as elderly left in darkness and cold-- not good fragile NYers may not survive..

Now a criminal investigation 911?
One term Cy no investigation St Vincent's Hospital crooks not good for Rudin acquisition pennies on the $?

Months before I yell down Bloomberg about 911 system not working properly.

Mayor Bloomberg Yelled Down CityTime 911 ECTP at Press Conference NYPD Intelligencehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pj_Mk2JOEQ&sns=tw via @youtube

Maybe now we will get a criminal investigation?

Lucky we haven't been hit with a terror attack like 9-11 because 2 billion 14 million dollars and our 911 system can't handle it and by the way 311 another tech titanic couldn't handle the calls.  Ask Mike Bloomberg the combined cost of consultants, quality control, outsourcing on ECTP 911 Tech (corrupt), CityTime (corrupt), and 311 corrupt over the top spending on these three tech Tax Payer Titanics.

911 has blood history from City Island death, Bloomberg's Blizzard to Hurricane Sandy.

Seems like the Feds wire tapping wrong guy.

Begin forwarded message:

Suzannah B. Troy

Suzannah B. Troy after Hurricane Sandy NYC - YouTube
http://mayorbloombergkingofnewyork.blogspot.com/2012/10/suzannah-b-troy- yelled-down-bloomberg_30.html

911 Bloomberg post-Hurricane Sandy

9-11 Bloomberg  post-Hurricane Sandy -- morning after by water

ps  Isn't that NYPD Lt handsome?  Better looking that Patrick Stewart and Daniel Day Lewis.

911 Tech System Corruption Cover-ups Bigger Than CityTime

Wall St Journal 911

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohGEC_wVlUE&sns=em I have a demand for a criminal investigation into 911 ECTP on the top of my blogs ever since John Liu did a 20 page audit and called for a crimminal Investigaton. The Feds are wire tapping wrong guy. 

2 years ago ? Liu did a press release CityTime 2 exposing ECTP 911 tech system corruption that understated in my opinion 3 major contractors were over billing in my opinion stealing just like SAIC and sub-contractors did for yeas on CityTime and Preet Bharara refuses to go back in Time even though u can read on Pacers SAIC shareholders have loks like my blog minus typos.

We were robbed 911 with over billing. The back-up command center ECTP 911 property in Bronx -- NYDN exposed bronx property sold to us nyc gov tax payers for bargin price 45 million dollar when Thr family alleged to have Mafia ties bought the land for 5 mill. I can't make this up.

Here is 911 real estate deal mafia related ties profited 40 million on sale to nyc gov NYDN article in link above.

Doitt and OPA as well as Bloomberg mark page his deputy mayors including puppet Quinn and City council could not do simple 4th grade math. We went over budget 1 billion 14 million tax payer dollars trying doing that in Mike's private empire. He would be poverty level homeless.

City Council let Mike spend 2 billion 14 million dollars on a flawed system where they were in my opinion stealing more than CityTime.

Mayor Bloomberg Yelled Down CityTime 911 ECTP at Press Conference NYPD Intelligencehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pj_Mk2JOEQ&sns=tw via @youtube

Mike said to the press after so yelled him down they could ask him about what I yelled after the conference. No one did.

HP no 1 guilty with no 911 experience. Hmmmm how did they get lead position displacing IXP yet keeps IXP on as subcontractor. Schumer in bed with Northrop Grumman and what about Verizon?

I have more links and set a record blogging on this calling for a criminal investigation and our money back and hey on CityTime and ECTP arrests and resignations NYC gov official. 

No doubt People died because of 911 they have in the past under this system. 

Why did we give 14 m to NASa? NYPD answering 911 calls on the moon?

Federal contracts drying up so they came here where Rudy and Mike dreamed of White House jobs.

Rudy gave us CityTime SAIC and his guys lobbyists. Look at date of this Youtube I was the only one to say no to renewal SAIC and we need a full investigation.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Tz4eMcP2LU&sns=em

Here we go again. 

So far HP getting a soft landing 911.

Hurricane Sandy Christine Quinn No St. Vincent's Hospital

Sent to me:

Bloomberg did not prepare/test hospitals as part of city's emergency plan. 


Why no mention of this city hospital not having power?

NYU Langone being shredded new a-hole for no preparation. But it rolls up to mayor's emergency disaster plan.

Not news worthy and The NY Times has been acting like Christine Quinn's campaign manager but the only hospital that had a back-up generator that worked was Goldman Sachs  -- oh GS not a hospital -- we are forced to bail out banks not hospitals.
Goldman Sach Mike Bloomberg's best client and a GS guy Christine Quinn's community relations guy that curses out activists with the F bomb and never visited the community as they stood out side locked out by Quinn in the freezing cold to demand a hospital.  I was there dressed as Quinn.

Just like Term Limits Christine Quinn Locked out her community and flushed democracy down the toilet yet again....no hospital.

Norman Siegel in a stirring speech called for an investigation in to the lock-out.

Has Hurricane Sandy exposed the largest corruption ever the 911 Tech system called ECTP and also that fact Bloomberg, Quinn, Howard Rubenstein and City Council with Scott Stringer and Amanda the People's Burden the worse commissioner city planning all should have gotten us protective zoning for a hospital only?

