NYPD Coerced me to drop charges or go to jail with a hole in my retina Saturday arrest for Dr Fagelman's savagely violent receptionist Delita's running punch to my eye grabbing my hair trying to drag me down the hall by my hair damaging my neck not fired or arrested I agreed to false arrest Oct 16 immediate than Det John Vergona changed my false arrest date to Saturday oct. 20, 2012 4PM IAB let him and his supervisor retire! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh9TedhfthE I am alleging fix, favors and retaliation -- please look at the first page -- it mentions HP tied to 911 Tech corruption as well as mayor Bloomberg Ray Kelly free rides Air Bloomberg....http://www.scribd.com/doc/188752042/NYPD-Commissioner-Ray-Kelly-Charles-Campisi-DI-Ed-Winski-Lt-Agnes-Lt-Angelo-Burgos-IAB-Sgt-Mary-O-Donnell-Sgt-Chen-Det-Andy-Dwyer-Det-John-Ve

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

ABC Ball Boys Hall of Famer Artie Donovan This Sunday

4 to 5 pm august 5 on ABC

we will have HALL OF FAMER Jim Brown and HALL OF FAMER Artie Donovan in the show this Sunday.

Robbie Sr

A note from Suzannah -- I love the show last Saturday.  Tune in.  Help Robbie Sr to make his dream come true and get a Season 2 with this fun up beat show for sports fans.  
It is tough starting a show with the Olympics running full blast!

District Attorney Spato Ocean Beach Police Boeklman Police Conduct?

DA Spato:  Who is monitoring the little police force on Ocean Beach.

Your office was alerted Police Officer insisted he could not take a noise complaint with out taking the woman's name, telephone number, room number and date of birth.

Why District Attorney Spato.  Who does one go to other than you to get answers?

Police Officer Boeklman was asked wasn't a woman raped here 4 years ago.

His reply was he has been with the force for 11 years (?) and no.  Yet he must have forgotten about the accusations of police officers having sex during work hours with tourists as well as 5 officers including the chief fired for beating up a tourist?


Fired Over Beating

So how are things now with this police department now?
Hear some one wants to make a complaint against an  active officer at Ocean Beach....
have things changed or stayed or the same?


Five police officers terminated -- blue wall of Silence.....


"The indictment came only a week after five former Ocean Beach police officers — who are cooperating with the district attorney — filed a federal lawsuit claiming that the acting chief surrounded himself with a clique of officers who they claimed covered up instances of police brutality against vacationers and drank and had sex while on duty. They are seeking reinstatement."

Monday, July 30, 2012

Very touching that Robbie Senior wrote me!

What a sweet guy!  I will have to tune in again.   ABC Ball Boys is on Aug 5th  4 to 5 pm eastern time!
See you than Robbie Senior!

I wrote him back and told him how I got my Yankee baseball thanks to Elston Howard and his accountant was a colleague of my Dad's.  How cool is that!  

Really, really enjoyed his show.    Getting his email reminded me how important it is to take a break from blogging about corruption and think about what makes me happy!

Thank you Robbie.

Mayor Bloomberg Christine Quinn Unraveled CityTime Scandal Gerald Shargel Super Lawyer? 911 ECTP Even Bigger Scam!!!!!

SAIC lay-offs vs NYC Gov lay-offs Watch this YouTube!  Shame on Bloomberg who pushed SAIC like a drug king pin pushes heroin.   Shame on corrupt ambitious Christine Quinn who brushed aside 2 investigations in to CityTime mega-over runs brought by Tish James and Quinn discouraged a third.

One was all we need and simple math a 4th grader could use!

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/a7SQAHDin8s" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

FYI: 911 Tech disaster even bigger scam and fraud than CityTime....John Liu dubbed ECTP 911 CityTime 2.  He has down major audits and called for criminal investigation!

How is that investigation going?

Christine Quinn and her city council puppets green lighted 1 billion 12 million dollar over ride on 911 tech system just handing over 12 million more dollars to NASA!  The system may not hold up in a terror attack and thanks to Quinn's ambition to be mayor no trauma level 1 hospital in West Village.

FDNY Heroes Joe Graffagnino and Bobby Beddia Dead No Jail for Guilty Parties!

FYI:  Bobby handsome, funny and compassionate....great guy...honored to have known him.

