Sunday, July 31, 2011
Michael Lewis Big Short CDO Why Does Suzannah B. Troy Think CityTime 1 & 2, SAIC, etc.....
Suzannah B. Troy Artist Beautiful Art Painted on The Streets of NYC
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Mayor Bloomberg Another Water Main Break! by Suzannah B. Troy
Suzannah B. Troy On Mayor Bloomberg "CityTime 2” ECTP
Friday, July 29, 2011
Suzannah B. Troy’s BloombergNewzzz Reader Interest Flash Back Mayor Mike’s Run for 3rd Term
President Obama Loses 37,000 Twitter Followers, Suzannah B. Troy wants to know How is Tim Geithner’s Twitter Account
CityTime SAIC Scandal ECTP (911 Tech System) John Liu Calls CityTime 2 - Wanna Understand Trillions USA Debt Think Sub-Prime Mortgage Meltdown Wall St. Implosion! Suzannah B. Troy Wants Arrests! Wake The Freak Up New Yorkers!
CityTime Scandal (I dubbed The Tax Payers Titanic) : We need arrests at City Hall, NYC gov. officials, SAIC top dogs that so far are getting Mel Gibson treatment allowed to say they had no guilt and don’t forget City Time 2 the ECTP system John Liu, the New York City tax payer’s hero dubbed CityTime 2.
Wake-up New Yorkers, Wake The FREAK-UP!
You want to solve the USA’s multi-trillion dollar deficit? Make arrests! Start with Wall Street! Make the big bad asses of Wall Street pay back their bail-outs!!!!!!!
Explain why Bloomberg pushed a reckless tsunami of development with his mini-me real estate whore (sorry not insulting the sex workers) Christine Quinn who sold the lie we needed Mike for a 3rd term to help us with the economy! Yeah right! So Quinn sold the great lie, denied us a referendum with the help of corrupt city council members paid in slush aka tax payer money and Christine Quinn brushed a side 2 investigations in to CityTime and discourage a third. Than Christine Quinn went on NY1 and lied and said she was on top of CityTime. No one was unless they were stealing or covering up for those that were stealing!!!!!!!!!
John Liu effectively stopped CityTime but so far no arrests, the massive cover-up for SAIC and pals continues including NYC gov. officials and based on the MTA SAIC that almost was....Preet Bharara needs to interrogate Jay Walder! Who was involved in pushing through SAIC MTA deal and set NYC Gov meaning the tax payers with SAIC’s bill for over-runs which would have been inevitable because SAIC’s motto is rape and rob the tax payers. They did to the Tax Payers suckering the FBI trying to help them with their Triology system they had to throw away they way we will have to throw away CityTime, Rudy’s gift from hell to the tax payers! Rudy’s friends made money on CityTime and ECTP as lobbyists! Lucky guys!
No competitive bids from The White House to NYC gov. The fix is in.... bids are fake phony for show.
Done deal aka the tax payers screwed!!!!!! Fat stupid cats richer and they are glad your eyes are glazing over!
Wall St. dudes with fancy college degrees stupid men but smart enough to avoid jail. Stupid to think they could cheat and fraud for so long and the financial markets would not almost complete collapse!
How different is this from the Wall St. implosion -- subprime mortgage meltdown?
Wake-up! We need arrests, prosecution and jail. The trillion dollar deficit would get smaller big time!
St. Vincent's Rudin Two Stories? Reality vs. Journalism Not!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
YouTube Rewind: Suzannah B. Troy Calling for No Renewal SAIC CityTime Last Sept. Instead a Full Investigation!!!!!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Suzannah B. Troy Corbis Image Protesting Mike Bloomberg at City Hall Inauguration 3rd Term
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Rudy Giuliani Run For President Get A Bernie Kerik Ending? by Suzannah B. Troy
I am an artist so please explain why when I looked up SAIC lobbyists I found Peter Powers and he according to my research became a lobbyist for SAIC the same year he took over Guiliani Partners for Rudy so Rudy could run for President!
What a coincidence!!!! Hey, I am an artist so what do I know?
