Wednesday, November 30, 2011
New YouTube Suzannahartist: Mayor Bloomberg Cathie Black Emails!!! Scandal Like Mike's Emails To Haggerty!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Bloomberg Sued by Christine Quinn re; Homeless! Quinn Should Sue herself she is as gulity!
Monday, November 28, 2011
Caffe Vivaldi Saved!!!
Congratulations to all of you, the members of our "Save Caffe Vivaldi" family.
We have an agreement with our landlord. Without your support this would not have been possible.
But before we go further, I want you to note down 2 addresses:
We invite you to follow up on how we are progressing with our plans to stay in our present location in the West Village for another 10 years. We want you to be a part of this success story as we progress to the next stage. Send us an email and become friends on our Facebook.
The rules governing this petition do not allow us to talk about things we want to share with you and we must respect that. Therefore, future updates will be made on Facebook and Caffe Vivaldi's website.
This petition should be the beginning and not the end of our relationship with the almost 5,000 of you who have signed.
With Love and Gratitude,
Sunday, November 27, 2011
James F. Capalino NY Post NY Times Bill Rudin’s Quote “The lack of a world-class hospital will not only jeopardize the West Side
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Christine Quinn gives your cash to West Side project gets campaign money
Christine Quinn gives your cash to West Side project - and gets campaign money
House Beautiful Magazine Hate Homeless People Award Christine Quinn Queen of Mean to Homeless!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Horny Men West Village Don’t Pop Viagra We Have No Hospital Just Rudin Luxury Condos
Friday, November 18, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Mayor Bloomberg Nov 17 OWS Solidarity Protest Hospital
Click here to see it better...the tools on the bottom of the YouTube give you options like the one to the far right lets you see it on a full screen....take a look
Save Cafe Vivaldi Sign Petition
Dear New York City MoveOn member,
There is a place in New York that is one-third real and two-thirds magical, and it is about to disappear... unless we do something now.
For 30 years Caffe Vivaldi has nurtured artists writers, poets, and mostly musicians. It has a new landlord, and he wants to triple the rent. We cannot fight him; he is too strong. The only way forward is to appeal to his better side and reason with him not to snuff the life out of this cherished haven of hope and encouragement for young artists.
Our aim is to urge our landlord not to increase our rent to an amount we can never come up with for 685 square feet of space. We want to be fair to him and want him to be fair to us: All we are asking is that he charge us the fair market rent.
That's why I created a petition to Caffe Vivaldi's landlord, Steven Croman, on, which says:
Caffe Vivaldi is a cultural institution. We want your support and patronage to continue doing what we have been doing for the past 28 years; that is, providing a haven for young artists, writers, and musicians so they can continue to contribute to New York's vibrant cultural life.
Only you can help us continue our mission by granting us a lease that reflects the actual current market rent structure.
Will you sign the petition? Click here to add your name, and then pass it along to your friends:
–Ishrat Ansari, owner of Cafe Vivaldi
Rudin Condo St Vincent’s activists w/ Occupy Wall St Die-in
Note some Occupy Wall Street Health Care very spiritual and do not believe in any hostile expressions and negativity but to either “ignore” or “turn the other check”. I am not there.
The firing of a NY1 camera man for filming our protest Day 1 outside the Rudin Condo sales office, the constant harassment while attempting to protest which is my right along with the media black-out just like when we fought Bloomberg and his mini-me pushing through an illegal third term along with battling the other destroyer of the area NYU, pres. John Sexton and the worst most evil city planner Amanda the People’s Burden giving all her fellow 1% friends zone busting greens lights to supersize our communities crushing and destroying our neighborhoods is just too much with sacharin sweet sound bytes from that manure shoveling Mitchell Moss and NYU and Rudin flunkie is JUST TOO MUCH.
I felt horrified to hear about the police brutality down town. If you visit my main blog you can see me with a young Occupy Wall Street woman who stands with us for a moment by the Rudin Sales office and fills us in on the mayhem downtown including yet another NYPD officer punching a woman!
