Thursday, February 27, 2014
L Train Part 1 Man Assaults Performer? Diverse NYers Make Peace
I did not get what appeared to me an assault by the older man. This is right after.
It appeared to me the man shoved or hit kid first and in my opinion should not have touched the young man.
The young man asked him to move so they could use the pole for dancing and he refused and ordered them off the train.
It escalated and the most diverse group of People including an older woman jumped in and made peace. This guy was angry and did not want any entertaining on the subway or to move but he was in my opinion bad entertainment and wouldn't calm down.
L Train Guy Assaults Performer? NYers make peace (Assault before I started filming) Part 2
I did not get the assault on camera -- what follows is a lot of talking and a de-escalation of what had become physical thanks to passengers that took action. The older guy should not have touched the young guy.
A young performer asked this man to move. He refused and instructed the group of performers to get out. I didn't see the young man touch the guy but the guy either hit or shoved the young man -- it looked like he assaulted the Performerers
The guy said get off the train. He did not want blaring music and entertainment.
He got physical. Group of diverse NYers including a woman made peace. The kids did get off at the next stop.
The man acted like he was auditioning for Dirty Harry minus the gun.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Dr Fagelman Delita Hooks YouTube Breaks 20,000 Unprofessional Violent
Thank you so much, Blessings, thanks, gratitude for helping this YouTube to Break 20,000 views to expose Dr Andrew Fagelman who never noticed Delita Hooks berated patients despite even critical yelp reviews and her behavior is shocking but he did not fire her and the NYPD threatened me violently verbal violence and coerced but it took days and the hole in my retina from Delita Hooks long running punch to my eye that also makes the camera shut off made a hole in my retina as well as her grabbing my hair savagely damaged my cervical spine so I had more problems than corrupt dirty cops threatening and fixing for the Soho doctor's office violence and an MD that did not want to fire her. Gee I wonder why? Does she know where the bodies are buried because she wasn't shy about violating my patient rights repeatedly and my body or is it something else?
Thanks again and I hope you all will help me continue to make this YouTube go viral. The Federal Lawsuit is still on going and I have submitted abusive comments on behalf of those involved to Internal Affairs etc.
I am told the case is now open but the NYPD is not doing anything if they do anything at all until after my lawsuit and lawyers said that is NYPD just making yet another excuse.
The NYPD interfered with/ violated my Constitutional Rights and due process. I called the DA and the Attorney General's office told me to go back to the DA that turned me away and told me IAB had to contact them. Thanks to Dr Fagelman and corrupt cops I feel so traumatized beyond the horrific unprofessional and lying violent Delita Hooks. At least she isn't abusing patients anymore and if she hits anybody else she may not get fixing and favors and threat victims yet again in a letter to the NYPD ever again?
The video above is prove of assault and a false cross complaint...
I want to upgrade to assault second degree but so far the NYPD keep making excuses why I can't -- the newest because I am suing. I was a patient the medical offices in Soho.
The NYPD sealed her false cross complaint but there was also a letter to her NYPD Pals who sealed her false cross complaint in under 1 year and in the letter she further HARASSES and THREATENS ME and reminder Det John Vergona also harassed me and threatened me... and isn't that witness tampering but there was a lot of witness tampering involved including the NYPD, IAB and YouTube comments on behalf of all involved?
Still no ARRESTS of Delita Hooks and Det Vergona and all NYPD and IAB involved but the NYPD know a lot about crime and covering up for the Blue Wall of Corruption as well as NYPD PBA and Internal Affairs Bureau fixing and favors?
Call 1-800- NYPD PBA IAB fixing and favors....
I want the phone records, and IAB notes as well as NYPD regarding my case and all players involved files on them....yes I do and subpoena power if not now than when I get a new Commission in to NYPD and Internal Affairs Bureau corruption.
Thanks again for helping this YouTube to break 20,000.
The video above is prove of assault and a false cross complaint...
I want to upgrade to assault second degree but so far the NYPD keep making excuses why I can't -- the newest because I am suing. I was a patient the medical offices in Soho.
