Better Business Bureau Dr. Fagelman's Delita Hooks Violent Assault out of Their Scope
This is in reference to your complaint against Dr. Andrew Fagelman. Your complaint was assigned ID #9417965.
We have carefully reviewed your correspondence, however the issues you have raised are not within the BBB’s scope of services.
Your BBB helps settle many marketplace disputes between consumers and businesses, but please understand that we may not be the right forum for some issues and those may require referrals to other organizations (such as government agencies or the court system).For your reference, the BBB does not provide legal advice or legal services and we are not an enforcement agency. In general, we do not handle disputes of the following nature:
- Employer/employee or labor disputes.
- Complaints against government agencies.
- Complaints against individuals, rather than businesses.
- Complaints alleging discrimination or violation of similar statutory/constitutional rights.
- Complaints alleging criminal violations.
- Complaints raising issues concerning the competency of doctors, dentists, licensed therapists, veterinarians, certified public accountants and lawyers.
- Landlord/tenant disputes.
- Disputes involving consequential or punitive damages.
- Complaints that are solely based on the consumer’s dissatisfaction with a company’s prices.
- Disputes that have been previously addressed by a court or are in the process of being litigated.
- Complaints not involving an marketplace transaction.