NYPD Coerced me to drop charges or go to jail with a hole in my retina Saturday arrest for Dr Fagelman's savagely violent receptionist Delita's running punch to my eye grabbing my hair trying to drag me down the hall by my hair damaging my neck not fired or arrested I agreed to false arrest Oct 16 immediate than Det John Vergona changed my false arrest date to Saturday oct. 20, 2012 4PM IAB let him and his supervisor retire! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh9TedhfthE I am alleging fix, favors and retaliation -- please look at the first page -- it mentions HP tied to 911 Tech corruption as well as mayor Bloomberg Ray Kelly free rides Air Bloomberg....http://www.scribd.com/doc/188752042/NYPD-Commissioner-Ray-Kelly-Charles-Campisi-DI-Ed-Winski-Lt-Agnes-Lt-Angelo-Burgos-IAB-Sgt-Mary-O-Donnell-Sgt-Chen-Det-Andy-Dwyer-Det-John-Ve

Friday, December 30, 2011

CityTime CityCrime No One Wants to Go Back in Time!

See the ECTP link in the post above -- CityTime ECTP just two massive mega-disasteres but there are plenty of other tech over-runs....

in fact if a Spherion consultant did not show up with a duffel bag of cash at a bank in NY there would be no trial but business -- or rather crime -- robbery -- over billing -- fraud as usual  -- seems pretty standard -- government contracts -- Bloomberg and Mark Page, Bill Thompson, Rose Gill Hearn head of DOI in my opinion more than dropped the ball!  

When a trial was forced to happen the goal was to make Gerald Denault the fall guy but this went on way before he arrived...but no one wants to go back in time do they.

Note:  In the indictment -- does it say something about SAIC giving Denault raises and bonuses?

If so aren't his bosses some how complicit and as I said this went on way before Denault as I have explained over and over to you.  Go to link above for info if you haven't read why I say this.

If they did it would be back in Time to Rudy Giuliani and what a coincidence so many men that worked for him were making money off all these big tech deals NYC gov as lobbyist or cush jobs associated with the contractors....?  Nice work if you can get it.

Look how Rudy made quite the fortune after leaving NYC gov.!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

CityTime No Want Wants to go back in Time, Ariel Partners, Rudy, SAIC Mike etc.

Will US Attorney blow it and further screw the tax payers epic levels under mayor Mike Bloomberg.
Someone searching for CityTime Ariel -- thank you!

http://www.cheatingculture.com/daily-cheats/2010/12/21/new-details-in-citytime-corruption-case-contractor-arrogance.html  Scroll down on cheating culture to see the original whistle blowing letter with Mike Bloomberg and Bill Thompson’s names on the bottom of every page! 
The date Feb. 2003 and than go down to the bottom of the post and learn why everyone from Rudy to SAIC to Mike and Rose Gill Hearn do not want to go back in Time.

Suzannah B. Troy rewind:

http://mayorbloombergkingofnewyork.blogspot.com/2011/06/httpireport.html   Read this post and than below I copy paragraphs from David Seifman’s article which has a brief mention of Ariel Partners.

In response to David Seifman’s article:  Hardee har.....SAIC knew and agreed to design a new system at no cost -- hilarious!!!!!!!!!   Now we forced Mike Bloomberg to ask SAIC for 600 million dollars back and I alone say Mike is low balling us.  He should be asking for 1 billion.  A wonderful law firm added RICO charges so that would be x 3.     Thanks to B & K  http://suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2011/10/saic-rico-insights-from-bierce-and.html

Make sure to read tonight’s post on ECTP (flawed 911 tech system -- tax payer’s black hole worse than CityTime which was and is a flawed Orwellian time clock that does not work.)

Wow is Mike lucky most NYers too tired and not able to follow this == too complicated?

How could Bloomberg and Rose Gill Hearn sell the lie CityTime works when in fact he doesn’t work and too fragile doesn’t describe the flaws that allowed asst. commissioner of aging Karen Shaffer to see a boat load of money not that Bloomberg had her arrested lucky devil.  Just the little people are arrested.