Exhausted and I have to take a bath and upload footage.
Contact: Louis Flores
New York, NY (Nov. 15, 2011) – Activists from Hands Off St. Vincent’s are proud to join #OccupyWallStreet, the labor movement, and the global movement for economic and social equality during the November 17th Day of Action in New York City.
Members of the Healthcare for the 99% Working Group from #OccupyWallStreet will join this action. Activists are undertaking their action on :
DATE : Thursday, November 17, 2011
TIME : 1:00 – 1:30 p.m.
PLACE : St. Vincent’s Hospital, Seventh Avenue South and West 11th Street
At St. Vincent’s, activists will stage a SPEAK-OUT and a DIE-IN. After that, activists will march to Union Square, so that they can arrive before 3:00 p.m.
Activists want to force billionaire Bill Rudin from the Rudin Management Company to take the lead in building a Trauma Level 1, full-service hospital to replace St. Vincent’s.
Did you know that the residents of the Lower West Side of Manhattan below 57th Street have no hospital ?
Did you know that Bill Rudin wants to offer us a two-bed “hospital” in a phony health care facility ?
For more information about Hands Off St. Vincent’s, please like our page on Facebook :
For more information about the Healthcare for the 99% Working Group, please visit the blog :
Curbed Mis-Reports Rudin Family Blood Condo Protestors for fear of “Nice” Fascist Rudin Family?
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Is Brookfield Using Federal 9-11 Money to Pay Retired NYPD to Violate US Constitutional Rights?
OccupyWallStreet Protest Permits
The requirement for "protest permits" in New York City, which bedevils the #OccupyWallStreet movement, can be traced back to Christine Quinn, naturally.
On September 24, 2011, what was then the eighth day of the #OccupyWallStreet protest, about 1,000 protesters went on an unpermitted march from Zuccotti Park to Union Square Park in Manhattan. Along the way, 80 people were arrested for various reasons, according to Gothamist :
The majority of the arrests, which were for disorderly conduct, obstructing governmental administration, blocking vehicular traffic, and one assault on a police officer, occurred around Union Square yesterday afternoon after nearly a thousand demonstrators marched down Broadway. Videos show NYPD officers corralling women with nets, indiscriminately discharging pepper spray, and tackling protestors.
How New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn figures into the arrests of what now numbers well over 1,000 #OccupyWallStreet protesters is a matter of historical record : just take a look at who approved the protest permit requirement in the first place. Not surprisingly, the development of protest permits in New York City can be ascertained by following the course of how Speaker Quinn sold out her liberal roots in pursuit of mayoral electability.
According to a discussion topic posted on September 15, 2007, by David S. Cohen on the Queer Mutiny's Facebook account, Speaker Quinn is responsible for the protest permit requirements in New York City :
In 2006, multiple courts ruled the City’s assembly rules unconstitutional, and City Council was charged with fixing them. Instead of conducting public hearings and placing the matter into the hands of City Council, Speaker Quinn abdicated her responsibilities and allowed the NYPD to write these rules behind closed doors.
In February 2007, she rubberstamped the new rules into effect. Suddenly, it became illegal for 50 or more people to gather and process through New York City—unless they request and are given prior permission from the police.
Of course, the NYPD has a long history of attacking political groups, and one of their favorite tools is to deny permit requests of groups—like the organizers of the 2007 Trans Day of Action—who they don’t like.
Why do police decide who can assemble and who cannot? And since when do the police write rules? And why is all of this okay with Quinn?
Quinn so desperately wants to be mayor that she has sold the queer community and her constituents down the historical river for her own political gain. We’ll remind Quinn that she has her pot of gold, but she better not forgot the rainbow that led her to it!
A political enabler with aims to minimise, and even silence, dissent.