Cy Vance where is the prosecution of St. Vincent's Hospital crooks?
Afraid it would bring attention to Rudin family acquisition?

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

911 ECTP Bloomberg Bagels One Way Sandy Hurricane

Mayor Bloomberg one way the wrong way......old fashioned hand rolled bagels.....

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohGEC_wVlUE&feature=share&list=UUmCef-t72tojrbQ3d8UW2LA    the scoop and poop on the 911 Tech Scandal maybe now we will get the criminal investigation that John Liu requested when he finished his audit of the 911 Tech System.

Google and research -- bigger than CityTime -- maybe now the truth will come out and the people that should be held accountable.

Bloomberg made huge mistakes waiting way too long to tell kids not to go to school and even worse non-essential city workers.   Dept of Building did not make sure construction sites were secured just like Hurricane Irene and I have proof and photos both Hurricanes.

Bloomberg gets a D- minus rating.

Gawker brought Bloomberg's follies to a Shakespearean with Bloomberg's bulge...
Shakespeare used all levels from the most sophisticated to the most primitive to get his message across and so do I...

Just got word from a dear blogger friend Bloomberg has cancelled the Halloween parade -- again not the best news as New Yorkers need something fun to do so Bloomberg could have gotten creative and said we will move it to such and such a place and date so get ready to have some fun.....

In the meantime the death toll has got to be higher and People who rely on electricity for life support and care including elderly fragile people that need warmth could be in jeopardy.

Stay tuned prayers and hope for the best.  Condolences to those who lost loved ones.

Suzannah B. Troy after Hurricane Sandy NYC


Hurricane Sandy 911 NYC Proof Mayor Bloomberg Time to Resign!



Hurricane Sandy 911 NYC Proof Mayor Bloomberg Time to Resign!



Suzannah B. Troy yelled down mayor bloomberg 911 Tech system doesn't work properly

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pj_Mk2JOEQ&sns=em  Hear me say it ECTP 911 Tech is not working properly 2 billion 14 million dollars and it does not work!  Shame on You Mayor Bloomberg!!

I yell as handsome Let. O'Sullivan NYPD Intelligence walks me away!

Suzannah B. Troy Yelled Down Bloomberg 911 Tech System Doesn't Work 2 billion 14 million dollars Doesn't Work!

Ask NYPD Lt. O'Sullivan Intelligence division.

I did it at a press conference.

Bloomberg invited press to ask him questions about what I yelled about and none did!

Now thanks to Sandy I may get the criminal investigation I have been fighting for from this blog!

I sent out this email this am....

With Ron Kuby's help I fought off a (in my opinion)  corrupt det first precinct  and false arrest baby putinville (I call Mike baby putin)

Hurricane Sandy exposed Bloomberg as a fraud gawker showed him with a boner.

Infrastructures shot to hell 911 exposed criminal investigation now finally?

My life a short story Kurt Vonnegut in The monkey house. 

How Mike Bloomberg tried to have me shut up, shut down and even had a techie remove me shouting the 911 tech system doesn't work - -you can hear me on NYC gov website blue room yelling about CityTime but mysteriously the 911 tech system does not work removed via magic.

ps for blog

FYI Lt. O'Sullivan is a class act NYPD guy compared to the det at first precinct....google NYPD First precinct makes assault dissapear (I should know I was assaulted -- guess certain NYPD think I deserve to get assaulted?)


Hurricane Sandy 911 Collapses Con Ed Explosion Why Bloomberg Must Resign by Suzannah B. Troy

Elevators did not work so they slid patients down stairs using mattresses is what I am told.

I just called a 212 number down town did not work.

We were forced to bail out banks not hospitals.

Do banks do CPR?

Amazing not more deaths.

Cuomo over-rides bloomberg

Bloomberg no longer lame duck but a dead duck -- he should resign...

He had more than enough time to prepare and tell school kids and city workers do not come in and he didn't.

Bloomberg knew and so did Cy Vance 911 Tech system a fraud and scam didn't work -- NY Post had 2 article on EMS software flat lining last Oct and this July but there was way more to the corruption and utter criminal behavior 911 ECTP tech system.  Google it and read my blog posts -- it is up at the top of every blog of mine calling for a criminal investigation.

did we have a Trauma Level 1 hospital up and working downtown from 34 on down Bellevue and NYU shut down?

Why luxury condos instead of a hospital West Village  -St. Vincent's a Trauma level 1 with rape crisis center...

Google Christine Quinn Chuck Meara
Google Christine Quinn Talking Points

Monday, October 29, 2012

Mayor Bloomberg 911 Overloaded Hurricane Sandy Proof Corruption 2 bill 1...

Now there must be an investigation into 911 ECTP!!!  This is not like 9-11 where you had tons of people in the streets calling for help and this 2 billion 14 million dollar system does not work == can't handle calls -- are you kidding me?

John Liu called for a criminal investigation -- where is it.