"A consultant hired by SAIC, Ariel Partners LLC, concluded that the technology the city had signed up for was too "fragile" to meet its needs, according to an audit issued last September.
SAIC agreed to design an entirely new system at "no cost." But there was one condition: SAIC wanted to be paid based on the hours its employees logged rather than on "fixed deliverables," a flat rate for meeting each target."

FYI from Suzannah B. Troy:  I want a flow chart of every contractor on CityTime and ECTP == why not ever tech program or any program where there were massive overrides in tax payer money and see where the money went and who were the lobbyists?

Read Karen Shaffer thief vs. little People New Yorker thieves...

SAIC, Spheion, etc.

Mike Bloomberg Christine Quinn liars re: Anthony Weiner....

CityTime -- where are the arrests -- just like slush fund abuse US Attorney and SAIC and Mike Bloomberg Team Bloomberg and Rudy Giuliani and his ex deputy mayors turned lobbyists do not want to go back in time CityTime City Crime to the start date of corruption -- revolving door of corruption.   

Mayor to City Council to community board if they r failing you talk to me

I am listening -- you can find my email top of my artist website Suzannahbtroyartist.com

I may be able to help you at least to make sure they are not voted back in to office.

I have some great ideas and they are free or next to free.

Systems are naturally forming to expose corruption and posers not stepping up to serve the community.

I hope to strengthen these systems before the next mayoral election.

One morning very early -- crack of dawn --  I called a political agency not in NYC but with same neighborhood name  --  a woman from the office called me back to praise me -- I will fill you in on not getting the same response here in NYC.  Why?   The political machine -- so corrupt so rotten -- protecting all their greedy agendas most especially their own bank accounts and perks, kick backs.

We are effecting change....Bloomberg barely winning is proof.  The media is not reporting the news of major corruption NYC gov. and of course The White House to Albany but we can effect change and pressure the media to start reporting the news....stay tuned.

Mayor Bloomberg Cover -Up ECTP Bigger. $cam than CityTime!!!!!

Nice to know Bloomberg soon to be ex-king of outsourcing helped fatten a select few bank accounts as he laid off honest City Workers and on fraud scammed money guzzlers -- a record number as in largest White Collar crimes not front page news. 

 NYT want to protect Bloomberg and their troubled finances which is why NYT won't report on Bloomberg puppet Quinn and her pork pay out to Seabrook let alone a piece on ECTP. Did anyone at DOITT , DOI, Mark Page, Bill Thompson, king Mike notice  anything unusual re:Titanic plus spending for flawed systems massively over budget add NYCAPS???

 Look to lobbyists ECTP -- look to ex DOITT bosses -- any worked for Nothrup Grumman.

When I was doing Deutsche Bank the Scream was reminded of Larry Knafo. 

Look up his resume linked in look up Agostino Cangemi ex Rudy lawyer on pensions and his pal Gino. Ask them for a comment on this and CityTime and any insights 311? 

How much have we paid Gartner since Mike came in to power NYC gov. also Glenn Hutchins came in to power and profit?  See my old YouTube Mike Bloomberg looks in the mirror and sees Glenn Hutchins.

12:48 PM
Dec 28, 2011
Its a good thing we have Mayor Bloomberg around to get us through these tough fiscal times.

How about Rudy $ Peter Powers any comments and insights citytime SAIC -- see Peter lobbyist same year he ran Giuliani Partners so Rudy could run for office. Mike free and easy with tax payer money oh yeah !!! Huge scandal ssshhhh! 

Amazing a gossip section reveals more about Rudy and his special group of ex deputy mayors than any leading investigative journalist except for Juan Gonzalez that is but this post below out of the ball park...well done Frank.  Nice.

Mayor Bloomberg's Diana Doll Resign from Sotheby's

Mayor Bloomberg 2011 Scandals SAIC Cover-ups Christine Quinn $lush etc.

Ed Koch up to his eyeballs in corruption third term and his corruption ain’t nothing compared to Bloomberg’s...the largest white collar crimes ever and talk about a “City for Sale” and Betrayal” but the media continues to protect Mike Bloomberg...

New Years eve I will go over Haggerty Trial of course and a lot more == see you than!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Pedro Espada Cuomo Bloomberg Arroyo Family Vito Lopez and Friends, Christine Quinn, Larry Seabrook -- Hello?

