Arzt Told Reporters All Summer He Was Not Working for A Mayoral Candidate
Christine Quinn Takes a Seat at Ed Koch’s Table(NYO)
George Artz stuffing his face like that food is NYC real estate and money -- his greed
has no limits like all of them that betray the People of NYC and the media
is guilty no investigative journalists but secretaries posing as newspaper reporters
all part of the media groupie gang. Journalism is dead....
George Arzt also works for the 2nd biggest real estate whore after Christine Quinn and that is Melinda Katz -- all his clients sold us out to king Bloomberg.
Arzt belongs in jail?
Christine Quinn Scott Stringer No Hospital in Bed with Geroge Arzt Extel Rudin Luxury Condos Selling the People of NYC Out!!!!
George Artz stuffing his face like that food is NYC real estate and money -- his greed
has no limits like all of them that betray the People of NYC and the media
is guilty no investigative journalists but secretaries posing as newspaper reporters
all part of the media groupie gang. Journalism is dead....
George Artz Ravenous For Money and Power?
Chang W. Lee/The New York Times
At a recent gathering, the talk turned to lunch and regulars, from left, Tom Baer, George Arzt (yeah that is George taking a giant size bite out of our tax dollars hardee har????), John LoCicero, former Mayor Edward I. Koch and Henry J. Stern, moved their conversation to a restaurant.
George Arzt also works for the 2nd biggest real estate whore after Christine Quinn and that is Melinda Katz -- all his clients sold us out to king Bloomberg.
Arzt belongs in jail?
George Arzt, the spokesperson for both Hynes and Seddio called Collymore’s allegations a “bald-faced lie.”
George Arzt, the spokesperson for both Hynes and Seddio called Collymore’s allegations a “bald-faced lie.”
EX-CONS CAMPAIGN FOR COMMUNITY SERVICE: A Brooklyn district leader asserts DA Charles Hynes and Democratic boss Frank Seddio signed off on her initiative, though both officials dispute her claim:
Christine Quinn Scott Stringer No Hospital in Bed with Geroge Arzt Extel Rudin Luxury Condos Selling the People of NYC Out!!!!