NYPD Coerced me to drop charges or go to jail with a hole in my retina Saturday arrest for Dr Fagelman's savagely violent receptionist Delita's running punch to my eye grabbing my hair trying to drag me down the hall by my hair damaging my neck not fired or arrested I agreed to false arrest Oct 16 immediate than Det John Vergona changed my false arrest date to Saturday oct. 20, 2012 4PM IAB let him and his supervisor retire! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh9TedhfthE I am alleging fix, favors and retaliation -- please look at the first page -- it mentions HP tied to 911 Tech corruption as well as mayor Bloomberg Ray Kelly free rides Air Bloomberg....http://www.scribd.com/doc/188752042/NYPD-Commissioner-Ray-Kelly-Charles-Campisi-DI-Ed-Winski-Lt-Agnes-Lt-Angelo-Burgos-IAB-Sgt-Mary-O-Donnell-Sgt-Chen-Det-Andy-Dwyer-Det-John-Ve

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Guiseppi Logan Musician Composer Died

Guiseppi Logan Musician Composer Died


I've been targeted discriminated against violently assaulted including sexual assault and NYPD joined in breaking laws New York City New York State you can get away with all kind of crimes if you're connected and it helps at the NYPD in the Manhattan DA don't like your politics... That can pertain to race religion gender sexuality or all of the above

It seems like the goal is to shut me up in silence me so even the post on Joe Logan also known as Giuseppe Logan has disappeared from my blog it's there but you have to search it's buried it says if someone designed my blog and my YouTube to be delisted my posts to do be delisted so if you find this that's amazing

Monday, January 20, 2020

NYPD Didn't Have a Spanish Translator Here 8 Spanish Translators for Android

Spanish Translator in your post http://suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2013/03/nypd-didnt-provide-translators-mocked.html and I loved it.
Recently, I have created an informative list of "8 Best Spanish Translator App for Android – Learn To Speak Español".
You can check it out here - https://joyofandroid.com/best-spanish-translator-apps-for-android/

I would love it if you could give it a read, and add my article as a reference link in your piece. 
I'm sure readers of your post will also love it.

I know it takes some effort to go and make a change like this but I can maybe consider your article to be shared across my social media channels (I have over 25,000 followers).

Please let me know if you'd be interested in sharing my piece!


Editor @ Joyofandroid.com

Please share this YouTube -- it is universal we all want to be safe at a doctor's office and I was not.

Dr Andrew Fagelman is not going to spend money like a Harvey Weinstein but NYPD willingly broke laws for him and Delita Hooks; yes NYPD violated my civil rights, conspired to violently threaten me to erase all crimes and Dr Andrew Fagelman admits he take Delita Hooks to drug parties, that he did not investigate what happened and that he has lots of NYPD patients.

Dr Andrew Fagelman has no remorse 0 empathy -- he has as much shame as a Jeffrey Epstein or a serial killer

Monday, December 2, 2019

Mayor Mike Bloomberg Media buddies killed News for him so I copied and pasted 1 article not deleted on censorship of me


Suzannah B. Troy Will Not Be Quiet(ed)

The YouTube account for one of Michael Bloomberg’s most prolific, and eccentric, critics has been suspended.
Suzannah B. Troy, a resident of the West Village who has made dozens of minute-long videos criticizing Bloomberg for extending term limits and promoting development projects throughout the city, thinks the fix is in. 
“YouTube suspended my entire account which was over 300 movies,” wrote in an email this afternoon. “ My last YouTube was David Yassky breaks the law again where a support puts his posters illegally on a light pole. I reported his and other politicians breaking the law to 311 and he and others should get fined.”
Troy said that she has contacted civil liberties attorney Norman Siegel for assistance.
“As usual I believe it was a violation of my freedom of speech,” she wrote.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Off-Duty Cop Arrested by Manhattan Bridge Drunk Driving NYPD Eugene Schatz

Off-Duty Cop Arrested by Manhattan Bridge Drunk Driving NYPD Eugene Schatz - woke-up 2am Ask him under oath video taped about Dr Andrew Fagelman, Delita Hooks his rôle party to goal erase all crimes violently coerce me violate my civil rights!

NYPD PO Schatz who took part in Misogynist Hate Crime Discrimination Goal Erase Crimes My case Arrested for Drunk Driving
--- why wouldn't he drive away he knows he can get away with anything and he has been for years?

See the Youtube NYPD porno tour versus my civil rights violated I mention him and his Facebook friend Det. said broke laws in my case and that a federal investigators just questioned him and the cops from the 1st Precinct Det. some bosses that broke laws they would be arrest but I want to federal investigators at this point because civil rights were violated and he was party to the goal to erase all crimes Oct 1, 2012.... Dr AndrewFagelman's office
-- I reported him in 2010 for using his car like a weapon for illegally using a Sirens for being reckless and abusive and parking wherever he wanted to I'm not surprised he was drunk he hit someone and he kept going not surprised at all I'm just surprised he was arrested I guess his hook his fixers his protector was busy that night or couldn't cover up this time?