The corruption and thievery is still going on and Bloomberg and Cuomo are not doing anything to stop it.  Bloomberg is up to his eye balls in corruption and committed perjury during Haggerty trial.   Explain the Arroyo family, Seabrook, Christine Quinn, Vito Lopez, etc.

Cuomo just rewarded Vito Lopez!  Nice!

Christine Quinn Must Be Arrested Slush aka Pork aka Tax Payer $ Abuse Rages on City Hall

Reminder:  Mike Bloomberg and his mini-me Christine Quinn used slush and intimidation to push through an illegal third term although Cy Vance and US Attorney don’t give a damn.

Bloomberg committed perjury and broke campaign laws and it is hard to believe Christine Quinn isn’t as well when as one example she hires Goldman Sachs guy to be her NYC gov community liason guy -- are you kidding me?  Tony Simone is probably calling half of wall street on NYC gov time and the other half on NYC gov over time.  Disgusting!

Ask Cy Vance, DOI and US Attorney about CityTime and ECTP or NYCAPS etc.

By the way -- name the City gov officials that got NYPD PBA ticket fixing and favors!!!!

The media so enmeshed with NYPD they won’t ask.

One of my New Years Posts with be on Murdoch and Kerik -- um duh -- Murdoch can buy Scotland Yard -- tell me Murdoch didn’t buy Bernie Kerik.

I also want to ask Bernie if he has any knowledge of some other burning issues....stay tuned.

Rudin NYU Bloomberg Quinn Killing Village

Monday, December 26, 2011

NYC Round-up: CityCrime, Sitting Mayor Perjury No Jail, Murdoch Kerik

Question I keep asking on my blogs and in a YouTube:  If Murdoch News Corp could buy Scotland Yard could they have bought Bernie Kerik?  First it is hard to believe News Corp restricting phone hacking to England and 2nd Kerik could have been bought for just about any extra services needed perhaps?

Do not pay attention -- we have the largest white collar crimes ever NYC gov and hugely in the tech sector....Bloomberg set a record outsourcing....as we face more harsh cuts --- I have gone over and over this == no arrests NYC gov officials just like the officials that have received NYPD and PBA fixing and favors -- covered-up -- we have the most crime NYC gov no arrests and the largest amount of false arrests of innocent protestors starting with Brooklyn Bridge...any updates on the deputy inspector who pepper sprayed women for no good reason or the NYPD officer that punched a woman in the face for repeating she had a court order and they should be allowed back in to Liberty Park?  I didn’t think so.

Cy Vance is not arresting anybody that broke laws NYC gov officials but he will arrests hundreds of innocent OWS protestors!

Irony:  John Liu shut down CityTime and ECTP big time but he has been revealed to have a dark side.
Queens Crappers comments are scathing....
Comments have tips for Feds...

Bloomberg, SAIC and Rupert Murdoch want John Liu dead -- politically that is.....

Christine Quinn is Bloomberg’s mini-me and her own district with the exception of a few really rich gay men hate her guts -- her selling them out for kick backs from the Rudin family was a deal breaker.  She is hated.

I have written to Bill DeBlasio -- I let you know if I ever hear back from him.

Commish Kelly not running.

Bloomberg and his puppet Quinn along with socialite mega-millionaire city planner commissioner Amanda the People’s Burden have destroyed this city for their rich and powerful friends supersizing on Old New York’s infrastructures which are shot to hell.

Who ever steps in next has a huge clean up and major miracles to perform to begin to attempt to work on damage done....not sure we can...

Expect fire works next year when the CityTime City crime trial finally begins...will be actually get the 80 million dollars back from Spherion and a massive settlement down the road from SAIC?

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Rudin Quinn HANUKAH Christmas Protest St V Hospital OWS Signs

Occupy Wall St Health Care Med Student St Vincent's Christmas Eve Protest

Note from Suzannah B. Troy:
FYI: Amanda the People’s Burden is an evil witch who refuses to give the People of NYC
protective zoning only always rules in the favor of the rich, greedy and stupid.

The group thinned down to two protestors, Louis Flores and OWS Healthcare Med Student who made it through the night out in the cold symbolic of how the People of New York are being treated.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Hospital Protest Christmas Eve West Village

I am told a car pulled up with a passenger doubled over in need of a hospital.  Sad to say we don’t have video.