I hold NYC gov responsible, Deutsche Bank and the construction companies as well....  some where some people made mistakes along the way and they all walked away.

Deutsche Bank has private military that harassed me when I went to visit Occupy Wall Street Health Care in DB's pop space and made me remove my signs demanding a hospital where St. Vincent's was.
Deutsche Bank The Scream by Suzannah B. Troy Artist
I came back and give them an air full in this YouTube and I give them hell for Bobby Beddia and Joe Graffagnini's deaths as well as Deutsche Bank's direct roll in mass murder and robbery Jews involving Auschwitz.

Reminder St. Vincent's Hospital is no longer open.    The Rudin family and Turner Construction company mentioned in the article above are set to remove The Cross.  Read this....

Also note:  No arrests NYC gov officials in CityTime and ECTP 911 Tech System which is a bigger fraud than CityTime and more flawed.   If we have a terror attack this year I am not confident the 911 tech system will stand-up because of a revolving door of corruption green lighted by Mike Bloomberg, Mark Page and City Council.

Tiles for America 9-11 Controversy What About Rudin St. Vincent's Hospital/

Reminder St. Vincent's is closed and Rudin has blocked off the area where all the photos where hung of lost loved ones. It will be the first time ever no access as Rudin family greed robbed the space of being a Trauma Level 1 hospital -- no hospital prepared for a terror attack, no Rape Crisis Center and Quinn calls herself a feminist icon, no AIDs care on 12th St. 


Charles Barron Speaks Out Don't Close Swimming Pool in Summer!


Inspector Lewis Not as Good as Swedish Wallander, Alan Cummings Pond Scum!

I really like the actors in Inspector Lewis especially Laurence Fox who's uncle Edward Fox gave a mind blowing performance in The Day of the Jackal.

Laurence is 6 foot 3, skinny and gangly and I adore him.   Both lead actors are superb but the writing is below par reaching to be more than it really is.  I just discovered the series on Mystery PBS and I like it.

I loathe Alan Cummings who supports Bloomberg's corrupt community crushing development in the East Village so he is an evil piece of garbage in my book...I try to avert my eyes when he introduces Mystery.

I remained gentrification supersizifcation because of all the illegal corrupt community crushing zone busting development Alan Cummings an over paid "star" supports.

Apple Grand Central Rotten Apple Deal? I hate Apple Soho Managers Dana and David just Evil!

read this ....

NYDN 6 shoot Brownsville 2 yr old shot NYDN Moderating My Comment

I am not posting comments on the NYDN -- this is my latest awaiting moderation....wake me up from this Orwellian nightmare....we have a mayor and city council speaker and their over paid team of helpers responsible for green lighting the most corruption ever including the largest tax payer money in the billions and no one seems to care.

Here is the comment awaiting moderation.

"Christine Quinn wants to be mayor and she is silent.  Why such a fragile NYC where gun violence is the answer. Why so fragile?  Mike Bloomberg isn't interested in that question.  Jay-Z contributed to this violence  which he made a fortune and that is why he felt the need to install bullet proof glass in the maternity ward and he is glorified for offering minimum wage jobs with no future Brooklyn basketball stadium where the land was stolen from the people just like Columbia University in your face eminent domain abuse. Wake-up New Yorkers!  All Mike wants to do is talk gun violence but the issues are deeply rooted in fragile NYC.  Mike and City Council aren't making bring Peace to the Streets number 1.  You know what is number 1 at City Hall and all the politicos from Albany to City Hall with very few exceptions == how can't they profit and enjoy their power not serve the People of NY.  Andy Cuomo wants to be president.   He is silent.  Obama and his wife are silent and party with Jay-Z who uses the B word and now vows to stop because he has a daughter?  Rapes are up in NYC and under reported and Jay-z disrespecting woman contributed in my opinion yet Obama and Wife have no problem with that and him and Beyonce turning away Moms and Dads in need of a hospital and installing bullet proof glass.  Obama silent.  He comes to NYC to shut down our neighborhoods and pull up the brinks truck for money for his political career.  They have all failed us.  Unemployment 17%.?

NYC Unemployment 17% Not 10! Henry Buhl Ace Make Veteran Vendors Homeless!

A friend told me he saw on the news unemployment actually 17 percent including those not collecting any unemployment benefits.  

