NYPD Coerced me to drop charges or go to jail with a hole in my retina Saturday arrest for Dr Fagelman's savagely violent receptionist Delita's running punch to my eye grabbing my hair trying to drag me down the hall by my hair damaging my neck not fired or arrested I agreed to false arrest Oct 16 immediate than Det John Vergona changed my false arrest date to Saturday oct. 20, 2012 4PM IAB let him and his supervisor retire! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh9TedhfthE I am alleging fix, favors and retaliation -- please look at the first page -- it mentions HP tied to 911 Tech corruption as well as mayor Bloomberg Ray Kelly free rides Air Bloomberg....http://www.scribd.com/doc/188752042/NYPD-Commissioner-Ray-Kelly-Charles-Campisi-DI-Ed-Winski-Lt-Agnes-Lt-Angelo-Burgos-IAB-Sgt-Mary-O-Donnell-Sgt-Chen-Det-Andy-Dwyer-Det-John-Ve

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Mayor Bloomberg Haggerty Trial Sept. 12, Sept. 11 Scandal + Christine Qu...

To my knowledge Cy and Haggerty's defense attorney haven't subpoena---da da da the emails!!!!!!!!!!!

Maura Keaney worked with Haggerty on Mike' campaign sshhhhhhhh

Maura married to Mark Guma!!!!!! Mark dismissed SOME money Cy owed him but cy still had to do fund raising to pay Mark back. Does Cy owe Mark Guma a favor or two?

Maura gets pulled off haggerty to work with christie quinn

Christine Quinn and Maura Keaney get written up by Jim Dwyer for ethics lapse!!!!!!! Now Maura's husband Mark Guma is running Christine Quinn's campaign!

Mike broke campaign laws. It carries up to a year in jail. Village Voice and NY Observer articles in my blog post above.

NY Observer article says Mike funneled money to haggerty mayoral run no. 2 funneled money to haggerty via republican party.

No one has called for a forensic audit of Mike's campaign spending this run and previous have they?

My letter published in The Wall Street Journalhttp://online.wsj.com/article/SB111457272166718054.html Betrayal At Ground Zero.

The betrayal has grown exponentially.

Another big cover-up is Hurricane Irene. Construction sites were not secured and would have killed people and reeked catastrophic damage but lucky for Mike, Hurricane Irene did not hit us with her full force and the media cover-ups for his and DOB dropping the ball yet again including with Mike Bloomberg and his socialite City Planner Amanda the People’s Burden reckless Tsunami of community crushing development that killed way too many people.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

60 Minutes Gospel for Teens Teen Composes Sings Song Missing Father Will Move You To Tears!


Comment on Bloomberg Natural Disaster Irene Vs. Planned Disaster CityTime!

Just think - Bloomburg over-estimated a natural disaster that he has no control over and underestimated a planned disaster that he had total control over for about a decade.  Irene and CityTime.
Odd, is it not?

Thank you  B.E. for such an astute comment.

Cover-up for Bloomberg MTA begins + 3:00 Evac Order lifted People Can Return Home! by Suzannah Troy Artist

The MTA subway system floods on rainy days....Bloomberg and the MTA cannot blame the streets, pipes cracking an breaking, the 3rd world conditions whether it’s Mike Bloomberg’s streets of NY or the MTA’s delipidated subway station conditions that look like a scene out of the original Planet of the Apes on Hurricane Irene...

Commuting will be hell because the MTA doesn’t seem to believe they can get the subways up ad running.

The flooding is a mess and worse because Bloomberg pushed a reckless tsunami of development without addressing infrastructure.

Mayor Bloomberg Gets D+ For Hurricane Irene & Yes Puppet Christine Quinn by Suzannah Troy Artist

Here is my new YouTube --
 Mike Bloomberg gets a D+ for Hurricane Irene.  If I was mayor I would have coordinated the NYPD with DOB to make sure every construction site in every bourough was secure but Mike did not do so.  He had Christine Quinn get face time -- his yes puppet acting as a deputy mayor not council speaker providing checks and balances but she sold the great lie we needed Mike for a third term to help us with the economy.  Christine Quinn helped flush democracy down the toilet to further empower an oligarch rule so she could take over as emperor but the voters will remember.

From Clayton Patterson The Outlaw Art Museum on Mike Bloomberg and Hurricane Irene:

IDIOT- from perspective of a person living in the city the hype was far harder on people than the storm- this constant hype had a lot of people- especially elderly people really scared- then the amount of money individuals spent to survive the "hurricane" of the century-- in areas of Long ISland- NJ- yes- so much rain will for sure cause flooding- but in NYC shutting down the transit system was retarded-- I met one crusty last night absolutley soaked having to walk to Bed-Sty- he looked like he was ready to drop-- the mayor is an idiot to have shut down the transit system-- the weather here now is nice- but nobody can get around!!!