Taxi cabs to pedestrians cheered on the efforts of the protests including at least two that will spend the entire night out in the cold to symbolically make the point the entire neighborhood on the West Side from mid-town, Chelsea, W. Village to Battery Park have no trauma 1 full service hospital anymore.

http://youtu.be/-y9yZaL2zWM Louis Flores with other community activists and Occupy Wall Street Health Care folks protesting outside St. Vincent’s -- New Yorkers left out in the cold.

I have more videos coming -- just very tired....will post tomorrow or Monday.

Hospital Protest Christmas Eve West Village

http://youtu.be/-y9yZaL2zWM Louis Flores with other community activists and Occupy Wall Street Health Care folks protesting outside St. Vincent’s -- New Yorkers left out in the cold.

Bloomberg Quinn Rudin Scott Stringer Christmas No Hospital W. Village

http://youtu.be/-y9yZaL2zWM   Louis Flores with other community activists and Occupy Wall Street Health Care folks protesting outside St. Vincent’s -- New Yorkers left out in the cold.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Norman Siegel Howard Teitelbaum 60 Wall Street No More Sign Prohibition by Deutsche Bank

Thanks and gratitude to Norman Siegel and Howard Teitelbaum for speaking up for Occupy Wall Street and The People of New York.

Deutsche Bank and the City of New York lawyers have responded to their powerful letter and there will be future problems to carry a sign in to 60 Wall Street -- a public space privately owned by Deutsche Bank.

If you are harassed or told to leave because you are carrying or wearing a sign contact Norman Siegel.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Fox 5 News Reports Occupy Wall Street St. Vincent’s Symbol of What is Wrong Luxury Condos Where a Hospital Was

We have a protest 6:30 to 7:30 this Tuesday by Rudin Sales offices 120 West 12th Street and Christmas Eve in front of St. Vincent’s with Christmas Carols and band-aids.  http://no-third-term.blogspot.com/2011/12/st-vincents-christmas-eve-protest.html?m=1

Mike Bloomberg Amanda Burden Vile Creeps but anyway Read this letter to Amanda the People’s Burden

"Re: ULURP application for Rudin Management Company’s proposed rezoning of the former St. Vincent’s hospital campus
Dear Ms. Burden:

I am writing with respect to the above referenced proposal before the Commission to allow Rudin Management Company to privately benefit by side-stepping zoning that requires a lower of residential development for its above referenced site and applying to itself instead a special upzoning intended exclusively for the development of hospital buildings because of the public purpose they serve.

This comment is being offered in the name of Noticing New York, dedicated to the insistence on good economic development policies in New York and the proposition that developing New York and appreciating New York must go hand in hand. I offer this testimony as an attorney experienced in real estate, as an urban planner and as former senior government official who worked for more than a quarter of century in the areas of public finance and development for the state’s finance authorities.”

Just an excerpt but click on the link to read his wonderful blog!

From me -- Amanda the People’s Burden an evil shrew that will rot in Real Estate Hell!

Amanda the People’s Burden is responsible along with Mike Bloomberg for the most displacement of People here since The American Indians.

She is a mega-millionaire socialite with a 40 million dollar trust for her kids and has can’t resist aiding and abetting her mega-rich pals busting through zoning.

Don’t stupid, rich, greedy people need a full service hospital? Apparently not.

p.s.  We have a protest 6:30 to 7:30 this Tuesday by Rudin Sales offices 120 West 12th Street and Christmas Eve in front of St. Vincent’s with Christmas Carols and band-aids.  http://no-third-term.blogspot.com/2011/12/st-vincents-christmas-eve-protest.html?m=1

The New York Times Guilty Censorship on Article Deutsche Bank Ban

How evil. The NYT bans my comment on signs being banned. I was victimized by private Deutsche Bank military who would not identify themselves and now the same treatment by The NYTimes. Shame on you. ------ I now have posted 3 comments all banned. The 2nd had YouTube response about NYT and Deutsche censoring me and the 3rd above. http://suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2011/12/suzannah-troy-artist-deutsche-bank.html

Friday, December 16, 2011

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Deutsche Bank Auschwitz Scream past to Now

Watch almost the very end when I talk about Deutsche Bank and the Nazi’s murdering my Jewish People who a Deutsche Bank employee? comes from behind stalking me and than suddenly gets as close to me as she can -- she does not strike me but waves her hand and arm up and down in front of my face trying to censor me -- underscoring my very point about Deutche Bank Nazi behavior having returned.