Not one woman in that video asked are you all right. I do not know their names and I only learned Delita Hooks after the NYPD coerced me to drop charges on Saturday Oct 20th so the NYPD broke the law as well as coercion is a serious crime not a policing tool.
Ron Kuby blog post has a two paragraphs up top a must read about Det John Vergona threatening me -- how even the NYPD police report states I feared for my safety and how the NYPD and IAB are using Ron's letter but the letter is like a NEON sign I WAS COERCED vs my attacker's letter that threatens me and harasses me yet again but right in a letter to her NYPD pals that sealed her false cross complaint with her crime of coercion.
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Dr Andrew Fagelman 155 Spring St Traumaville
Delita Hooks I will Slap the Crap out of Your Ass and Delita Hooks False Criminal Report
Dr Fagelman 155 Spring St
Violence lies repeated violation of Patient Rights another MD's patient - MDs share office violating any patient's right not okay and than Delita Hooks repeatedly violates patient's body and lies blaming patient and NYPD fix it. IAB caught fixing it for NYPD named in Federal lawsuit.
Below an old post reposting -- 4:30 in the morning -- welcome to "Traumaville" thanks to Dr Andrew Fagelman who did not fire her and I want to ask him under oath did he call 1800 NYPD Fix it? I have a lot of questions for her and the women in the video. Will they lie under oath? Delita Hooks had no fear filing a false cross complaint and threatening me in a letter to NYPD pals with a 2nd false cross complaint. The NYPD infamous for testilying. -----
The PTS extra bad from assault savage attack at Dr Andrew Fagelman's and NYPD IAB role.
I am having problems with my back neck hip and today see foot doctor to see if he can help with Achilles Tendonitis, knees and if he has any ideas to help with pain from the feet up. Next week the back and neck doctor. Exhausted. Still low grade cold from stress.
I think of Adrian Schoolcraft and how Internal Affairs betrayed him.
Now I have her false criminal report and it proves to me that Ray Kelly, Charles Campisi and IAB are truly corrupt. Why? Where is her arrest for assault and a false cross complaint and where is the arrest of Det John Vergona for coercion and fyi he wasn't a rogue cop acting alone.
So where are the arrests and punishment for the NYPD and IAB involved?
Now I have her false criminal report and it proves to me that Ray Kelly, Charles Campisi and IAB are truly corrupt. Why? Where is her arrest for assault and a false cross complaint and where is the arrest of Det John Vergona for coercion and fyi he wasn't a rogue cop acting alone.
So where are the arrests and punishment for the NYPD and IAB involved?
Here is the video proving Dr Andrew Fagelman's receptionist office manager Delita Hooks savagely attacked me and I was Dr Vine's patient who shared the office with Dr Fagelman.
There is a powerful New York Times article about the fact the NYPD can't police themselves and Internal Affairs does more shuffling paper than investigating crime.
NYPD Corruption Calling Internal Affairs U R calling Criminals protecting criminals?
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Salon SCK Lai Does Miracle Hair Make-Over
Salon SCK Suzannah B. Troy Gorgeous Hair Cut Finds her Inner Sexy Mama
Salon SCK 1845 Broadway Second Floor 212-265-1700
Yes, Lai is brilliant and taken my thin damaged hair from doldrums to
stunning -- I feel like a sexy!!!
I was feeling blue -- a lot to deal with but Lai made me over,
think heat wave NYC,
instead of snow, sleet, slush and ice.
I made the move from Vidal Sassoon with Lai and
look another "hair miracle".
Suzannah. P
NYPD Ray Kelly Corruption CityTime 911 like SAIC NSA Trailblazer Get out if Jail Free Card but NYT luvs Deb the cleaner in hot Pink!
SAIC 1 degree of separation to "cleaners" Airforce sex scandals to Nuclear Cheaters? SAIC knows a lot about cheaters so does NYC Gov Rudy and Mike so does see no evil
Preet who promised arrests of NYC gov officials on SAIC CityTime scandal and none but I agreed to false arrest twice for Dr Andrew Fagelman's receptionist savagely assaulting me a patient at 155 Spring St. Excuse me for feeling like a House of Cards Season 2 moment. See video of beginning of attack posted below and NYPD threatened me and Internal Affairs said case closed.)