Since the community is now so yuppie most workers cannot afford to live here- for example the guy in the grocery store next door- he lives in the Bronx- so he had o catch the last train at noon- so out of work saturday- cannot come in on Sunday- and the system hopefully will be up to speed on monday-- '

then the fashion statements that idiot was making a new look every conference-- f/// him!!!!!


Saturday, August 27, 2011

Quinn NYPD Eagle Raid

Show Us You Care ! Will Christine Quinn hold NYPD accountable for raiding the Eagle ? Probably not, as usual.

Is Christine Quinn going to hold the NYPD accountable for raiding the Eagle on the very night when marriage equality became law ? What kind of an LGBT leader is she, if she does not fight for our LGBT civil rights ? Join our Facebook page : Gays Against Christine Quinn.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Steve Jobs Resigns


Steve Job wishing you miracles and healing.

I love Apple.

I carry the two Steve’s books on their lives on my Iphone.

The powerful anti-Bloomberg no third term work I did I did on my Apple.

I have only met one evil racist demon working for them. Other wise Apple rocks. Just radical how they teach you. I had an old obese predator attempt to use teaching me some computer stuff and you know what the reason was. With Apple you can get one on one teaching for 99 dollars and save yourself from some old lonely stalker type trying to prey on you.

I helped Giupseppi Logan come back from the dead almost filming him and putting him on YouTube because an Apple teacher taught me how.

He got to connect with fans, people that had bought his two records in the ’60’s before he crashed and burned and I got to reunite him with his youngest child, the only child from his 2nd marriage who he has not seen in 40 plus years.

GL made a record although I must have handed him more cash than the record company that made the new album which is wonderful.

The sad news is the last time I say GL he had broken his hip and he wanted crutches to walk out of the hospital. The MD’s would not release him and he said if he didn’t leave it was double jeopardy.

Sad stuff but at least he is not homeless.

Any way Apple -- the two Steves and their work has helped so many people to help even more people....very touching moving....

Chopping the Street By Suzannah B. Troy Who Knew the Bail-Out Would Be Even Bigger White Collar Crime

FYI, a supporter of mine emailed Jim Dwyer concerned he had let us say been inspired by my blog post on  CityTime because this supporter had sent me that info on Ernst and Young and I posted on my blog quite a while before his Times piece http://eastvillageeasteastvillage.blogspot.com/2011/07/jim-dwyer-reports-on-ernst-and-young.html      How ironic of you click on my east village link the link should take you here but instead it takes you to Jim’s article..... sub-conscious good girl training to defeat one’s self?  http://suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2011/06/saic-technodyne-won-big-awards-as-they.html

but anyway I went to his NYTimes webpage today and found this video from 2008 and a South Bronx gentleman calls the bail-out the NEW organized crime and he is 100 percent correct.

Hank Paulson, Tim Geithner and gang brokered one of the most corrupt deals in American history.

The FBI was on to the mortgage meltdown but they dropped it because of 9-11 but the leaders of every company involved allowed greed and stupidity to destroy their firms and the tax payers should never have been made to bail them out with no pay back with interest and how about jail.
Suzannah B. Troy Artist Chelsea Hotel

I am so proud of this story I wrote....big time.  Who knew I would have the most blog postings on SAIC and Citytime and clearly SAIC is above the law and ditto so far for their NYC gov. counterparts as well as sub-contractors so Chopping the Street was right on the money.....the tax payer’s money which I talk about in the story as well.  I just had no idea it would be as epic as 9-11 without all the mass murder but so destructive it could be heading us in to a Depression and added to our Trillions in debt. which enabled China in  a sense to buy a big part of the USA.

The gentleman from the South Bronx got it -- the ’new’ organized crime but for me more destruction than old school organized crime in ways that may have destroyed our Country.

p.s.  I loved writing the sex scene in the bathroom.

p.p.s  The FBI dropped the ball with SAIC and in fact took some blame that I don’t think was their’s but SAIC’s because SAIC did the same thing to NYC tax payers as well.  Thank goodness we prevented the SAIC MTA and the fix was in on that corrupt deal until finally the corrupt MTA was forced to drop corrupt SAIC.    SAIC MTA acted like organized crime even refusing to respect the State comptroller who said “NO” and SAIC MTA said F-you in so many words until the MTA was finally forced to drop the deal.     For now CityTime SAIC remains the largest white collar crime NYC gov exposed so far....many of us think ECTP 911 tech system may be bigger.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Sunday, August 21, 2011

NYDN Editorial Christine Quinn Slush & Lulus 6 City Council Members pocketing lulus still

Read the article to see the names of 6 city council members with no shame as the pocket lulus.
Wow look at the comments!