Watch this YouTube -- I mentioned him and see if federal investigators just questioned him they would be arrest in my case I made the statement Thursday morning not knowing he was arrested the night before but sadly only for drunken driving and I believe hitting someone's car  and he kept going...
I can't help but wonder how many other terrible things he's done and gotten away with....

NYC Above the Law: NYPD PO Schatz Arrested For Drunk Driving Named in NYC Above the Law Blog Created Because of him and The Mercer Hotel NYPD Call a Cop 1800 Fix it

NYPD PO Schatz part of a misogynist hate crime....

Off-Duty NYPD Busted Drunk Driving is NYPD PO Eugene Schatz Crooked Cop I reported 2010 onward

NYPD PO Schatz who took part in Misogynist Hate Crime Discrimination Goal Erase Crimes My case Arrested for Drunk Driving
--- why wouldn't he drive away he knows he can get away with anything and he has been for years?

See the Youtube NYPD porno tour versus my civil rights violated I mention him and his Facebook friend Det. said broke laws in my case and that a federal investigators just questioned him and the cops from the 1st Precinct Det. some bosses that broke laws they would be arrest but I want to federal investigators at this point because civil rights were violated and he was party to the goal to erase all crimes Oct 1, 2012.... Dr AndrewFagelman's office
-- I reported him in 2010 for using his car like a weapon for illegally using a Sirens for being reckless and abusive and parking wherever he wanted to I'm not surprised he was drunk he hit someone and he kept going not surprised at all I'm just surprised he was arrested I guess his hook his fixers his protector was busy that night or couldn't cover up this time?

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Manhattan DA Morgy Jeffrey Epstein my case

I contacted the Manhattan DA when it was Morgenthau --  The New York Times had just published a letter of mine my first on the holocaust struggle over the mural of pain and thought maybe this would make him give me the time a day but of course it didn't because it's always about rich man and protecting them and then DA Vance took it to a whole other extreme  his corrupt dirty dealing son off front is staggering any action to had a second term and he still has not been forced to resign

Bob Hurst  was very briefly a massage client of mine so I gave him a collar xerox of my art and told him on that back of the colors are rocks what was done to me   By Jeffrey Epstein.

 At some point after he sent an artwork to himself from out of state and didn't tape taxes and Robert Morgenthau  contacted him and made him pay the taxes and I think you could've done something in my case with Jeffrey Epstein with things would only get worse as we all know from my case 

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Giuseppi Logan Update Shawneci Visits GL Gives Us News!

Giuseppi Logan Update Shawneci Visits GL Gives Us News!

Shawneci had contacted me originally hoping to hire GL but as you can see GL is not in the best shape but from my own visit I can tell you the nursing home is very nice and they love him and take good care of him.

I am in PTSD mode from Dr Fagelman negligence office violence and he went along with the goal to have me coerced and party to gaslighting to protect his employee he did not fire so I can't visit GL anymore but I am grateful to People that do visit and give me updates like Shawneci.

When I visited GL all he wanted to do was play his instruments and most of all return to Tompkins Square Park!
Hi Suzannah i just wanted to give you an update that i visited Guiseppe in Far Rockaway today. 
I think he's being well taken care of by Diane, they let him listen to jazz music and he's clean and his room is clean. he told me he hadn't played music in 7 years - i brought a saxophone for him to play - he put it to his lips but couldn't get enough air out. he said he felt to out of shape to play anything. it was sad, but we played some piano together which was nice. 
 it was a real emotional day for me, I felt Guiseppe was very effected too. because we're both musicians that want to play together, but because of age and health we couldn't. it made me cry on the way home, because we will probably not see each other again until we get to heaven than we can play til our hearts content.  Best wishes.  

Here is Shawneci's info:
thanks yes you can publish it on the blog and my only cds out now is this one with sax player Greg Abate https://shawneci.bandcamp.com/releases
and a reggae cd i produced on the island of Jamaica https://www.amazon.com/Shawneci-presents-Lion-Hearts-EP/dp/B076J6QC1J
i just go by the name Shawneci Icecold, I'm a relatively new pianist and music producer.
i have a new Jewish music Cd coming soon called Shabbat Muzik with a clarinet player and il send you a copy when its out. thanks for your interest. 

When I (Suzannah) had visited my one and only time a Canadian film documentary crew had just been there!
Again I believe because of my YouTube below.

I am too damaged from on going lies by Dr Andrew Fagelman...(please google Dr Fagelman assault YouTube and watch it and share until they stop their lies and gaslighting and Google NYPD Detective Andrew Dwyer Delita Hooks letter threatening me with a 2nd false cross complaint)

There is a powerful article from "Signal to Noise" by Pete Gershon and I thought I scanned it and posted it but I didn't and I am too traumatized right now to search for it...but it was amazing....

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSb-JgMIeuA. Here is Guiseppi Logan as with his son Jaee Logan I would meet after I posted the YouTube of GL playing in the very same park almost 50 years later!  Jaee lives on the West Coast and had not seen GL since the British film documentarian had filmed them....see YouTube link at the top of this post!  YouTubeland magic and reminder all my work including the GL YouTube I filmed below was all removed when when I channel was deleted with the goal to silence me a critic of mayor Bloomberg who was running for a third term I did not support.  Luckily thanks to People like you who spoke up for me and Google deciding to do the right thing I got my YouTube channel and was able t continue my work!  The wikipedia page on my being censored and my activism has been deleted but I do exist on GL's wikipedia....

