Spiral is my favorite -- just too gruesome but LOVE spiral.
Annika Bengtzon almost too sweat but appreciate the lack of graphic violence...
I gobbled up House of Cards and Kevin Spacey's character has blood on his hands.....
at time the series guilty of lack of editing -- the worst when Spacey's character goes to a Library Naming event in his honor -- that ran on way too long and I got the gay male's message that yes lot of supposedly hetero men have swung in the other direction...but PLEASE...
there are points in the series where they dumb down not trusting the audience to be savvy and smart enough -- that being said loved House of Cards and waiting for next season.
I am not a Kevin Spacey fan -- he is good -- but sometimes honey enough already. Like when he steps out of story and speak directly to us the audience -- a blast... Shakespearean but writers and directors have more confidence in your audience.
SPIRAL --- Season 4 I can't wait!!!!!!! The french don't dumb down... loving it....
Annika a little too sweat -- despite her breaking a lot of rules I wouldn't but live vicariously through her.
Netflix a bargin seriously thinking of dumping HBO and 400 channels on TV I never watch.