6:33:02 AM
Aug 21, 2011
not bad for a part time - they need to be put on a time clock and aid minimum wage since they all have other full time paying jobs

7:02:51 AM
Aug 21, 2011
Their should be no lulus at all. These morons don't even deserve a tenth of their salary!

8:11:12 AM
Aug 21, 2011
And how are we sure they are donating it to charity? And to what charity are they donating it? They should refuse it altogether. Or how about putting the money towards helping legalized hard working tax paying Americans? These clowns don't deserve their salary as it is, just like Congress. Most of them belong in prison for all of the laws they've broken.
8:12:45 AM
Aug 21, 2011
What about Bloomberg bribing several city council members a total of $3.1 million to overturn term limits? Those bribed from the mayors once secret slush fund are Simcha Felder, James Vacca, Domenic Recchia, Helen Sears, Erik Dilan and Peter Vallone Jr. Then he endorsed Felder in his run for State Senate.

old teach
8:24:55 AM
Aug 21, 2011
Why not have your reporters start to report the millions that city officials have lavished on groups that will support their political aims? Bloomberg and Quinn using the power of the purse were able to orchestrate the over turning of term limits. Both his money and her war chest saw to it that the votes were bought and paid for before the count. Bloomberg via his philanthropy has positioned himself and his business to continue to wield unheard of power after the third term expires. Quinn and her confederates(Recchia,Felder,and more) have allowed developers and consultants to eat with both hands at the tax payers expense and at the cost on municipal worker jobs. Why not expose this?
10:38:06 AM
Aug 21, 2011
Her Majesty the Quinn handing out lulus? But isn't there also another $50,000,000 or $60,000,000 that Her Majesty doles out that go to council members cronies, families and bogus community centers, etc? How is all this possible in the face of the this cursed recession imposed upon us? This stupid city council must cost around $250,000,000 or more annually and they produce nothing, zilch! We don't have enough uniformed employees or even parks department personnel but we maintain this government monstrosity as if all is well with the world. Disgraceful! Shameful! Criminal!
11:39:09 AM
Aug 21, 2011
Any update on the slush fund investigations? I know Seabrook’s trial is coming up but it is true both Bloomberg and Christine Quinn, Mike’s mini-me used slush and intimidation to push through a third term selling the lie we needed Mike to help us with the economy. All of Mike’s slush puppies either got a third term or a cush job benefiting off of NYC gov in all kinds of ways -- look up Melinda Katz as a NY lobbyist or David Yassky, Simcha Felder....no one wants to leave NYC gov where you can get away with everything but murder.

B & H Dairy and Vegetarian Food $5 Breakfast Special

DA Investigating St. Vincent Hospital Closure Thank Goodness

DA Investigating St. Vincent Hospital Closure Thank Goodness

http://www.ny1.com/content/top_stories/145479/post--prosecutors-investigate-if-execs-purposely-let-st--vincent-s-hospital-go-broke The level of corruption re: St Viinie's closure to Rudin deal with Christine Quinn getting kick backs to campaign donations from banks bailed out pure corruption no pay backs with interest or criminal charges but certain parties making out including Quinn but she let the only hospital in her district. Bloomberg Quinn support corrupt bail outs for banks not hospitals that save lives. Remember 9-11 NYPost iPad bully blOcks access so posted now with phone.

Friday, August 19, 2011

CityTime SAIC Just 1 Reason Not To Lay-Off 450 Parks Workers


So proud I stood with Local 375 DC 37 outside SAIC's NYC offices and asked for our money back. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MgD4ncQF18&sns=em

Google my name Yankees Mets Stadium to read my thoughts and Juan Gonzalez's powerful article exposing how the city of NY under Bloomberg brokered deals losing us 30 million so parks dept. workers were to be terminated.
Too big too fail?

Maybe maybe not -  SAIC probably can sustain this because of "friends".

Every day silence on the massive fraud under Bloomberg the biggest White Collar Crime ever and some like CityTime SAIC with Rudy Giuliani roots and connections like Peter Powers and Agostino Congemi -- two lobbyists that worked for the city along with Liz Holzman and Gino Menchini did not seemed concerned as the over billing and high costs --- so much for jobs serving The People but instead it is about bank rolling $$$$$ and Rudy is the poster boy making 31 million.