You have to be quite a monster to come up to a Jewish person talking about mass murder and extermination and do that kind of violent act.  This woman’s actions are pure Deutsche Bank pure Nazi -- I am just grateful she did not strike me!

Thank goodness she did not actually strike me.

Thanks and gratitude to the NYPD for leaving me alone and look at the media response...as if they are protecting and supporting Deutsche Bank’s murderous evil actions....amazing all around. One man getting food a the corner applauded me.

http://www.youtube.com/user/Suzannahartist#p/a/u/1/kK5odi345tc Sunday Night DB private military Nazi’s that taught me a lesson......and evoked the response today outside DB.

DB could not build Auschwitz fast enough but they took their sweet time removing their death trap that took the heroic lives of FDNY Firemen.

Thanks to the NYPD for letting me be.

US politicians, led by Alan Hevesi, say they will try and block the merger until Deutsche Bank offers compensation for Holocaust victims.

From Suzannah B. Troy: I want Deutsche Bank to pay compensation all Auschwitz survivors and non-surviviors and or relatives if they have passed away.  My friend was not compensated by DB.

Artist Suzannah B. Troy "The Scream" Deutsche Bank 60 Wall Street from Auschwitz to Present Day

All I can sustain in my present state of health and exhaustion is a 5 minute scream.  12[30 to 12:35

Sunday night I went to visit Occupy Wall Street in a Public Space at 60 Wall Street and Deutsche Banks private security approached me and made me remove a sign I was wearing to demand a hospital from around my neck and an art work around my body.  I saw verbal abuse, intimidation and the most abusive told me he was going to make me leave the Public Space.  He refused to give me his name repeating over and over he is not a civil servant and he and all the security including a short woman in a mini-skirt and fur coat with tall boots their boss refused to say who employed them and NYPD outside told me Deutsche Bank.

I went home and googled Deutsche Bank and Nazi Germany based and their Nazi eque behavior and found out DB funded the building of Auschwitz as well as did the banking for all the stolen gold from Jews.  DB is responsible for as many as 4 million people mostly Jews but political prisoners, LGBT and handicapped.   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auschwitz_concentration_camp

I know you are aware of the record number of Jewish children the Nazi's murdered....how frightened were those children before they were murdered....

Do any of you have children?  Have any of you seen your child express fear....imagine at the hands of the Nazis.

Deutsche Bank was as honest about their role which was clearly more than being Nazi bankers but in fact DB helped build Auschwitz fast enough to mass murder million of Jews but first robbed them, some were raped, all were starved, tortured and experienced the worse humiliations courtesy of Deutsche bank but as fast as DB funded construction of Auschwitz was DB's construction workers dragged their feet removing the death trap that would claim the lives of hero FDNY firemen Bobby Beddia and Joey Graffignino.

Deutsche Bank has FDNY blood on their hands and DB as eager to take responsibility for their role in hero FDNY deaths as DB security who refused to tell me who employed them just like DB pretended they had nothing to do with the robbery of gold of Jews and mass murder of millions of Jews.  

No Auschwitz than perhaps over 4 million Jews and all of their descendants would be alive today? 

My 1st letter in NYT.  Went to visit Yad Vashem after -- same time Dad in what is now Poland.  Guide lied and said he couldn't find Uncle's apt. because we believe he feared we would make a property claim.  He than offered to sell Dad a piece of a Torah.  To non Jews that is like asking to sell a piece of Jew's body.  The Torah is to be buried the same way a Jewish person is.  The on going cover-ups and lack of responsibility alive and well and Deutsche Bank has proven they have not learned their lesson.   

Call Dr. Josef Ackerman of DB and ask him for a comment on his army plunked down in public with no identification and their foul mouths assualut direct quote 
I fucked your mother.  You are shit. 