It should come as no surprise that Speaker Quinn "abdicated her responsibilities." When Speaker Quinn is faced with the dilemma between doing the right thing and picking what renders her with an immediate political advantage, Speaker Quinn always picks what is most politically expedient. Even those, who should be her most ardent base of support, leftist LGBT radical activists, know that Speaker Quinn cannot be counted upon to stay true to her liberal roots.
Speaker Quinn has a reputation for bluffing her way through critical public policy issues, like the hole in public health caused by the impending luxury condo conversion of St. Vincent's Hospital. As has been written on this blog before, Speaker Quinn has mastered the art of the non-answer answer : "She likes to be evasive, but she is definitive about giving you the run-around. She doesn’t have to give you either a proverbial bait-and-switch or back-pedal, provided she never has to first give you any policy position with which to lure you."
But Speaker Quinn's evasiveness begins to wear thin amongst radical activists, who know that the only way to make our elected politicians deliver a tangible solution to a societal problem is by keeping them politically accountable. Here is where direct action protest organisers enter into the political equation.

A Gay City News news report, which is no longer available online, was copied on the Radical Homosexual Agenda's website :
by Jefferson Siegel
Gay City News
6/21/2007On Wednesday night over 500 people filled the City Council chamber for a celebration of "LGBT Pride and the Journey to End Violence and Hate." Among those honored were NYPD Detective Kevin Czartoryski, the Rashawn Brazell Memorial Fund, established in recognition of the brutal 2005 murder of a 19-year-old gay man from Brooklyn, and the Gay-Straight Alliance at Port Richmond High School in Staten Island.
Tony-winning actor Stephen Spinella opened the evening, and Speaker Christine Quinn, the first openly lesbian or gay leader of the Council, flanked in the front row by her partner, Kim Catullo, and her father Lawrence, recalled the city's decades-long struggle to achieve gay rights.
In the midst of her speech, half a dozen protesters from ACT UP and the Radical Homosexual Agenda unfurled protest banners from the balcony. They were criticizing a new police regulation requiring groups of 50 or more to first obtain a police permit. "You've criminalized the Dyke March and the Drag March," Tim Doody (pictured with Nina Resnick) of ACT UP yelled. Quinn allowed the protesters to have their say [for one minute], after which they were escorted from the building. There were no arrests.
Councilwoman Rosie Mendez, the chamber's other out lesbian member, who has been a vocal critic of the regulation, spoke up on Quinn's behalf. "My speaker cannot do anything until the Council is behind her," Mendez told the chamber.
''A Council Speaker Who Tightens the Purse Strings on Dissent''
Back on June 20, 2007, when activists with the Radical Homosexual Agenda were targeting Speaker Quinn over the NYPD's anti-assembly rules, activist James Wagner charged that Speaker Quinn had "made herself inaccessible" to activists, who had been seeking to meet with her about the requirement for protest permits. Mr. Wagner wrote that after the activists had been removed from the City Council Chambers, following their banner drop, Speaker Quinn said that she was "willing to meet with anyone who disagreed with her on the question of Police rules for assembly." But, as Mr. Wagner further wrote, Speaker Quinn's expression of willingness turned out to ring hallow : "For the record, I have been assured several times by those who know groups that have tried to engage her that she has repeatedly refused to do this in the past."
Sometime between the mass NYPD arrests during the 2004 Republican National Convention and the 2008 revelation of Speaker Quinn's slush fund scandal, Speaker Quinn decided that the best way to campaign to become mayor of New York City was to hitch her wagon to Mayor Michael Bloomberg's gravy train. But because she does not have Mayor Bloomberg's billions, she was going to use taxpayer money to buy her way into higher office. When even The New York Times, with its many puff and fluff articles about Speaker Quinn's career, dares to report about how Speaker Quinn uses taxpayer money to stifle political dissent, you know that Speaker Quinn has begun to tread on thin political ice.
And now that activists with #OccupyWallStreet are confronting the use of excessive force of, and even brutality by, NYPD, those very activists are going to question Speaker Quinn's role in approving the restrictions on civil liberties caused by her rubber stamp on the NYPD’s anti-assembly rules. And once again, here comes another time when direct action protest organisers enter into the political equation.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
DATE : Monday, November 14, 2011
TIME : 2 p.m.