What about Spherion - any closer to getting 80 million $ back and the guy that escaped the US back anytime soon? Spherion and Technodyne acted like subsidiaries in crime for SAIC and if only New Yorkers were as angry about this as Bloomberg's Blizzard of 2010 and add in many flawed and scandalous tech deal Board of Ed, ECTP 911 Tech system with Agostino and Gino lobbyist, Technodyne Agostino lobbyist, NYCAPs and Accenture --- it is amazing New Yorkers are not rioting!!!

We should never have bailed out the banks with no jail, no requirement of payback so Hank Paulson and Tim Geithner like Bloomberg rewarded cultures of failure will the People are robbed and raped and we could slide in to a Depression as the Dow continues to slide.

Heard on the street by someone who is not a fan of SAIC and also a company not in any way involved in NY scandals but has managed to alienate my commentor for some reason...

Today August 18, 2011 SAIC nears its 52 week low on stock price....more bad news coming? Count Down to shareholder meeting August 31st.
Today August 18, 2011 Deltek file 8K today and  buys back $30 million in shares. SAIC is Deltek largest client, not sure how all the SAIC + SCANDAL impacts Deltek. Does a Deltek stock buy back reflect effort to bulster stock price? Does Deltek know something we don't?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

NY Post Verizon Dept. of Ed -- The Fix Was In? Yet Again read Suzannah B. Troy’s Post for info Not in The NY Post

CityTime SAIC TechnoDyne Spherion Silence Vs. 450 Park Workers Face Lay-offs so Suzannah B. Troy wants to know where are the arrests and where is the tax payers money that was stolen or frauded?

By Elizabeth Montalbano InformationWeek
June 21, 2011 02:56 PM

SAIC Earnings Call Meeting August 31

Not the 1st Time SAIC screwed an agency over...how about the FBI?
Reminder Christine Quinn brushed aside 2 investigations brought force by City Council womanTish James.

With the threat of 450 Parks Dept. workers to be laid off and NYC Gov workers that got Christmas emails last year you are laid-off just wondering how mayor Bloomberg, Dept. of Investigation and Preet Bharara are doing with getting our money back and indicted folks back on American soil.  Besides the Allens/TechnoDyne involved in CityTime theft along with SAIC counterparts and in my opinion NYC gov counterparts yet to be arrested and one wonders.... there is also one guy that fled just after a flurry of Spherion arrests over 80 million dollars stolen of tax payer money again on CityTime.

Just wondering out loud.  


NYPD Ticket Fixing and Investigation into Perjury

Dozens of NYPD Officers Investigated for Perjury(Weiss, DNAInfo) At least three dozen cops are under investigation for allegedly committing perjury in various criminal cases including drug busts and even a murder, DNAinfo.com has learned.  As if a ticket-fixing scandal wasn't bad enough, the new citywide investigations cut across a broad spectrum of suspected lying and false statements made on official police reports, in testimony before grand juries and at trials.

From True News

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Kyle Smith Did Some Editor Point A Gun to Your Head? Rudy for President?

Kyle: Maybe you need to read up on the CityTime Scandal I dubbed The Tax Payer’s Titanic!  Who gave us CityTime and SAIC?  One guess! Rudy.  Bloomberg broke the record outsourcing and the both wanted SAIC for their goal to get in the White House having SAIC and subsidiaries as pals helps.   Rudy’s enemies want him to run perhaps because he will have  a Bernie Kerik type ending.  Rudy has adulterous affairs in office and unlike Bill Clinton made the tax payers pay for raises for his mistress who he gave the biggest raise to when he dumped her for a much older mistress he later married.  Rudy’s 2nd term was a disaster -- watch Guiliani Time and 9-11 was his bail-out that he bankrolled in to 31 million dollars worth of private success.   Look in to lobbyists for CityTime and other scandal ridden tech deals under Bloomberg  with ties to Rudy.  

Chelsea Hotel Last Check Out


NYU Murdered 8th Street Mega-dormed the East Village To Death NYU destroys communities NYU Occupies

Just google Suzannah B. Troy NYU mega-dorms

NYU Stuy Town illegal walls  Stuy Town was to be affordable housing not NYU dorms living.....

NYU is the evil empire of the East Village, Village Chelsea Stuy Town to South St. Seaport to Brooklyn.  NYU destroys communities where ever NYU takes-over real estate.

