Many people do not know who is George Washington
Should we remove George Washington from money. Remove washington's name plate on the statues. Maybe we should put Snookie on money or her name on the statues.
Maybe we should teach people that she was an actress and a funny comedian.
She had a delayed diagnosis for ovarian cancer.
She valiantly fought the disease.
Gilda's charity was designed by friends of hers to help bring awareness to ovarian cancer.
To hopefully draw attention to the disease and early detection of the disease.
Gilda's charity was also set up to help people living with cancer.
Gilda's comedy brought joy and laughter to millions.
The charity was set up in her honor her by supporters
Changing the name is an insult to Gilda and the good work that the charity has done.
I am glad that the new York location is not going to change the name.
Wisconsin location should get with the program
What should be changed is the executive director that wants to change the name.
Here is a link
If you want to put up saying that they can send them an e-mail that they do not approve of the name change
Many people do not know who is George Washington
Should we remove George Washington from money. Remove washington's name plate on the statues. Maybe we should put Snookie on money or her name on the statues.
Maybe we should teach people that she was an actress and a funny comedian.
She had a delayed diagnosis for ovarian cancer.
She valiantly fought the disease.
Gilda's charity was designed by friends of hers to help bring awareness to ovarian cancer.
To hopefully draw attention to the disease and early detection of the disease.
Gilda's charity was also set up to help people living with cancer.
Gilda's comedy brought joy and laughter to millions.
The charity was set up in her honor her by supporters
Changing the name is an insult to Gilda and the good work that the charity has done.
I am glad that the new York location is not going to change the name.
Wisconsin location should get with the program
What should be changed is the executive director that wants to change the name.
Here is a link
If you want to put up saying that they can send them an e-mail that they do not approve of the name change