Biggest see no evil Cy Vance Preet Bharara and Scott Stringer is 911 way bigger than CityTime crime. HP connected to Schumer and George Artz as well as whom ever appointed HP biggies to NY Pension board. Who appointed HP biggies, Mike? Associated Press broke the news on a Friday someone calling for HP ouster from NY Pension board no one in NY media picks it up. Hmmmm. No criminal investigation in to 911 and we are over a billion dollars over budget.
FYI HP Teflon 1 of top 20 military contractors. HP like SAIC in my opinion robbed nyc tax payers from the get go and they weren't alone. Note SAIC in trouble again Oakland spy contact SAIC less than ethical. (Did SAIC violate their Deferred Prosecution Agreement hardee har??) (Below bottom any ideas why NYPD and IAB fixed me being savagely attacked and NYPD coercion. I blew whistle on IAB as well by the way.)
Rewind back in Time:
CityTime HP Stealing HP Biggies NY Pension Board to today's lies 911 Filibuster
Preet won't go back in Time CityTime whistle blower Richard Valcich letter head of nyc gov OPA goes from hero to zero to say and lawyers up but never called he and common law wife Mouse. Preet sees no evil - I may go blind because I do? Ironic that would be ironic.
Clean up CityTime Preet lends a hand to prevent career suicide vs too hands on Indian woman diplomat a career ender?
Deb James SAIC exec carries the cleanup sex baton as secretary of airforce and NYT likes the way she dresses!
Don't confuse Deb James with Deb Alderson who got fired not arrested CityTime scandal landed with Golden Parachute 2 big power jobs since but in my opinion she like nyc gov officials guilty on CityTime.
2 Debs almost look cloned -- easy to confuse and like I said Deb James working for SAIC knows a lot about cheating hardee har. Look at SAIC's resume!!!! SAIC Teflon too powerfully connected for Enron ending. (SAIC FBI Trilogy, FBI NSA Trailblazer, SAIC list so long look at SAIC shareholder lawsuits.)
NYT takes note SAIC Deb in "HOT PINK" "AT 55, CUTS STRIKING FIGURE" cume oops come on on hahahha New Yokr Times the street is clipping you out. Who's the thinking Deb does the Pentagon Deb does the NYTimes. Ya think that's sexy. Not me. I want to puke.
President Obama's Appointee Deb James New Nuke Scandal Cheaters Deb from SAIC Try Not To Laugh
"Tall, blond and partial to bright colors, Ms. James, 55, cuts a striking figure at the Pentagon, where uniformed military officers stride down the immense building’s endless hallways and corridors. For the interview in her office, Ms. James’s hot-pink dress, worn under a black blazer, was in stark contrast to the muted shades of government-issue wood paneling and furniture."
Preet Bharara strip searches Indian Diplomat Devanyi and Wonder Woman calls him out on this blog.
Preet where are the Allens husband and wife? Living the life if luxury in India.
Anyone watching house of cards Season 2?
I had to see eye surgeon and will again always thanks to the most savage assault at Dr Andrew Fagelman's
As a whistle blower there is no doubt the NYPD fixed me being savagely attacked --the NYPD and IAB retaliated against me and in Federal court in the opposition to dismiss gave me even more evidence they fixed me being savagely attacked.
They also sealed Delita a Hooks false cross complaint with their crime of coercion in under one year as I learned in a phone call from their lawyer. IAB so corrupt they knew this and covered this up still no arrests and now using my lawsuit as an excuse to prevent me from upgrading to 2nd degree.
It will be interesting how the NYPD IAB Ray Kelly, Mike Bloomberg, Cy Vance try to cover all this up unless they luck out and the press does not report it. The press blocked out Denault sued SAIC and has to pay all his legal bills. Maybe the judge felt like me SAIC even larger degree of GUILT than Denault but Preet saw no evil.