Note a few rich white folks lead by Henry Buhl like they r klu klux can want Veteran Vendors and artists wiped off the street Prince St so their side walks can breathe. 

 The illegal planters dropped by Henry Buhl of ACE a supposed group to help homeless wants them homeless of their work spaces and some troubled Vets could end up in homeless shelters or worse because of these wealthy residents.  

Buhl close to stole an artists loft  he brags about living......how many rich folk brag about exploiting artists ---  and is rumored to live off a 100,000 dollars Daddy left him besides being implicated in The Vesco Scandals.

ACE is rumored to do what they do to receive benifts and perks including not getting ticketed.   See post below for more info.

 Is that why Buhl has not received one ticket for his illegal planters.  Does he have special connections Dept of Transportation?

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Ed Koch For Mayor T Shirt R U Kidding Me?

Lower East Side  - Are you kidding me.    Pleasant fellow -- clueless --- 
Read this book bub!

Mike Bloomberg bought Ed Koch like a cheap piece of candy.   Charlie Rose is Mike Bloomberg's ken doll!

Henry Buhl (Shit) ACE Soho Illegal Planters Economic Racism Displace Vendors On Going

The rich white folks of Prince St are leaning on Deputy Inspector Edward Winski yet agin to harass the Veteran Vendors with any kind of anal enforcement of the law while the NYPD are deaf dumb and blind to the illegal parking of luxury cars in The Mercer Hotel's loading and unloading zone and the NYPD say they can do nothing about Henry  Buhl  of ACE (the benevolent plantation owner of Prince St....just no minorities welcome to set up tables on his block) illegal planters he dropped.  The NYPD say it is DOT's jurisdiction unless harder har it is Occupy Wall St.   Than there would be arrests and the planters would have been removed in 2 seconds.   I was instructed to call CB1 on the month anniversary of the illegal planters being dropped to learn more about a Dept of Transportation hearing to have the planters removed. Apparently unless middle class and poor people Buhl has a month grace period from DOT and than fines and a hearing are coming.

FYI:  Margaret Chin is being called a lot of names....starting with "sell-out"
Margaret Chin and Dan Squadron silent -- ho hum...

Henry Buhl dropped illegal planters down where Veteran Vendors and artists have had their tables for years.

It was like a klux klux meeting with a few wealthy white folks some with designer dogs celebrating because the NYPD where not ticketing vendors, falsely arresting them enough.

Fran Lebowitz Gives Blooomberg NYU & City Council Hell!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!

Fran:  Here I am protesting Mayor Bloomberg's 3rd term at the inauguration.

I yelled at corrupt Christine Quinn and found myself surrounded.

Photo by Richard Cohen by of Corbis  Collection.

look at date...

Mayor Bloomberg King of New York 
my first YouTube 
he isn't going to break any laws -- he is just going to change him....

Fran:  Amanda Burden a MEGA millionaire...and don't forget Christine Quinn for an open lesbian she is in bed with how many billionaires.  Quinn locked out her own district to prevent them from testifying they demand a hospital in front of city council -- the fix was in...

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Mayor "Mogul Mike" Bloomberg, Speaker Christine Quinn, and the Exploding...

So corrupt just like USPS illegal air sale to NYU over St. Ann's from 1847.  NYU green with greed -- more concrete less sun, tear -up trees, up root people.   when Mike bloomberg, Christine Quinn, Amanda the People's Burden say progress they mean get your moving van.  They are robbing the heart and soul of this city mega dorming the E. Village to death, corrupt Columbia U expansion abuse eminent domain, NY Law Dorm broke zoning laws next to Hells Angels. Higher Greed Sexton should be fired.

In bed with Bill Rudin Rudin Family Greed as well killing our communities with greed and stupidity

Hey Dummy When U Bribe The Manhattan U Don't Use Currency Back Room Deals!

Meng openly bragged while everyone else just understands it is a given that Cy Vance fixes for Mike Bloomberg, Team Bloomberg, Christine Quinn -- as in hello, I Suzannah B. Troy called Cy Vance's integrity hotline....got no response.  Mike Bloomberg and Quinn protected on slush abuse breaking campaign laws...anything but murder not to worry?