Suzannah B. Troy Coffee Place Hurricane Sandy

Assaulted corrupt cops worse than her. 1st precinct made it disappear

Hurricane Sandy nyc Bloomberg Schmuck

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Mayor Bloomberg Schools Open Gov Cuomo Shut Down Public Transportation!

Gov Cuomo showed strong leadership as Mike appears to be suffering from dementia or living in a fantasy land or maybe he is in Bermuda.  Mike and his deputies too busy with Super Pacs?
Stay safe.
Maybe now we will get the criminal investigation into the 911 Tech system ECTP that John Liu called for when he handed in 20 page audit.



Friday, October 26, 2012

Ron Kuby Attacked Again by Cowardly Rapper Gay Basher

Ron Kuby's' attacker wronged Ron Kuby again but too ignorant, weak  and cowardly to own up. 
Let's say I can more than empathize.

Hey Ron you and I similar experiences except you did not have in my opinion have a corrupt Det like mine trying to beat me - he didnt use fist just threat false arrest --in to dropping assault charges using a in my opinion false counter complaint which is a criminal act just like assault!!!

Both Ron's attacker and mine in my opinion lied about us falsely blaming us ---another type of assault.

They don't have an inkling of taking responsibility for their violent actions which started with aggressive inappropriate verbal attacks. 

Cowardly to blame the victim. 

My video of attack shows her threatening me bodily harm at md office than attacking me key on wrist a weapon? Shoes thrown r they a weapon?

Well if the powder keg goes off on someone else blame the Det.    Thanks to in my opinion a corrupt detective the Dr. Fagelman's violent receptionist won't be getting anger management....

quote from Kuby, The NY Post....

"The sad thing is young men like this kill somebody or get killed every day over stupid stuff," he said. "So I think that anger management is a good thing and I think he should start soon," he said, adding,

Everyone I know is stunned by how I was assaulted. Today teased about being eaten by alleged corrupt Det. Not funny. 

Ron helped me with the Det.http://suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2012/10/nypd-first-precinct-makes-assault.html?m=1 

Believe this guy wronged Kuby yet again.

You might not agree with Kuby but he did not deserve this.   

If anything Kuby compassionate.   This guy wronged Kuby. 


Thursday, October 25, 2012

NYPD Cannibal Cop 100 Women to Eat and Murder?

 Wow read below -- I am so lucky the in my opinion corrupt det supposedly investigating me being assaulted I caught the verbal threat and the beginning of the assault on video but he made it disappear threatened me with false arrest and wow now I count my lucky stars he did not admit to anyone he wanted to eat me and kill me! http://suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2012/10/nypd-cop-thoughts-of-killing-eating.html

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Occupy Wall St. Debt Strike Protest Columbus Circle DI Winski

Photos by Louis Flores

Activist from Occupy Wall Street organized a demonstration and teach-in about the burden of debt.

There is Deputy Inspector Winski from the First Precinct.

Young NYPD PO forefront  in is putting on his gloves.

Everything is Peaceful!!!!!!!!
The NYPD were there monitoring the event.

The activists published and distributed The Debt Resistors' Operations Manual to help People get out of debt!
The manual is free on scribd

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Giuseppi Logan Photo of Suzannah B. Troy German Mag

German Mag photo  editor contacted me for permission to use a photo of Giuseppi Logan for an article they are doing.  Of course I said yes.

My first YouTube -- the one that rocked the jazz world --- People thought he was dead and my YouTubes helped to alert his son -- his only child from his 2nd marriage he was alive and we united them for the first time in I believe 40 years not long after this video Giuseppi would lose touch with his youngest son Jaee Logan.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSb-JgMIeuA&feature=related

Signal to Noise Magazine did the most beautiful piece "Out from the Shadow'  (not on line but really fully recognized my work and the British film maker that made the footage in Tompkins almost 50 years apart -- our footage -- same park --- haunting -- especially because I have my own footage of Giuseppi and Jaee re-united for the first time in Tompkins....and than came The New York Times Piece.

Very touching --- It is great to do my work and also to know I have done good deeds especially in the face of just a terrible wrong doing, being viscously assault by an MD's receptionist and she and MD refuse to take responsibility so this email asking for my work which also help Giuseppi Logan is a beautiful gift this am.   (This is an open police investigation.  http://youtu.be/dh9TedhfthE I am writing you with a fading black eye from last week shocking and wrong assault).

The NY Times recently gave me photo credit also-- image from a YouTube and I just was  interview  this weekend by a NYT reporter although I have to keep mum on the topic.  The article should be out in 3 weeks -- it is not Giuseppi Logan.

Suffering from lack of sleep extra bad due to the assault happy to share this news.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Andy Cuomo Do Not Evict Mentally Ill


Andy Cuomo did not cut corruption and cronyism.  Bloomberg administration historic levels of corruption starting with tech contracts but Albany as well tragic because if wasn't so corrupt there would be no cuts State or City but so much thievery and cronyism.  

Medical Doctor Receptionist Punches Me in Eye Soho

I had extremely bad insomnia.

a medical MD's receptionist runs at me with a closed fist and punches me in the eye, than grabs my hair and than attempts to kick me in the groin. 155 Spring St. 4th floor