Reminder everyone I became a victim of Dr Andrew Fagelman, 155 Spring Street when his employee Delita Hooks did a running punch to my head like the came knock out the Jew... and I believe Dr Andrew Fagelman got corrupt NYPD to join in committing crimes with the goal to erases all crimes which they did and Dr Fagelman worse than Delita Hooks did not fire her but recently he came in was abusive and mocking as he committed perjury along with Delita Hooks so I have lost contact with Giuseppi Logan....  I am glad my YouTubes have gotten GL visitors!

The first visit I became aware of was a young African American man, a social worker moved by my YouTube and he visited GL when he was still living near Tompkins Square Park... I met the young man by random announcing my Justice cards in the subway and I was drawn to him because I heard him speak and with such compassion!

"I visited just Guesppi Logan in the hospital Beth israel one hit a broken hip and he checked himself out. The nursing station is 718-945-0403 or you can call the main number just Google it it's in Queens New York"

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Cy Vance misogynist, racist, corrupt DA caught Flying High and than there is Jeffrey Epstein

Cy Vance misogynist, racist, corrupt DA caught Flying High and than there is Jeffrey Epstein

Cy Vance and gang are for sale -- corrupt, misogynist, racist yet not one is demanding Cy Vance resign.....  gee why? Follow the money trails.....

Cy Vance is corrupt and for sale.....

his office is run like a cult with his staff actively participating what appears to be OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE, fixing and favors like it is a deli not a DA just like top cops -- call it in....

We need special prosecutors......  I am demanding one for my case!


Monday, December 31, 2018

2019 NYC Arrests my Case + Mayor Bloomberg ECTP 911 along w/ CityTime Tossed?

2019 NYC Arrests my Case + Mayor Bloomberg ECTP 911 along w/ CityTime Tossed?

 New York City is misogynist Central and I'm living proof of it if you don't like me it's OK violence towards women it's OK if you don't like what I have to say my activism my blog my YouTube violence towards me is OK.   In 2019 I'd like that's a change but however long it takes I will get Justice look at Bill Cosby his case and how many years it took.

 23 years later the prospect park rape victim has vindication but she does not have justice not yet she just has a fake apology from the NYPD police commissioner because look at his actions John Miller has not been fired and you shouldn't even employed.  When Bratton "retired"  all his flunkies on the payroll with her six-figure salary should've been forced to leave and John Miller was supposed do with the end of the year but mysteriously stayed on it's interesting how many people are on the payroll that don't belong there whether it's NYPD or City Hall.

I'd like to see arrests in my case 2019. I'd like to see us citizens database for police crime city state and federal crimes so we can see it's patterns of an ethical/criminal behavior that should not be tolerated especially by city state or government employees including complicity.

I predict even more corruption is going to come out about the payroll system Rudy Giuliani first introduced that Michael Bloomberg let go over budget mega millions along w/ mayor Mike's tech titanic ECTP aka 911 tech -- they are going to have to be thrown out.  911 still convoluted mess you can't text.

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
3am PTSD My goals/hopes 2019 google dr Fagelman assault youtube break 1M views, special prosecutor ARRESTS crimes no statute ex. threats to me during OPEN investigation, lying to NYPD/false cross complt, NYPD falsified police reports conspired2 #coerce me suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2018/12/2am-in…

I can't get over that I agreed to false arrest twice for having my patient rights violated my body repeatedly violated for being threatened for being a victim of so many crimes from a doctors office to police department but there was not one Arrested 911 Tech crooks or senior NYPD that took a lavish gifts a 911 it's astounding to me and in terms of the payroll system that Michael Bloomberg didn't throw it out and he let it go over budget so outrageously it would've hit the billion dollar mark and I may have anyway for a corrupt system that doesn't work it's easy to steal as we seen a case that parallels mine were top cops protected all crimes including the misogynist Chief boy tech crooks or senior NYPD that took a lavish gifts a 911 it's astounding to me and in terms of the payroll system that Michael Bloomberg didn't throw it out and he let it go over budget so outrageously it would've hit the billion dollar mark and I may have anyway for a corrupt system that doesn't work it's easy to steal as we seeing a case that parallels mine were top cops protected all crimes including the misogynist Chief boyce who blocked me on twitter along w/ his cesna theiving boss  police commissioner James O'Neill who I hope will be forced to resign along with the mayor -- de Blasio  and the Manhattan DA.

The mayor use the theme of the tale of two cities well he has enjoyed both Cities -- millions of taxpayer money he expects tax payers to pay millions of his legal bills and he flew on Federally funded says now which he should never have done! 

 The mayor has not apologized to me for his NYPD detective from the intelligence division treading on my civil liberties intimidation harassment and one violated protocol and lied to me about it as he did it this is on the steps of City Hall at a survivors rally !

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