Bill Rudin with some help from Howard Rubenstein convinced Cy Vance to not prosecute the St. Vincent's crooks because it might bring unwanted attention to Rudin's acquistion of St. Vincent's? 
Hey Cy:  Christine Quinn locked out her own district from testifying -- her staff was a no show as a 75 year old man fainted from the cold and an ambulance took 30 minutes.  No investigation.  Hard to believe every body from City Hall to Manhattan DA isn't for sale the currency back room deals but Meng's father got busted for actually using currency?

Christine Quinn and feminists have no problem with Joe Tacopina and Chad Seigel comparing a rape victim's bruised vagina to a Venus Fly Trap or Grace Meng's political backer involved in pushing her and sex ads in his paper ho hum....

Yeah Grace I believe you are independent of your father just like Dave Paterson is of his, Bill Thompson is of his and Andrew Cuomo is of his.....and Christine Quinn is of her father Mike Bloomberg! 

Monday, July 23, 2012

NY Albany to City Hall Money for Greedy Thieves Stupidity Sub-Zero Trickle Down

Oops you left out multi-billions in tax payer abuse CityTime, ECTP aka 911 Tech System, 311 mega bucks for a flawed system that solves little to nothing, FDNY Wireless, NYCWiNS, Seedco, countless board of ed deals etc.  Bloomberg should be forced to resign along with mark page, christine quinn and every city council member that allowed this to happen.

NYC a revolving door of corruption.

from a friend...
Yet, n.y always has more money to build pedestrian plazas and those turning lane intersections like by 23rd street
Never have money problems she giving Cuomo' s people raises. 
Always have money to put an a/c unit in nanny Bloomberg's expensive gas guzzling sub

and note from Suzannah:

Who would have thought I would thank the NY Post who banned me from commenting suspending 2 different accounts for allowing me to comment via facebook.

Mort Zuckeman Colin Myler have banned me from comment on the NYDN.   Do you think Myler will end up serving time in England for hacking scandal....any chance?  Is that why he had me banned?

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Rupert Murdoch Resigns from British Newspaper Boards

From the article:

Privately, Mr. Murdoch had been convinced that his beloved British newspapers, two of which make significant losses, were becoming a financial and reputational drag on the rest of his interests, according to a person familiar with his thinking. There has been consistent speculation that he would seek to sell the newspapers entirely once dozens of impending lawsuits alleging phone hacking have been concluded. 

Note from Suzannah: 
1) hard to believe no hacking NYC and LA....
2)Murdoch should never ever have closed the paper and laid off honest workers but fire his top players instead of protecting them.

3) pinch me -- Mort Zuckerman hiring Colin Myler  -- the NYDN resembles The NY Post now but makes the Post look better -- the NYDN website is now awful.  Myler should return to London and will he be named in lawsuits?

4) Murdoch may be old but he appeared to be eating testosterone from breakfast lunch and dinner -- hard to believe he would give up control of anything?  

Friday, July 20, 2012

Intel NY Daily News Insults Women calling Christine Quinn Feminist Icon!

Christine Quinn had judge judy kaye marrying her and Dave Paterson and Andrew Cuomo at her political business wedding with 200 close friends banking on her being mayor and why does that underscore Christine Quinn as anti-women and anti-feminist.

Judge Judy Kaye and Andrew Cuomo made sure that Dave Paterson did not go to jail for perjury and for silencing a victim of spousal abuse for Dave Johnson 6 foot 9.

Let Dave Johnson wrap his hand around Christine Quinn's neck, Andrew Cuomo's daughter's neck or Judy Kaye's and flee as the police responded and there would have been a very different ending as in jail time for Johnson and Paterson for his role.

The only honest people in Albany resigned.

That alone is proof but how about Quinn allowing St. Vincent's to close and not even blink that the Rape Crisis Center closed and rapes are up and under reported in NYC.

Quinn had nothing to say when Chad Venus Fly Trap Seigel on behalf of Tacopina Seigel asked ...Does it snap shut like fly trap?   He was referring to the NYPD rape victim's bruised vagina and a Venus Fly trap.

Quinn has betrayed women and her dirty dealings with Paterson at her wedding explains to me why spousal abuse, rape and violence towards women is up in NYC....because of supposed politicians who sell-out The People and The Women of this great city for greed, stupidity and their ambition.