I will have a YouTube up tonight of my Scream in case you black this historic media event -- historic also because DB has come full circle recreating Nazi Germany early stages in 60 Wall Street discriminating against certain people -- stopping them and making them remove signs and in my case my art from my body like a Yamuke .

DB's private security dressed in black -- military presence on the public side walk and in POP public space privately owned has caused great upset to people and is an unacceptable trend that must not grow  ===   no identification on their black military outfits  and like DB's Nazi role including in mass murder no responsibility or accountability.

See you at 12:30 or watch my on YouTube when I post later today.

p.s.   Separate issue from may passionate outrage -- a legal step has been taken re:  60 Wall Street.

Deutsche Bank Lawyers and NYPD lawyer have been sent a letter re: "Prohibition of Signs"
60 Wall St. 

http://suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2011/12/blog-post.html  by famed Civil Rights Lawyer Norman Siegel

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Norman Siegel: Civil Rights Lawyers to Deutsche Bank and NYPD Lawyers on Prohibition of Signs

Dear Blogger Readers:

I will have a scribed link soon which will make this an easier read. For now click on each page like it is a photo to get a better look at this amazing powerful letter re: 60 Wall Street.

2011 12 14 Norman Siegel Herbert Teitelbaum Deutsche Bank NYPD First Amendment Letter

Monday, December 12, 2011

Deutsche Bank Linked To Auschwitz Funding


Deutsche Bank made loans to build concentration camps.  This is it.  I don't know how much worse it could be.
American Deutsche Bank has recreated early stages Nazi Germany here in NYC.
Watch 2 YouTube of Deutsche Nazi like security 60 Wall Street postedon blog from last night.

FYI -- loved one survived Auschwitz and is still alive no thanks to the evil actions of Deutsche bank.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Deutsche Bank Says It 'Regrets' Nazi Deals -- Fast Forward 60 Wall Street


Deutsche Bank recreating early stages of Nazi Germany 60 Wall Street including (US soldiers ?)  mercenaries  who will not identify  themselves or who hired them which an NYPD verfied is Deutsche.  It is psychotic to say you fucked someone's mother which is  what  one Deutsche Banks's paid employees to saying this is beyond sick -- to do what --- chase people out of a public space.

Deutsche Bank  FDNY Blood  heroes Bobby Beddia and Joseph Graffagnino -- of course I blame the terrorists but clearly in my opinion Deutsche Bank and NYC gov played a roll and where is the accountability?

The behavior and actions by this bank early stages of Nazi Germany and beyond shameful.


The man I believe is potentially violent took a photo of me although he constantly tried to avoid being photographed.  I would never ever set foot there again.  It was truly the early stages of Nazi Germany and I will NEVER visit 60 Wall Street again.

NYPD officer Ng is from the transit bureau not traffic... he was okay but it was sad to see him laughing with the monster -- the most abusive creep and the NYPD chatting with the head  Deutsche Nazi woman in the fur coat.

ps Deutsche has a little Nazi woman in a fur coat over seeing security all dressed in black military outfits with no identification.

Deutsche Bank Nazi Germany 60 Wall St. Part 2 No US Constitution 60 Wall Street

Deutsche Bank Re-Creates Early Stages Nazi Germany 60 Wall St. & FDNY Blood

Deutsche Bank recreating early stages of Nazi Germany 60 Wall Street including (US soldiers ?)  mercenaries  who will not identify  themselves or who hired them which an NYPD verfied is Deutsche.  It is psychotic to say you fucked someone's mother which is  what  one Deutsche Banks's paid employees to saying this is beyond sick -- to do what --- chase people out of a public space.

Deutsche Bank  FDNY Blood  heroes Bobby Beddia and Joseph Graffagnino -- of course I blame the terrorists but clearly in my opinion Deutsche Bank and NYC gov played a roll and where is the accountability?

The behavior and actions by this bank early stages of Nazi Germany and beyond shameful.

The man I believe is potentially violent took a photo of me although he constantly tried to avoid being photographed.  I would never ever set foot there again.  It was truly the early stages of Nazi Germany and I will NEVER visit 60 Wall Street again.

NYPD officer Ng is from the transit bureau not traffic... he was okay but it was sad to see him laughing with the monster -- the most abusive creep and the NYPD chatting with the head  Deutsche Nazi woman in the fur coat.