PLACE : 1 Centre Street, 19th Floor New York, NY 10007
Rudin Management Company’s ULURP application is now pending before President Stringer.
“When St. Vincent’s closed, the Lower West Side was left no hospital : zero hospital beds,” said Louis Flores. “This compares with 2,206 hospital beds in the Upper West Side, 4,064 hospital beds in the Upper East Side, and 3,101 hospital beds in the Lower East Side. How is this responsible city planning ?”
Two months ago, The New York Post reported that the Manhattan District Attorney was investigating whether hospital executives intentionally let St. Vincent’s fail, so that Rudin Management Company could buy the hospital’s real estate on the cheap. In spite of the cloud of the fraud investigation, Rudin’s ULURP application is still in the review process. See :
For more information about Hands Off St. Vincent’s, please like our page on Facebook :
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Press Release Bill Rudin Mother Teresa of Real Estate Invited to Join Protestors in front of his Sales Offices
Bloomberg Tax Returns Charity Caymen Islands Steve Rattner = Mike A Very Dirty Boy
Press Release from Mayor’s Office - NYC Saint City! Bill Rudin Mother Theresa, Goldman Sachs Doing “gods” Work
A press release issued by City Hall in the comatose-news hour of TGIF Happy Hour Friday (5pm-6pm) announced that New York City is no longer the BIG APPLE, but will now be sold and promoted as SAINT CITY.
The press release, signed by former Deputy Mayor Edward Schuyler (who is now an executive at Bloomberg LLP and working for Mike Bloomberg’s Charity as well with triple salaries but obtained a waiver from the City Conflicts of Interest Board for the limited purpose of signing this single press release) explained that the rebranding decision came moments after blogger extraordinaire Suzannah B. Troy reported (alone, we might add) that Bill Rudin -- refuses to live up to his quote in The NY Times about the West Village needing a world class hospital as he greedily pushes the sales of his blood condos... A hospital serves hundreds of thousands of tax-paying new yorkers while "Mother Teresa Bill Rudin" to build luxury condominiums for foreign investors and perhaps the stupidest 1% NYC -- even stupid rich people can fall and hit there head and die if there is no emergency room full service hospital from Chelsea to Battery on the West Side and Saint Christine Quinn has her head up’s Saint Rudin’s butt and is fine with no hospital in her district and she wants to be our ruler oops mayor.
An anonymous source at City Hall told this reporter that the branding change started with a 22-year old intern who was busy with an assignment to run Google searches to determine how many thousands of hits "Big Apple" was getting and as a side assignment to monitor the Suzannah B. Troy Blog for scurrilous comments about City Hall -- eager to demonstrate her go-get-em on-the-ballness (with an eye towards a $125,000 salary like the Twitter 25-year old) she jumped up and squealed: "Man, I just read where one of Rudin's guys said he was, like, the St. Theresa of NYC Real Estate! Like, guys, remember when Lloyd Blankfein told the stupid news reporters that GOldman Sachs was just doing "GOD'S WORK". Like, that is so weird -- and cool -- it's like Rudin is Mother Theresa and Goldman is doing God's works, like . . . . that is totally awsome! I'm thinking big -- I'm thinking rebrand -- Apples to Halos -- NYC slogan f"Big Apple” now "SAINT CITY! Don’t forget Christine Quinn real estate whore and than Deputy Goldsmith both introduced as Jane Jacobs. (no offense to sex workers).
Please call 311 or contact City Hall via Twitter to obtain replacement stickers and other items with the BIG APPLE symbol or slogan for replacements.
@NoirHammer Agreed! Well put -- we want OWS to join us outside 120 West 12 th Street Rudin Sales office for Luxury Condos --- St. Vincent’s Hospital Rudin profits People Die and Quinn gets kick back aka compaign donations from Rudin.