I want Deloitte SAIC's auditors to pay NYC tax payer $ in damages vs Ray Kelly does lucrative deal with Deloitte before he is forced out. See my opposition to NYC NYPD IAB dismissing my Federsl lawsuit - read the front page Kelly Air Bloomberg, SAIC, HP 911 front page.
In my case is Bill Bratton and his new IAB chief going to cover up for biggies involved in fixing for Dr Andrew Fagelman's office violence and not firing Delita Hooks? Ray Kelly insisted on defending Det Vergona who broke the law coercing me to drop charges. Until Justice is served this is not going away ever. The YouTube and legal docs all there along with NYPD records like the one their lawyer submitted I feared for my safety and DD5 a fabrication omission lies so thanks for exposing the NYPD corruption and IAB seeing no evil
when the Video with almost 20,000 views proves the DD5 a fabrication. The dD5 Det Vergona fabricated proves he left out Delita Hooks attacked me. Det Vergona said I had a right to defend myself.
The NYPD helped the Jodi Arias of medical reception desks a violent liar get away with everything but murder.
"Wow -- love how series addresses America as dangerous as other Countries if you are an investigative journalist image retaliation and or your life threatened.
That emerges over and over season 2 from VP to businessman with strong toes oops ties to the President.
Fictional character Mr Tusk to Jewish American news reporter after he threatens her life he says "American can be as dangerous as Iran.""
Ironic talk about "seeing" and I won't share right now but new problem with eyes -- is it related to the attack by Dr Fagelman's violent Delita Hooks whom the NYPD and IAB fixed since IAB knows I was coerced a crime by NYPD and no arrests.
In shock yet again. Will call eye MD today with questions.… read bottom My concern NY FBI to cozy NYPD IAB fixed me being assaulted Dr Andrew Fagelman's no arrests.
Delita Hooks in her "cocktails" article -- says she wants to be Coco Channel --- Coco Channel may have slept with the Nazis but she never punched a customer.
Jamaica -- I asked a private investigator ex NYPD can we see if she has criminal records in Jamaica? He said no very hard to get if they are there.… added FBI SAIC trilogy, SAIC trailblazer v I agree 2falsearrest twice 4getting punched@ Dr Fagelman's by Delite
Thursday, February 13, 2014
NYC Sanitation Dept 4 Plow Trucks blocked for Rich SUV Broadway before Houston
NYC Sanitation Dept 4 Plow Trucks blocked for Rich SUV Broadway before Houston
Tale of 2 cities. Mean while out boroughs forgotten.
NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton Corruption Fixing New Lawsuit?
I called one police plaza at 6am to speak to police commissioner Bratton's office to make it clear Mr Bratton ignoring me reporting 2nd degree assault, false cross complaint by Dr Fagelman's Delita Hooks, coercion, sealing her false cross complaint in under a year, Det Vergona threatening me will mean a lawsuit against him all top brass and I will testify in front of a New Commission in to NYPD and IAB that Mr Bratton violated my First Amendment rights not by gagging me but by putting his fingers in his ears.
I got hung up on. I identified myself and my phone number shows up on their recognition device so he knows who I am but the scary cat who answered "operations" hung up on me. How is that for compassion policing. Did Dr Andrew Fagelman call 1-800- NYPD fix it for me?
Mr Bratton is this compassionate policing? Oh you meant only certain people not All People are entitled to compassionate policing? That would be a violation of my 14th amendment. The police can not investigate crime if they chose to but they aren't allowed to prevent you from reporting crime. The NYPD are obligated to investigate police corruption and so far in my case they are fixing crime and I was told the NYPD are using the lawsuit as an excuse yet again to not take action. More retaliation against me. A take of 2 Cities BloomdeBlasio NYC?
Sent from my iPhone
Monday, February 10, 2014
Eric Holder Gets this Fed Ex calling for Outside Monitor in to the NYPD and IAB Dr Andrew Fagelman Office Violence Coercion Example
Eric Holder Gets this Fed Ex calling for Outside Monitor in to the NYPD and IAB
I called Eric Holder and when you do regarding matters like this you are told by Mr. Holder to contact the FBI so I am forwarding this. To save money I will try and sent this link instead of a lot of Fed exs.