Gerald Shargel Unraveled Defense Attorney Shrink Prepping For CityTime Trial?

Rented "unraveled" on iTunes. Just skimmed the movie to watch Shargel since he is Mark Mazer's lawyer in CityTime CityCrime trial of the century -- next century lucky Mike Bloomberg, Christine Quinn and even Bill Thompson!

Comparing Gerald Shargel in his  video clips on his website of his young frenetic Mafia defense antics to his starring role in Unraveled...he appears to have improved with age appearing part shrink as much as a defense attorney cleverly brokering the best deal possible for his mega-goniff client.

In contrast  NYPD Heroin Rape Defender smug arrogant Joe Tacopina who recently came to stand next to me  (of all the people he picks me to stand next to) -- in person --  Joe Hell Bound Tacopina looked like hell, a mess, as if he is wearing his sins on the outside or his clients' -- while defending crooks seems to agree with Shargel.    Gerald Shargel has aged well and could give Tacopina some serious help with his wardrobe problems.

That being said I sure hope Shargel loses CityTime case. I want our money back plus damages. SAIC 455 million dollar cash transfer too little. I do want Shargel and Gerard Denault's lawyer to call Mike Bloomberg, Mark Page, Gibbs, Patti Harris, Harris's husband and son, Christine Quinn, Bill Thompson, Rose Gill Hearn.     I would even bribe Shargel with my Mayor Bloomberg King of NY poster since he collects art but Shargel a super-ham loves attention and the TriBeCa film festival. He won't deliver me my dream -- a polite revolution - an indictment of the Bloomberg Quinn 3 terms that deserve a Nixon Watergate ending as in resignations.

Vacco needed to call Steve Rattner -- Fiona's boss hardee har. Vacco dealt with Team Bloomberg amnesia and did Patti Harris's husband Judge Lebow who I believe pushed the MTA SAIC deal with Mark Page give them amnesia testimony tips?  (Sshhhh Mike Bloomberg also committed perjury!)

 Gerald Shargel let a fellow Rutgers almunist dream ra ra.

 Gerald the Justice system doesn't work. It is too pricey. Hardee har.

 Middle class and poor can't afford Justice. I would debate u on this and win!!!

Christine Quinn Book The Dirt Donate KickStarters Pub Date Same as Her Book Release!

Make a Donation:  I did! Thank you,  Suzannah B. TroyHi,

This week, I launched my Kickstarter book project.  I am raising money to self-publish my book about the corruption that has taken place in New York City under the Christine Quinn administration. 


My book is entitled, “Roots of Betrayal :  The Ethics of Christine Quinn,” and I will take a ''behind the scenes'' look at New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn's politics and ethics.  I aim to show you how a politician, who claims to be transparent and ethical, has demonstrated herself to be just the opposite. 

But I need your help to publish this book.  My goal is to raise $6,000, and I am trying to do it by inviting my activist friends to pledge $55.  But it is up to you how much you want to pledge.  You are free to pledge as low at $1, or you can pledge more.  If you go to the Kickstarter pledge, you will see the rewards that I am offering in exchange for your support.  Further below, I provide an itemization of how the money will be spent.

Next year, Speaker Quinn is expected to publish her memoirs as a slick public relations stunt during the race for mayor of New York City in 2013.  Her critics allege that the press does not hold Speaker Quinn accountable for her record of undermining democracy.  In 2008 and 2009, Speaker Quinn worked hand-in-hand with Mayor Michael Bloomberg to purposely deny voters a referendum when they overturned term limits.  Just the way that term limits were overturned -- a series of back room meetings (and some say, deals), all away from public participation and scrutiny -- still draws much heated discussion in New York.  For years now, Speaker Quinn has been using discretionary funds to thwart the full participation of other City Councilmembers in the city's legislative agenda.  Speaker Quinn has even gone along with Mayor Bloomberg's budget cuts to the office of the Public Advocate, at each turn choosing to go along with what is not right in order to get along with Mayor Michael Bloomberg.  Speaker Quinn is undermining any oversight and accountability in public office.  The story of the relentless hospital closings will also be featured in my book.  

