NY1 fires honest and good camera man news reporter for filming us Protesting Bill Rudin Rudin Family Condo Sales Office 120 West 12th Street were we ask for a full service hospital. Call and ask NY1 to do the right think and re-hire him! 212-NY1-NEWS (212-691-6397). email newspix@ny1.com
Joan Rivers said Robin Williams was brilliant...well it takes one to know one.
In an industry where it is almost in possible to make it Joan kept making it and making it giving a new meaning to an enduring presence.
Howard Stern has some amazing interviews with her the most disturbing when Jerry Lewis threatened her life. She could really piss people off.
Joan Rivers: I'm so saddened by the death of Robin Williams. He was an amazing talent, a giving man, a brilliant comedian and an extraordinary actor. Robin genuinely made me laugh and was one of the "good guys." I’ll miss him and his wonderful spirit.
I may or may be the last person to figure out the Bill Bratton will be fired in my opinion but ask ABC News and that big fat real estate firm that hired KKK Ray Kelly if they are disturbed by the sea of YouTube showing Ray Kelly's corrupt cops knowingly and willingly violating the constitutional rights of African-Americans and Hispanics New Yorkers. Course there's my YouTube and lawsuit and I'm preparing to name Bill Bratton in the second lawsuit....
NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton made $1.35M last year is He Networking FirstNet in Case He is Fired????
Click link read letter talks about New York State highest taxes it's very disturbing letter check it out...
Michael Lawler, the manager for Republican Rob Astorino’s gubernatorial campaign, has sent his counterpart, Joe Percoco, a letter formally requesting debates.
Lawler, in the letter, notes that Astorino earlier this summer had called for a series of regional debates with Cuomo, and adds the “offer still stands.”
From the letter:
“When asked about debates recently, the Governor stated that he will “leave that to the campaigns to work through and my campaign will be talking to my rivals’ campaigns and they’ll figure it out, I’m sure.” Based on his comments, I wanted to reach out to you directly and get the ball rolling. Several weeks ago, County Executive Astorino proposed that he and Governor Cuomo do a series of eight regional debates so that they may discuss the issues not only affecting New York State as a whole, but issues unique to the voters in each region. That offer still stands.
The letter comes after Cuomo, along with his running mate, former Rep. Kathy Hochul, were invited to a televised debate by Time Warner Cable News and NY1 with their primary opponents, Zephyr Teachout and Tim Wu.
Neither Cuomo or Hochul committed to the debate invitations.
Cuomo debated in 2010 alongside a host of candidates in an event that devolved into a circus-like atomsphere. Astorino has said he does not want a debate that includes multiple candidates, just a one-on-one forum with him and Cuomo.
#NYPD Bill Bratton Firing Inevitable de Blasio Last To Know Bratton 's Legacy Broken Tarnished in Dumpster w/ Kelly Only Rich Real Estate, Cuomo and ABC, 1% Hire Kelly
My opinion anyone hiring KKK Ray wants fixing and favors... My opinion that's how the doctor who did not fire his violent lying employee Delita Hooks did it - he called 1800 NYPD fix it. Police are out of control violent, lying even in police reports and Internal Affairs fixing.
The new police commissioner would have to come in pretty much tear internal affairs Bureau part because it's over complicated hunk of junk just like 911 tech corruption. Is Bill Deblasio looking for new police Commissioner?
He should be.
Mayor De Blasio Bill Bratton Fired?De Blasio Closet Republican? Parody
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Q12fC4g7mk Parody HI I'm your mayor the last 2know Bratton is 2be fired Parody Bratton during Eric Garner Protest -- where was Bill Bratton? At One Police Plaza networking and booking dates at A list parties for him and his wife?
I feel like Lenny Bruce except I never have done drugs but it looks like I may need Ron Kuby at any moment...
Do you think I will be "accidentally" hardee har har murdered like Eric Garner. I am not laughing just coping with the anger since I have a damaged retina from Delita Hooks making a hole in my retina and she damaged my eyes and neck with her attack. No arrest and she wasn't fired so the NYPD and Internal Affairs Bureau sure did Dr Andrew Fagelman a favor.
2014- #########
Please add that internal affairs never interviewed me on Coercion and did so I'm purpose because they knew the police light in the reports it was obvious and Ron Kuby did not reach out to Detective John Vergona on Monday but Saturday Oct 20 The second day I agreed to be false arrest since Vergona said oct 16 was no longer an option night and I had to wait for days until Saturday.
Arrest the Jew on the Sabbath? Are you anti-Semitic. Why do I have to wait for days no answer.
The key thing is internal affairs never talk to me didn't want to investigate any of this because they knew that the detective was lying that standard I allege and Ron Kuby reached out on Saturday not Monday.