I do not want Rudy to run for President and I voted for him every time he ran for mayor. I would never, ever vote for him again!!!!!!! It is not just the adulterous affair well chronicled in Leonard Levitt’s NYPD Confidential that the tax payers compensated including the biggest raise for the mistress when he dumped for a much older mistress Judi Lane.
Some of Rudy’s biggest critics want him to run because the predict if he does run for President he will have a Bernie Kerik ending.
CityTime and SAIC would be issues that Rudy would have to answer to and I want him to whether he runs for President or not. Oh gee, here is yet another lawyer friend of Rudy’s that worked for him in NYC gov. who happens to be a lobbyist for TechnoDyne implicated in the CityTime scandal as well! What a coincidence!!!!
Hey Rudy and Mike did you push SAIC on us like drug king pins push heroin because having SAIC as a friend would sure help your White House ambitions and global business dealings as well?
If you want to read some Rudy tid bits check out NYPD Confidential. I would love to get Bernie Kerik on the stand to ask him some questions about Rudy but also about a lawyer Kerik is very familiar with....guess who.
p.s. Agostino -- Technodyne lobbyist and he and his ex NYC gov boss Gino implicated in lobbying for corrupt dealings ECTP aka CityTime 2 the 911 tech system... oh excuse me did I say implicated? I meant to say coincidence they are lobbyists associated with CityTime and CityTime 2 aka ECTP! 2 massive scams that don’t work and cost the tax payers a fortune. Didn’t New Yorkers die because of the new tech 911 system....and it’s flaws?
Suzannah B. Troy New YouTube Mike Bloomberg SAIC CityTime Jay Walder SAIC MTA Hello Preet Bharara?
Monday, July 25, 2011
Amy Winehouse Real Talent Vs. America’s Lip Syncing Non-Talents Making mega-bucks...
Quinn to City : Drop Dead
Queens' Peninsula Hospital Center set to close ; New York Downtown Hospital putting patients on stretchers in the hallway to accommodate unmanageable influx of emergency patients.

"Sources say the Far Rockaway, Queens, hospital will shutter after owing millions to vendors and falling behind on its union benefits funds payments; the closure would cost the area about 1,000 jobs," reported Crain's.
The Queens Crap blog published a post today, indicating that Peninsula Hospital Center had filed a 90-day closure plan, a requirement under the law that was violated when St. Vincent's Hospital closed on April 30, 2010.
Is our social safety net not too big to fail ?
Does nobody in City Council have any concern about the financial collapse of so many hospitals across all five New York City boroughs ?
Does Mayor Michael Bloomberg not care, either ?
Meanwhile, following the illegal closing of St. Vincent's Hospital last year, there reamins only one hospital south of 16th Street in Manhattan, New York Downtown Hospital, which The New York Post has reported as being ''overwhelmed,'' and is leading to an ''emergency-care crisis,'' the newspaper reports.
From Queens to Christine Quinn’s own district Hospital Close, Message from Christine Quinn to New Yorkers Drop DEAD!
The latest hospital closing, along with the news that Downtown Hospital is flooded to the gills, much like Elmhurst Hospital in Queens....
First Day of Marriage Equality in New York - Connecting Rainbows Video
Jay Walder MTA Head Before You Say Sayonara I want Preet Baharara to Ask You About SAIC MTA Deal that almost was
Actually Jay Walder is going to Hong Kong but I am sure he will stop over in Japan on the way, make some more big deals.
Judge Gregory Carro Are the NYPD Rape Cops Going to Walk Away Aug. 8?
CityTime S2 Indictment Rewind Why Do I think Cover-up from Get Go
Why we do not need to raise the ceiling on multi-trillion dollar deficit if we cut corruption/stealing....cut the fix always being in....
p.s. just saw Mike Bloomberg ad on my blog again...want to puke
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Monday, July 18, 2011
Josh Margolin NY Post CityTime Firm SAIC Hit Pentagon Audit, SAIC RICO? Give us our Tax Payer $$$$ + Damages
Look hard at Josh Margolin’s article and read the scathing news that confirms my belief that SAIC is guilty of racketeering charges and they were up to abuse/fraud of tax payer money way before Gerard Denault came in to play. Listen to what I have to say in my YouTube as to why and a reminder the FBI was robbed and raped by SAIC as well before CityTime was brought in by mayor Rudy Giuliani.
