a liar Amanda The People's Burden is. I went through this with Bloomberg and his soulless evil city planner commissioner when they helped John Sexton NYU illegally buy air an illegal air sale over St Ann's by the corrupt USPS and their union makes the NYPD's union look wholesome. The USPS illegally sold air space over St Ann's from 1847 to NYU with out notifying the State of NY as legally required!!!! Amanda The People's Burden could have ruled in favor of zoning protection but the evil witch did not just like she could have given us zoning protection for St Vincent's Hospital -- zoning for a hospital only and Christine Quinn and Scott Stringer pathetic excuses for humans rolled over as they always do in favor of greed and stupidity -- both are tax Payer's black holes who won't take a subway and like majority of City Council have Marie Antionette complexes.
No wonder that dirt bag scum John Sexton, NYU's 2 million $ a year soulless pres. ran down to City Hall to testify Mike most have a third term and NYU and corrupt rag the villager endorsed Bloomberg Quinn secretly conspired to turn Yetta Kurland supporters away at the debate they "sponsored@ for Quinn's seat.
The fix was in.