You left that out and miss led the federal judge and everyone because he wanted to cover up the fact he threatened me and also did not have my attacker coming Saturday but just me the victim.
2 corrupt police administration's Ray Kelly, Bill Bratton my attacker a violent liar has yet to be arrested.
I have more NYPD paper work but you can start with this one where Det John Vergona lied and the video proves he lied in his DD5 and he lied about me not being available to meet him. He never even offered to meet me and when I repeatedly asked him to meet me to see which eye I was punched in since he was "confused" he repeatedly refused.
IAB Sgt Decker told me Lt Anges of the Integrity Bureau try not to laugh would interview everyone just like Det Vergona said he would and it never happened. The fix was in just like the NYPD Jose Ramos case showed us all the PBA, NYPD and IAB fix and tip each other off.
Dr Andrew Fagelman in My Opinion Scum #NYPD Fixing
81,000 views of Dr Andrew Fagelman 's violent lying receptionist office manager Delita Hooks committing a crime at 155 Spring St.
Please continue to help me to make this you to go viral...
The dirty corrupt police department did Dr Fagelmam a favor since he didn't fire his violent line receptionist. Anything else she's lied about? Anything else she's done the doctor Fagelman turned a blind eye to? Anything he's done that require blind eye? People are asking me who did Dr Andrew Fagelman call inside the NYPD to get fixing and favors?
Andrew Fagelman, MD A very dirty little piece of crap posing as an MD that understands Hippocratic oath. He says secures STDs on his website. Is that why the NYPD fixing in favors for him?
They don't teach the Hippocratic oath at Buffalo medical school?
Thank you for support. Where is the arrest of my attacker asault, false cross-complaint, and threatening me in the signed letter to her NYPD fixers ?
please help this go viral so shame MD, my attacker, NYPD and IAB thank you.
Det John Vergona committed the crime of coercion. Then internal fairest committed the crime of covering up a crime.
Internal Affairs Bureau = IAB
Chief Chuck Dowd 's dad a retired chief - Chuck promoted up the ladder by Ray Kelly after caught fixing crime a rite of passage? Dowd was not qualified for technology chief position but held it for over a decade.
I am the 2nd whistle blower on 911 technology corruption to be threatened by the first precinct Detective squad.
I caught IAB in lies and criminal activity not just in fixing my case but I can prove IAB let NYPD Chief Dowd retire after I filed a complaint alleging he may have taken gifts and compensation for being on the board of FirstNet when he and all NYPD aren't allowed a free cup of coffee.
I have more NYPD paper work but you can start with this one where Det John Vergona lied and the video proves he lied in his DD5 and he lied about me not being available to meet him. He never even offered to meet me and when I repeatedly asked him to meet me to see which eye I was punched in since he was "confused" he repeatedly refused.
IAB Sgt Decker told me Lt Anges of the Integrity Bureau try not to laugh would interview everyone just like Det Vergona said he would and it never happened. The fix was in just like the NYPD Jose Ramos case showed us all the PBA, NYPD and IAB fix and tip each other off.
No. No, NO NOOOO!!! Terrible experience. It's like a ghetto art gallery, complete with Beyoncé wannabe incompetent receptionists and hip hop music blaring in the background. I'm sick, I don't want to listen to Nelly or Lil Jon.
I went in to see Dr F for a face rash, the receptionist insisted that she take my picture for their files as part of new patient registration. I explained that I was there for a rash on my face, asking to take my picture was a little insensitive. I refused to let her take my picture, she insisted explaining that it was for security purposes. I could hear her and her little posse of rap video trash in pink scrubs making fun of me as soon as I was out of sight.
Dr F's assistant was great and very empathetic.
Dr F is um... awkward. I felt so uncomfortable around him. I got the sense that he had no clue what he was talking about. He just sat at his desk clicking around on his huge Apple computer. I wanted to ask him if he was googling my symptoms!
I could not get out of there fast enough, it wasn't pleasant. I don't expect a visit to the doctor to be a day at the beach, that said the receptionist had epic amounts of sand in her panties.
#NYPD IAB Violent Crime Dr Andrew Fagelman Office 155 Spring St 81,000 Views YouTube
Dr Andrew Fagelman in My Opinion Scum #NYPD Fixing
81,000 views of Dr Andrew Fagelman 's violent lying receptionist office manager Delita Hooks committing a crime at 155 Spring St.
Please continue to help me to make this you to go viral...
Andrew Fagelman, MD A very dirty little piece of crap posing as an MD that understands Hippocratic oath. He says secures STDs on his website. Is that why the NYPD fixing in favors for him?
They don't teach the Hippocratic oath at Buffalo medical school?