Don’t forget the corrupt SAIC MTA that almost was and Peter Powers, Rudy’s best friend and even deputy mayor was the lobbyist for SAIC on that deal. Another Rudy crony is also a big time lobbyist on CityTime and also the 911 tech system! Surprise!
Thanks to the law firm that posted this article on why we could apply RICO!!!!!!
Preet Bharara when are we getting arrests at City Hall, SAIC and other sub-contractors not even mentioned in the news yet? What happen to Jelly Bean referred to in the whistle blowing CNN Ireport?
Jessica Dewberry in front of SAIC asking for our money back pointing out CityTime does not work!!!!
Jessica with other NYC workers last year on the steps of City Hall stating CityTime does not work!!!!
May 27, 2010 with no law degree, business degree I figured out in a couple of hours we should not renew with SAIC and I made my 1st YouTube that said no renewal, we need a full investigation. I dubbed CityTime the tax payers Titanic!
My dream come true. Standing in front of SAIC NYC’s offices with my art work, Mayor Bloomberg King of New York, No Third Term, Is Democracy for Sale?” poster and toilet paper post-it that said : Ex-king of OutSourcing demanding 1 billion in damages x 3 for RICO for the People of NYC.
This is the largest White Collar Crime in NYC gov. ever and we have the biggest pay-out for NYC tax payers coming our way.................................
unless the 911 System aka ECTP is proven to be a bigger fraud with a 2 billion dollar tax payer price tag!
p.s. I love this YouTube filmed by Louis Flores because you can see my friend holding up my Mayor Bloomberg King of New York which was and is a brilliant political art poster lampooning Mike Bloomberg that got zero coverage by the media almost like CityTime, the biggest white collar crime has gotten so little notice and so much more the media hesitates to report or just refuses to report!
Andrew Cuomo American Indians NYDN SAIC CityTime biggest White Collar Crime Give us OUR MONEY BACK
Christine Quinn Community Outreach Guy Tony Simone F-Bombing Community!!!!!
Question: Tony Simone is listed as a NYC Gov. Community Outreach for Christine Quinn that came from Goldman Sachs. Is he working on her campaign on NYC gov. time? Is dropping the F-Bomb on NYC community members Christine Quinn’s idea of community outreach or is he there for other reasons?
p.s. It sure is sad that Christine Quinn sneaks in back door entrances to attend her own fund raisers rather than face angry protestors and her community outreach guy from Goldman Sachs curses out protestors. Is that why Quinn didn’t announce her candidacy? Sneaking in to your own fund raiser thru the doors they use for trash is hardly fitting for someone who wants to be mayor of NYC! See me wearing my Christine Quinn “slush gate” shirt and Quinn lied on NY1 and said she was on top of CityTime! CityTime so far the biggest white collar crime in NYC gov ever! We are asking SAIC prime contractor to return tax payer money + damages and if we can get RICCO charges multiply by 3 for the biggest pay back to NYC tax payers ever. Quinn brushed aside 2 investigations in to CityTime brought by Tish James!
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Jon Bon Jovi Ignorant of NYC Politics Gives Christine Quinn the Most Money possible!
Friday, July 15, 2011
Christine Quinn Questionnaire
Pop Quiz on Christine Quinn's Record as Do-Nothing City Council Speaker
Q. What has Christine Quinn done about giving us an APP to track the mayor's whereabouts during blizzards ?
A. _________________
Q. What has Christine Quinn done to save/restore a full service hospital with Level 1 Trauma Center to replace St. Vincent's ?
A. _________________
Q. What had Christine Quinn done to end the practice of using City Council slush funds to unduly exert influence over other councilmembers?
A. _________________
Q. What did Christine Quinn do to stop the controversial third term limits extension ?
A. _________________
Q. What has Christine Quinn done to pass paid sick leave in NYC ?
A. _________________
Q. What has Christine Quinn done to pass a living wage bill in NYC ?
A. _________________
Q. What has Christine Quinn done to stop NYU tearing down landmark structures in its reckless expansion through the Village ?