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Woody Allen Letter Clever but Remember the Naked Photos he Left for Mia to Find?
Manipulative Mia coached Dylan to smear me
Woody Allen Letter Clever but Remember the Naked Photos he Left for Mia to Find?
Woody Allen sounds manipulative and like a sex predator in my opinion.
Question how about manipulative Woody Allen still using Mia Farrow's children like pawns against her with their consent like his wife and Moses or without consent like Dylan and Ronan?
If Moses is a family therapist than as a trained professional does he truly believe his actions in the media are in the best interest of Dylan? It is tragic really.
Woody took nude photos of Mia's daughter and left them for Mia to find and he calls her manipulative and all kinds of nasty adjectives that describe his heinous actions except sex predator.
In my opinion he is a sex predator that got to legalize his actions. It is ridiculous that Mia dated a much older man but at least he wasn't her step father -(oh yeah Moses, thanks for reminding us Woody wasn't technically her step father - did your sister and Woody remind you of that technicality?)- it isn't quite the same but Woody Allen is a manipulator and a clever director isn't he?
Friday, February 7, 2014
A-Rod Will Not join Team for Spring Training as Per his Loser Oops his Lawyer Joe Tacopina
A-Rod Will Not join Team for Spring Training as Per his Loser Oops his Lawyer Joe Tacopina
Tacopina also confirmed one other loose end: Rodriguez -- who had vowed to join his teammates when they report to camp in Tampa on Feb. 19 -- will no longer be heading to spring training.
Quote from link below...
Quote from link below...
Joe Tacopina liar liar?
Joe prefers fear
not laughter.
Joe prefers fear
not laughter.
A-Rod Strikes Out 2014 Sunset Joe Tacopina Couldn't Win so they dropped the lawsuits?
For you youngsters you won't remember Sunset Boulevard... Joe says he is ready for his close up Mr. Kerik.
Joe Tacopina calls Kerik a liar -- that's a laugh. People call Joe a liar and we all laugh Liar Liar oops liar and lawyer sound so similar --- -well Joe has used threats and intimidation in my opinion and he struck out. Is A-Rod going to sue him now?
Notice they dropped this big story and Friday night to protect Joe from any real news reports -- hardee har or Joe might have to sue some more sports writers? Hardee har har....
Joe's act did not work with MLB and it most likely won't work on Bernie Kerik and The NY Daily News.
"Rodriguez' attorney, Joe Tacopina, confirmed to that a notice of voluntary dismissal was filed in the cases Friday afternoon. No explanation was given and no further details were provided."
A-Rod Strikes Out 2014 Sunset Joe Tacopina Couldn't Win so they dropped the lawsuits?
Joe Tacopina calls Kerik a liar -- that's a laugh. People call Joe a liar and we all laugh Liar Liar oops liar and lawyer sound so similar --- -well Joe has used threats and intimidation in my opinion and he struck out. Is A-Rod going to sue him now?
Notice they dropped this big story and Friday night to protect Joe from any real news reports -- hardee har or Joe might have to sue some more sports writers? Hardee har har....
Joe's act did not work with MLB and it most likely won't work on Bernie Kerik and The NY Daily News.
NEW YORK -- Suspended New York Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez abandoned his fight against Major League Baseball on Friday, dropping his lawsuit for tortious interference in U.S. District Court in Manhattan.
Rodriguez also withdrew lawsuits against commissioner Bud Selig and the Major League Baseball Players Association, putting an end to his battle to overturn an unprecedented 211-game suspension in connection with baseball's Biogenesis investigation that was reduced last month to 162 games plus the 2014 playoffs by arbitrator Fredric Horowitz.
"Rodriguez' attorney, Joe Tacopina, confirmed to that a notice of voluntary dismissal was filed in the cases Friday afternoon. No explanation was given and no further details were provided."
A-Rod Strikes Out 2014 Sunset Joe Tacopina Couldn't Win so they dropped the lawsuits?

Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Clayton Patterson on Jewish History of the Lower East Side by Jan Herman
"Nobody I know is better versed in the history of Manhattan’s Lower East Side than Clayton Patterson. And I’d be willing to bet that nobody at all is more devoted to, or more articulate about, the history of the Jews who lived on the Lower East Side. He was interviewed a year ago — Feb. 13, 2013, to be exact — by Suzannah B. Troy, about the three massive volumes he edited on the subject. Because he’s not Jewish and because the volumes are “a people’s history,” he says, there’s a tendency to think that the account they offer is “incidental” and “less worthy” than better known or more academic books. Dead wrong. Here’s the interview. "
Click the above link and
Thanks to Arts Journal for using my YouTubes and referencing me -- so has The New York Times, The NYDN, The Advocate, The NY Post as well as TV stations etc.
Thanks and gratitude and Bravo Clayton Patterson!
Clayton Patterson on Jewish History of the Lower East Side by Jan Herman
Monday, February 3, 2014
Dr Andrew Fagelman Soho Violent Office Attack on Patient Beyond Rudeness
Dr Andrew Fagelman Soho Violent Office Attack on Patient Beyond Rudeness
Obamacare Casualty Just Got Insurance Back Made Appt w/Specialists all related to damage from Dr Fagelman Office Attack by Delita Hooks
I got an eye MD appt. just called in referrals for eye and neck damaged plus since assault trauma upset fibroid tumors grew surprise symptoms worse.
Delita Hooks came out from behind a long closed off reception desk to continue to violate my patient rights and than repeatedly violate my body. It was like "knock-out" the goal after a running punch as fast and hard as possible to my eye than to drag me by my hair to the elevator.
Delita Hooks false cross complaint.....
Delita Hooks came out from behind a long closed off reception desk to continue to violate my patient rights and than repeatedly violate my body. It was like "knock-out" the goal after a running punch as fast and hard as possible to my eye than to drag me by my hair to the elevator.
Delita Hooks false cross complaint.....
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Super Bowl Proper Watching by Johnny T
Super Bowl Proper Watching by Johnny T Hello?????
Love corporate jerk
Phillip Seymour Hoffman Family Keep Phil in your Prayers....HEART BREAKING
Phillip Seymour Hoffman Family Keep Phil in your Prayers....HEART BREAKING
"We are devastated by the loss of our beloved Phil and appreciate the outpouring of love and support we have received from everyone," Hoffman's family said in a statement issued through his publicist on Sunday afternoon.
"This is a tragic and sudden loss and we ask that you respect our privacy during this time of grieving. Please keep Phil in your thoughts and prayers," it added. A representative said the family would not make any further statements at this time.
Note from Suzannah: Phillip Seymour Hoffman was magnificently talented -- gifted and hard working.....his performance in Capote -- mind blowing....
He is what De Niro aspired to be and got world wide attention for but De Niro never had the versatility of a Phillip Seymour Hoffman and let's face it De Niro couldn't pull of Capote...not many actors could.
That being said he will be missed by many admirers but he leaves behind three children -- heart breaking....I am 5 years older than him....I never imagined being 51 years old but to die at 46 tragic.
I don't have a subscription to the New York Times and have a limit on can't read this...
I don't have a subscription to the New York Times and have a limit on can't read this...
Saturday, February 1, 2014
Preet Bharara No CityTime Teflon Treatment for Devyani Khobragade?
Preet Bharara No CityTime Teflon Treatment for Devyani Khobragade?
Devyani Khobragade doesn't have the luck of top NYC Gov officials and top contractors that bilked NYC Tax Payers out of a fortune as she continues to try and get her case dismissed and return to her husband and children here in the USA.
Preet Bharara now the most hated American in India called Devyani Khobragade in so many words -- liar liar pants on fire and than made her remove her pants and underpants to be stripped searched. If she is lying on documents she signed and also that she mistreated her employee that is wrong. She is however a Mother and the children should not be made to suffer even more and they are since she is not allowed back in the Country. A respected Judge didn't see it that way so Mighty Mouse Preet wins a small victory but Ms. K's lawyer still aren't done fighting.