Thank you for support. Where is the arrest of my attacker asault, false cross-complaint, and threatening me in the signed letter to her NYPD fixers ?
please help this go viral so shame MD, my attacker, NYPD and IAB thank you.
Det John Vergona committed the crime of coercion. Then internal fairest committed the crime of covering up a crime.
Internal Affairs Bureau = IAB
Chief Chuck Dowd 's dad a retired chief - Chuck promoted up the ladder by Ray Kelly after caught fixing crime a rite of passage? Dowd was not qualified for technology chief position but held it for over a decade.
I am the 2nd whistle blower on 911 technology corruption to be threatened by the first precinct Detective squad.
I caught IAB in lies and criminal activity not just in fixing my case but I can prove IAB let NYPD Chief Dowd retire after I filed a complaint alleging he may have taken gifts and compensation for being on the board of FirstNet when he and all NYPD aren't allowed a free cup of coffee.
I have more NYPD paper work but you can start with this one where Det John Vergona lied and the video proves he lied in his DD5 and he lied about me not being available to meet him. He never even offered to meet me and when I repeatedly asked him to meet me to see which eye I was punched in since he was "confused" he repeatedly refused.
IAB Sgt Decker told me Lt Anges of the Integrity Bureau try not to laugh would interview everyone just like Det Vergona said he would and it never happened. The fix was in just like the NYPD Jose Ramos case showed us all the PBA, NYPD and IAB fix and tip each other off.
No. No, NO NOOOO!!! Terrible experience. It's like a ghetto art gallery, complete with Beyoncé wannabe incompetent receptionists and hip hop music blaring in the background. I'm sick, I don't want to listen to Nelly or Lil Jon.
I went in to see Dr F for a face rash, the receptionist insisted that she take my picture for their files as part of new patient registration. I explained that I was there for a rash on my face, asking to take my picture was a little insensitive. I refused to let her take my picture, she insisted explaining that it was for security purposes. I could hear her and her little posse of rap video trash in pink scrubs making fun of me as soon as I was out of sight.
Dr F's assistant was great and very empathetic.
Dr F is um... awkward. I felt so uncomfortable around him. I got the sense that he had no clue what he was talking about. He just sat at his desk clicking around on his huge Apple computer. I wanted to ask him if he was googling my symptoms!
I could not get out of there fast enough, it wasn't pleasant. I don't expect a visit to the doctor to be a day at the beach, that said the receptionist had epic amounts of sand in her panties.
Scott Stringer is not qualified to be NYC gov comptroller but thanks to back room deals and fixing and favors he got the job. He removed John Liu's Press Release from May 31, 2012 asking for a criminal investigation in to 911. Cy Vance said there is no need for one. Truth is yes there is and we need yet another new audit of 911 and for years before the first audits we needed a criminal investigation in to 911 and we still do. We also need an audit and investigation in to 311 spending and Board of Election, NYCAPS, NYCWiNS, FDNY Wireless, etc.
Passionate letters published in The Financial Times re: Lucien Freud, my art and women's issues, The Wall St. Journal"Betrayal at Ground Zero", The Chief, The New York Times (9),Crains "NYU's Logo should be a dorm with a dollar", The New York Sun, The New York Post, The New York Daily News, Metro, AMNY, The Village Voice "Carbon Copy" letter of the week, Newsday, Jerusalem Post, my blog mentioned New York Mag Intelligencer neighborhood watch. Got speed bumps for Anna Silver School & doors for women's bathroom Tompkins. Donated my white blood cells twice to help a little girl fight Non-Hodgkins & man w/Lymphoma. Two hour process & you can only do it 12 x in your life. Too worn out to donate now. Way back Liz Smith mentioned me & my favorite zen quote "Live each moment as if your hair is on fire." which means live in the moment like it is your last aka live life passionately!
I am really proud to say I have run 2 New York City Marathons!!! Also to have done volunteer work with pre-school handicap children at Rusk. NYTimes My YouTube work 1) Giuseppi Logan’s Second Chance 2)Mysterious Mr. Rechnitz
I went in to see Dr F for a face rash, the receptionist insisted that she take my picture for their files as part of new patient registration. I explained that I was there for a rash on my face, asking to take my picture was a little insensitive. I refused to let her take my picture, she insisted explaining that it was for security purposes. I could hear her and her little posse of rap video trash in pink scrubs making fun of me as soon as I was out of sight.
Dr F's assistant was great and very empathetic.
Dr F is um... awkward. I felt so uncomfortable around him. I got the sense that he had no clue what he was talking about. He just sat at his desk clicking around on his huge Apple computer. I wanted to ask him if he was googling my symptoms!
I could not get out of there fast enough, it wasn't pleasant. I don't expect a visit to the doctor to be a day at the beach, that said the receptionist had epic amounts of sand in her panties.