A. _________________
Q. What has Christine Quinn done to investigate $600 million CityTime fraud ?
A. _________________
Q. What has Christine Quinn done to save the scores of hospital closings all across the city in the past 10 years ?
A. _________________
Q. What has Christine Quinn done for LGBT Civil Rights ?
A. _________________
Q. What did Christine Quinn do to stand up in 2005, back when Mayor Michael Bloomberg ordered the appeal of a landmark gay marriage ruling ?
A. _________________
Q. What has Christine Quinn done to investigate NYPD sexual orientation profiling at gay bookstores ?
A. _________________
Q. What has Christine Quinn done to investigate the illegal Gay Pride Raid at the Eagle ?
A. _________________
Q. What has Christine Quinn done to put pressure on federal legislators to repeal DOMA ?
A. _________________
Q. What has Christine Quinn done to put pressure on federal legislators to pass ENDA ?
A. _________________
Q. What has Christine Quinn done to support Bradley Manning ?
A. _________________
Q. What has Christine Quinn done to end de jure and de facto discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity ?
A. _________________
SAIC RICO Triple Damages
SAIC RICO Bloomberg Protest - Suzannah B. Troy Speech
Artist, blogger, and political commentator Suzannah B. Troy gave a speech today outside the New York City offices of SAIC to demand a RICO refund of triple damages against SAIC for their role in the organised crime that took place to rob taxpayers of over almost $1 billion in CityTime project costs.
Union representatives from Local 375 and DC 37, community activists, New York City taxpayers, and others gathered at 1250 Broadway in a demonstration against the technology company known as SAIC.
For years, newspaper and television reporters, bloggers, and whistle blowers have been reporting details of a massive taxpayer fraud perpetrated by New York City officials, by employees of SAIC and of another company known as Technodyne, and possibly by lobbyists in connection with the scandalous CityTime project.
The CityTime project began with an original budget of approximately $60 million, but has since ballooned to over $700 million.
The U.S. Attorney's Office has begun an investigation, but nobody yet knows how high this scandal, and other technology consultancy contract scandals, may go up the Bloomberg administration.
Stay tuned.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Corrupt Christine Quinn 4 mill for war chest but only mayoral candidate with cowardly back door entrance!
Read more:
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Christine Quinn for Mayor NOT EVER!!!!!!!!!!! Not Harvey Milk by a long shot!
Christine Quinn Sneaks in to Fund Rasier Gay Marriage Celebration Thru Back Door Tony Simone Ex Goldman Sach Current NYC Gov Quinn-ster Shouts F.CK Donny Moss A Quinn Protestor!
Christine Quinn not Harvey Milk by a long shot.
Christine Quinn wash Tony Simone’s mouth out with soap! Is it appropriate for Christine Quinn’s Community Outreach representative to be shouting F-ck Donny Moss in front of all the protestors and people passing by.
MONDAY, JULY 11, 2011
Christine Quinn Sneaks in to Fund Rasier Gay Marriage Celebration Thru Back Door Tony Simone Ex Goldman Sach Current NYC Gov Quinn-ster Shouts F.CK Donny Moss A Quinn Protestor!
Wow Tony Simone an ex.. Goldman Sach worker now a Christine Quinn-ster at NYC gov. better have been off the clock when he dropped the F Bomb and shouted Fu/k Donny Moss as he walked past our long line of protestors! Quinn did not want to make the perp walk so she snuck in the back way through the entrance for hauling out garbage! How appropriate since she is selling her self as a gay hero and she is not Harvey Milk. She is embroiled in slush scandals, she approved Sullivan and Cromwell, the same high priced attorneys specializing in White Collar crime that Goldman Sachs uses. Maybe Tony Simone suggested them because Quinn approved Sullivan and Cromwell for her staff.
Dream Downtown 363 West 16th Street Hotel
It was so celebrate marriage equality but low and behold Quinn is not what she appears to be -- she is no gay hero but a corrupt sell-out.