Ms. Khobragade's luck so far isn't like NYC Gov officials past including Rudy and his deputy mayors turned lobbyists and so many other top officials CityTime like Mike Bloomberg, Mark Page, Rose Gill Hearn, etc. Ms K can't get immunity official or unofficial like so many slush abusers and those involved in technology crimes gone wild under Mike Bloomberg including top officials NYC gov and top officials in the companies heading the companies that over billed us insane amounts of money and I allege the same for consultants not to mention lobbyists incestuously involved in NYC politics Preet Bharara NYC's Mighty Mouse can't strip search a DPA a deferred Prosecution Agreement so SAIC couldn't be happy but he made the mistake of going after a beautiful Indian Diplomat --- who may or may not be guilty but the lack of finesse he used has made him hated and caused retaliation galore in India.
Preet in contrast let Mike Bloomberg and Christine Quinn big time slush abusers (slush aka tax payer money) get away with perhaps the biggest slush abuses ever to steal a third term but hey who cares. My point CityTime Trial and Preet's slush abuse investigation proof Preet Bharara has Teflon gloves and gives plenty special treatment and unofficial immunity -- just not Ms. Khobragade but Preet Bharara paid a price -- his political career is over because The White House got the message India was sending when India cracked down on American diplomats.
Preet Bharara who was called might mouse by a Judge here in NYC won't be stripping searching top NYC gov officials and top SAIC officials many who are enjoying golden parachutes and in Rose Gill Hearn's case, the head of Dept of Investigation who ignored Richard Valchich's letter and whistle blowers -- and an eerily similar repeat performance re: the biggest crime ever 911 Tech mess with whistle blowers and instead of Richard Valcich of OPA who went from hero to zero to say it was --- Paul Cosgrove than head of DOITT who called for an end of the contract with HP who had no 911 experience. What HP did have and does have is biggies on the NY Pension board and is one of the top twenty military contractors in the USA aka above the law like SAIC? Hardee har har. 311 could be the 2nd biggest rip off of Tax Payer Titanics rounding off the top three under Mike Bloomberg and there are many more Board of Elections, Board of Ed, NYCAPS (only 277 million tax dollars), FDNY Wireless, NYCWiNS, etc. What did they have in common? Mike Bloomberg, Mark Page, OPA, DOITT and most of city council with Christine Quinn at the help green lighting these obscene over-runs for mostly crappy tech --- Bloomberg rewarded a culture of failure and a revolving door of corruption.
Many lobbyists that happen to collect NYC pensions and worked very hard on campaigns including Scott Stringers who can't do his own taxes but the corrupt players in my opinion made a deal to put an unqualified man who can't earn that kind of money in the private sector and enjoy all the perks of NYC gov Scott Stringer is addicted to so he can kid himself he is royalty -- Scott Stringer can't even take a subway -- at least Mike Bloomberg pretended to a for a little while as gas guzzling SUVs picked him up and Christine Quinn who could have walked to work didn't.
Preet Bharara gave them all immunity and Mike has given Rose Gill Hearn 2 kick back jobs ---
CityTime Crime --- Richard Valcich's letter proved SAIC less than ethical before SAIC even hired Denault and than Valcich went from hero to zero to say with rumors his relatives got jobs at NYC gov working with SAIC? True or false? Heard on the street Valcich lawyered up but lucky Valcich, like Bloomberg, Rose Gill Hearn, Mark Page, Christine Quinn who brushed aside 2 investigations in to CityTime Preet had no interest in investigating.
Preet Bharara now the most hated American in India called Devyani Khobragade in so many words -- liar liar pants on fire and than made her remove her pants and underpants to be stripped searched. If she is lying on documents she signed and also that she mistreated her employee that is wrong. She is however a Mother and the children should not be made to suffer even more and they are since she is not allowed back in the Country. A respected Judge didn't see it that way so Mighty Mouse Preet wins a small victory but Ms. K's lawyer still aren't done fighting.