NO wonder John Sexton, real estate magnate for NYU ran down to testify Mike Bloomberg must have a third term.  Mike Bloomberg had Christine Quinn sell the lie we needed Mike for a third term to help us with the economy but Bloomberg Quinn only helped their pals including NYU all who endorse Quinn for mayor and folks that can’t happen.  Voting for Quinn is giving Bloomberg a 4th term.

John Sexton the church murderer -- visit 120 East 12th Street and see the facade of St. Ann’s hanging on the front of the newest hideous mega-dorm like an albatross.

Sexton belongs in jail along with Bloomberg and ms. slush and intimidation Christine Quinn aka real estate whore sell-out.

Suzannah B. Troy WSJ Community Member Comment on Mayor Bloomberg Not Mr. Transparent


Mike Bloomberg the ex-king of New York, the king of outsourcing in the midst of the largest white collar theft and fraud with Board of Ed tech deals, CityTime, CityTime 2 as John Liu dubbed ECTP 911 tech system and I dubbed NYCaps Accenture scandal exposed by Josh Margolin NY Post CityTime 3,  is not know as Mr. Transparency.  As “Not Mr. Transparency” about Steve Rattner and his off shore investments, ask Mike about Steve Rattner pleading the 5th more than 60 times, ask Mike where he was during Bloomberg’s Blizzard and ask Mike if he thinks anyone in his administration should be arrested for CityTime, ECTP, NYCaps and Board of Ed Scandals.  Bloomberg will never be called Mr. Transparent but he is now the ex-king of outsourcing for NYC gov.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Mayor Bloomberg Clayton Patterson Inteview on his 3rd Term on going series by Suzannah B. Troy

Mayor Bloomberg Tickets Clayton Patterson's Art Door by Suzannah B. Troy Artist

Mayor Mike Bloomberg CityTime 3 Wake-Up New Yorkers!!! by Suzannah B. Tr...


Question:  Plenty of these lobbyists worked for NYC gov.  so in theory they served the People of NYC. Did it ever occur to them the spending was excessive and way over budget and therefore the People were not being served but in fact raped and robbed?

If so ethically were they obligated to speak up or the financially and perhaps other back room deals even political support was just to enticing to resign from a lobbyist position?

Friday, August 12, 2011

World News Gives Suzannah B. Troy Artist SAIC Page


Alan Dershowitz USPS Criminal! by Suzannah B. Troy Artist

Alan Dershowitz, I am typing on my IPhone but FYI Alan as I have pointed out the USPS vehicle that allegedly hit your sister-in law RIP and drove off had no license plate!!!!

 Why is that Alan Dershowitz?

I don’t understand how the driver did not know your sister-in-law was hit but Alan explain why the USPS does not have license plates and are above the law period!

 Alan Dershowitz explain to us folks not as well educated as you are why the USPS has no license plates!

 Alan if you need photos of the USPS chronically breaking every law possible with a vehicle let me know.

 Did the NYPD issue a ticket of any kind to the driver that was involved in the accident that took your sister-in law's life?

Alan ask Andrew Berman about the USPS's illegal air sale at 120 East 12th Street to NYU and Alan like the chronic law breaking by USPS drivers here in NYC the USPS the United States Postal dis Service criminal behavior is mystically and magically above the law.

The USPS union protects people they should not. Alan, are they protecting the USPS driver alleged to have hit your sister-in-law? The USPS makes the Mafia look warm and cuddly but the Mafia actually turns a profit while the USPS loses multi-billion dollars a year. Good luck Alan with the criminal USPS and Alan research how many people have died being hit by a USPS vehicle in NYC. I pay more money to not use the USPS and Alan my maternal Gramps delivered mail in the Bronx but Gramps was honest and kind.

Alan ask me why I feel so strongly....it isn’t just the illegal air sale at 120 East 12th Street next door to where I lived for 20 years...ask me Alan.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Infrastructure Mike Bloomberg Gets an F Rating from Suzannah B. Troy Artist Here is just 1 Example 4 Years On Going East Village!

 The shadow in the bottom photo prevents you from seeing how damaged the street in the dark shadows but is very damaged.    This is 2nd Avenue and 7th Street.

5/23/07 on was on NY1 with a diverse group of community members.  Most of the stores by the water main break are all gone.  A coincidence?    The street conditions how ever a still a terrible mess and why is that?  Are the problems below the surface that DEP and DOT collectively cannot address.

Look at the intersection a couple of blocks down by the 9th Precinct at 5th street and 1st Ave.  Also a mess on both sides of the street.  Dangerous and why do the streets under Bloomberg resemble a 3rd world country?

Suzannah B. Troy Streets of NY Series on Mike Bloomberg and his administration’s lousy street conditions city wide....