This Kickstarter project will help me to raise money in order to self-publish this book -- in order to to tell the whole story. This is how the money will be used : 

 - I need to pay $2,300 so that my manuscript can be transformed into a book by a self-publishing company. 
 - I am also raising the modest amount of $3,100 to pay for marketing materials and to promote my book on the Internet. 
 - Kickstarter will keep $300 for hosting my fundraising campaign.
 - Amazon will keep $300 for processing all of the secure payments made to support this Kickstarter project.

Please pledge what you can, and then help me to spread the word about my book by forwarding this e-mail to your network of friends and activists and by posting a link to this KickStarter project on your Facebook page.  


The way that Kickstarter works is that the only way that my project will be funded is if I can raise at least a minimum of my fundraising goal.  The amounts that are pledge are not processed on your credit card until my project is fully-funded.  So, I would be very grateful if you could make an effort to help me spread the word about this project.  

I attach a flyer that I will be passing out this week-end.   Thank you for everything you do.

Louis Flores

The NY Post Editors Blame Black Council Member for Silent White Steve Levin McCarren Park Pool Violence!!!


Thursday, July 19, 2012

Sylvia Woods Queen of Soul Foods Dies


Rosie O'Donnell Luxury Condos No AIDS Care Rape Crisis Center Trauma Level 1 Hospital

http://youtu.be/cYq5KfY4wlE   Shocking Rosie O'Donnell would do this -- she doesn't understand luxury condos can't do CPR and there is no Rape Crisis Center or AIDS Care on 12th Street!  Bill Rudin's corrupt stupid greedy luxury condos.

The New York Time  April 1,  2008 nytimes  Bill Rudin quoted...."  the lack of a world class hospital will not only jeoparidize the west side population but also threaten NY’s competitiveness as a city!”

So when did Rudin sell his soul, the safety of The People out and the City along with Bloomberg and Amanda the People’s Burden.

http://youtu.be/cYq5KfY4wlE   Shocking Rosie O'Donnell would do this -- she doesn't understand luxury condos can't do CPR and there is no Rape Crisis Center or AIDS Care on 12th Street!  Bill Rudin's corrupt stupid greedy luxury condos.

The New York Time  April 1,  2008 nytimes  Bill Rudin quoted...."  the lack of a world class hospital will not only jeoparidize the west side population but also threaten NY’s competitiveness as a city!”

So when did Rudin sell his soul, the safety of The People out and the City along with Bloomberg and Amanda the People’s Burden.

Christine Quinn Pay to Play? Chelsea Critics Question 5 Million City Donation to High Line

Christine Quinn Pay to Play wannabe mayor queen of dirty back room deals...

Christine Quinn Highline Pedro Espada like?

The NY Times Confirms Unemployment NY 10 Percent! FYI Some Rich White Folk Soho Want to make the number higher Watch!

Martina Navratilova Writes Christine Quinn Gay Bashing Horse Drawn Carriage Driver Rant

Wow Christine Quinn is going to have a hard time using the gay gay gay pink card to get out of this.

Up until now there are a select group of gay folks that will vote for her no matter what unless she commits murder.

There are gay people that support Rudin Luxury condos instead of a full service trauma level 1 hospital with AIDS care and a rape crisis center.

Ask Chuck Meara and Christine Quinn about Quinn locking out her own district from testifying and not one staff member and she has a huge staff showed up to greet the community because um er gee whiz they want a full service hospital.  Dogs and Cats have a better hospital than humans in Quinn's district and you see where she stands on horses.  
Christine Quinn sold our her own district and there is no hospital!

The New York Time  April 1,  2008 nytimes  Bill Rudin quoted...."  the lack of a world class hospital will not only jeoparidize the west side population but also threaten NY’s competitiveness as a city!”

So when did Rudin sell his soul, the safety of The People out and the City along with Bloomberg and Amanda the People’s Burden.

Hey Martina:  If you bump in to this guy Wayne don't ask him what is last name is.  On NYC gov property in City Hall he refused to tell me... Christine Quinn's special assistant.....why?

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Queens Crap Christine Quinn Oinks All Over Town!

Reminder king Mike the little emperor of NYC and his mini-me used and abuse slush as well as used intimidation to push through an illegal third term...

slush is also know as tax payer money.....

Quinn sold the lie we needed Mike to help us with the economy - meanwhile they are both implicated in billions of dollars of tax payer abuse and fraud CityTime, ECTP 911 tech system etc.