Ms. Khobragade's luck so far isn't like NYC Gov officials past including Rudy and his deputy mayors turned lobbyists and so many other top officials CityTime like Mike Bloomberg, Mark Page, Rose Gill Hearn, etc. Ms K can't get immunity official or unofficial like so many slush abusers and those involved in technology crimes gone wild under Mike Bloomberg including top officials NYC gov and top officials in the companies heading the companies that over billed us insane amounts of money and I allege the same for consultants not to mention lobbyists incestuously involved in NYC politics
No immunity for ‘visa lie’ Indian diplomat | New York Post
(Update: Bad news for the Indian Diplomat who is aching to see her children and her husband but was forced to leave the Country by Preet Bharara who refuses to give the NYC gov officials that allowed the 2nd or perhaps 3rd largest crime EVER in NYC gov history CityTime the Devyani Khobragade treatment!) Preet Bharara NYC's Mighty Mouse can't strip search a DPA a deferred Prosecution Agreement so SAIC couldn't be happy but he made the mistake of going after a beautiful Indian Diplomat --- who may or may not be guilty but the lack of finesse he used has made him hated and caused retaliation galore in India.
Preet in contrast let Mike Bloomberg and Christine Quinn big time slush abusers (slush aka tax payer money) get away with perhaps the biggest slush abuses ever to steal a third term but hey who cares. My point CityTime Trial and Preet's slush abuse investigation proof Preet Bharara has Teflon gloves and gives plenty special treatment and unofficial immunity -- just not Ms. Khobragade but Preet Bharara paid a price -- his political career is over because The White House got the message India was sending when India cracked down on American diplomats.
Preet Bharara who was called might mouse by a Judge here in NYC won't be stripping searching top NYC gov officials and top SAIC officials many who are enjoying golden parachutes and in Rose Gill Hearn's case, the head of Dept of Investigation who ignored Richard Valchich's letter and whistle blowers -- and an eerily similar repeat performance re: the biggest crime ever 911 Tech mess with whistle blowers and instead of Richard Valcich of OPA who went from hero to zero to say it was --- Paul Cosgrove than head of DOITT who called for an end of the contract with HP who had no 911 experience. What HP did have and does have is biggies on the NY Pension board and is one of the top twenty military contractors in the USA aka above the law like SAIC? Hardee har har. 311 could be the 2nd biggest rip off of Tax Payer Titanics rounding off the top three under Mike Bloomberg and there are many more Board of Elections, Board of Ed, NYCAPS (only 277 million tax dollars), FDNY Wireless, NYCWiNS, etc. What did they have in common? Mike Bloomberg, Mark Page, OPA, DOITT and most of city council with Christine Quinn at the help green lighting these obscene over-runs for mostly crappy tech --- Bloomberg rewarded a culture of failure and a revolving door of corruption.
Many lobbyists that happen to collect NYC pensions and worked very hard on campaigns including Scott Stringers who can't do his own taxes but the corrupt players in my opinion made a deal to put an unqualified man who can't earn that kind of money in the private sector and enjoy all the perks of NYC gov Scott Stringer is addicted to so he can kid himself he is royalty -- Scott Stringer can't even take a subway -- at least Mike Bloomberg pretended to a for a little while as gas guzzling SUVs picked him up and Christine Quinn who could have walked to work didn't.
Preet Bharara gave them all immunity and Mike has given Rose Gill Hearn 2 kick back jobs ---
CityTime Crime --- Richard Valcich's letter proved SAIC less than ethical before SAIC even hired Denault and than Valcich went from hero to zero to say with rumors his relatives got jobs at NYC gov working with SAIC? True or false? Heard on the street Valcich lawyered up but lucky Valcich, like Bloomberg, Rose Gill Hearn, Mark Page, Christine Quinn who brushed aside 2 investigations in to CityTime Preet had no interest in investigating.
911 Tech Corruption Waiting for Urgent Criminal Investigation
911 Tech Corruption Waiting for Urgent Criminal Investigation
I have told you that 911 Tech corruption mess way bigger than CityTime but for CityTime crime buffs read Richard Valich's whistle blowing letter
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