NYPD Coerced me to drop charges or go to jail with a hole in my retina Saturday arrest for Dr Fagelman's savagely violent receptionist Delita's running punch to my eye grabbing my hair trying to drag me down the hall by my hair damaging my neck not fired or arrested I agreed to false arrest Oct 16 immediate than Det John Vergona changed my false arrest date to Saturday oct. 20, 2012 4PM IAB let him and his supervisor retire! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh9TedhfthE I am alleging fix, favors and retaliation -- please look at the first page -- it mentions HP tied to 911 Tech corruption as well as mayor Bloomberg Ray Kelly free rides Air Bloomberg....http://www.scribd.com/doc/188752042/NYPD-Commissioner-Ray-Kelly-Charles-Campisi-DI-Ed-Winski-Lt-Agnes-Lt-Angelo-Burgos-IAB-Sgt-Mary-O-Donnell-Sgt-Chen-Det-Andy-Dwyer-Det-John-Ve

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Bloomberg and Quinn have treated sex like salt, fat and guns --- sex is something that has to be policed but they only target certain groups!

Bloomberg Quinn NYPD Sexual McCarthyism Raiding Women's Toy Store Babeland, Arresting Gay men in Adult Stores, Arresting LGBTQ w/ Condoms Queens NYC and No Trauma Level 1 Hospital with Rape Crisis Center and AIDS Care

Mayor Bloomberg and Christine Quinn had no problem with the NYPD 01 Precinct and 05 raiding what was my favorite Toy Store and Education Resource for Women and the folks that love us.

After the NYPD raided Babeland,  Babeland was no longer allowed to rent educational videos and FYI there are a lot of New Yorkers that need educating hardee har ----- I bet the NYPD had a very good time with the booty slash evidence they helped themselves to.

Yes I love sex more than beer!   As long as their is mutual respect better than food but Bloomberg and Quinn have treated sex like salt, fat and guns --- sex is something that has to be policed but they only target certain groups!  If you knew what some of the NYPD, politicians and I am not talking Elliot Spitzer and rich folks did in their free time sexually and who boned who who was in the closet who was fixing what for their closet case pals.....  NYC tale of 2 Cities and who is above the law and who is oppressively policed including Stop and Frisks and false arrests and me being violently assaulted having to fight off a false arrest from in my opinion a corrupt cop.  Thanks to Ron Kuby --- Ron is an atheist but when I mention his name to the NYPD it is like evoking Moses -- it is Passover right now... his name has a powerful effect for some reason.

Gay men and trannies in Queens with more than one condom were getting arrested by the NYPD -- would you do that to a straight man or woman?  No!  The NYPD have a history of preying on women sex workers and even males and trannies.

In case you need a Trauma Level 1 Hospital with AIDS care and a rape crisis center forget that as well because Bloomberg Quinn that fake Scott Stringer everyone but Charles Barron sold us out and city council so many People that yell about NYPD stop and frisk violations did not vote for a Hospital instead they sold us out to Rudin Greed.

Wake me up from this nightmare!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Google YouTube Returns My Video From March 19 -27 Cyber Bully Stalkers Attacked Videos Gotten them wrongfully deleted Dr Fagelman Delita Hooks Assault False Cross Complaint NYPD 01 No Arrest

First thank you G-d.

Thank you to all who spoke up for me.

This is a Passover miracle. Thank you G-d.

Det John Vergona a corrupt evil man along with all involved at 01 precinct fixing a violent crime and and the medical staff at 155 Spring St did evil to me either by lying or staying silent. The violence and lies evil.

Every right Patient Rights, Human Rights, Civil Rights, First Amendment rights and my body violated.

And in the face of evil we believe connected to 01 Precinct and dr andrew fagelman and delita hooks an injustice a wrong righted. I continue to wait for the woman that almost blinded me and damaged my neck more than it was to be arrested.

http://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGDwqE9WoZw91NGNCBXobENL5I3PlNcKr copy and paste.

2 of 4 of these videos removed this last week. The Det John Vergona video removed first. We believe this is 01 involved just like fixing me being assaulted.

Again for those who spoke up for me thank you.

Suffering extreme exhaustion.

"Hi Suzannah,

With 72 hours of video uploaded every minute to YouTube, we count on our community members to know our Community Guidelines and to flag content they believe violates them. With the massive volume of videos on our site, sometimes we make mistakes. We have re-instated the content in question.

The YouTube Team"

Note from Suzannah

Removed wrongly by evil cyber stalkers goal to censor me shut me up shut me down.

My entire channel Suzannahartist before Bloomberg mayoral election to close to call.

3 videos of mayor Bloomberg NYPD intelligence division - I yelled him down on CityTime and 911 tech corruption system does not work Aug 20 we believe threatened with removal by nyc gov NYPD lawyers

Joe Tacopina 2 Baby Lisas

Det John Vergona Delita Hooks Assault false cross complaint no arrest

Dr Fagelman Delita Hooks Assault

In total aprox 346 videos have been removed. My Suzannahartist channel 28 hours and the Dr Fagelman Delita Hooks just over 5 days.

Delita Hooks Dr Fagelman NYPD involved in fixing the crime no arrest the series on YouTube prove assault human rights violation, patient rights, civil rights, First Amendment all violated.

The assault began with Delita Hooks standing up yelling at me I have no rights.

She is the office manager and receptionist telling a medical patient me I have no rights. Who ever tried to remove the two assault videos violated my rights and we believe 01 involved yet again.

I was told 01 protects City Hall. I expose massive corruption city hall.

FYI the commanders DI Ed Winski and new commander Brendan Timoney never returned my calls re: assault and request for badge numbers of Vergona and Sgt Chen. How is that for courtesy and respect?

I was a victim if a violent assault and 01 Precinct has yet to arrest Delita Hooks. 01 fixed the crime and is still covering up for all involved.


When mayor bloomberg's thugs removed my YouTube channel?

The piece I wrote Banned from YouTube land how I got my YouTube Channel back (before Bloomberg barely won his illegal third term -- harde har....

see a pattern..... City Hall and 01 NYPD that guards City Hall and the rich folk and fix for them trying to remove my YouTubes and my Channels == violate my rights?

NYPD 01 Capt Brendan Timoney Returns My Call

Capt. Timoney an improvement on Winski.
Update: March 31, 2012

I just spoke to Capt. Brendan Timoney.   He has only been at the 01 Precinct 2 weeks and he said he never got my messages.

Like Chief Bank's Lt. he said Delita Hooks assaulting me is now in the hands of Internal Affairs.

I told him Internal Affairs moves with the swiftness of a turtle in molasses and Lt. Agnes never returned my calls and in 5 months of IA having this I have heard nothing.

If only DI Ed Winski had had an ounce of humanity and returned my call like Capt. Brendan Timoney.

I do feel some how better for talking with Lt. G an A+ police officer from Chief Banks office and now Capt. Timoney.

It takes the edge off of 6 months of dealing with being physically violated both my body and my mind -- an MD's office is suppose to be a safe place.

Penis West Broadway Soho

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The New York Times takes a break from being Christine Quinn's campaign manager!

The Christine Quinn Times oops The New York Times has been called Christine Quinn's campaign manager and Carolyn Ryan her cheerleader!

Oh my gosh -- The NY Times took their first break from being Christine Quinn's campaign manager -- Carolyn Ryan where are you?

The New York Times is still killing news stories on St. Vincent's Hospital and Christine Quinn's role which has angered the community but even Carolyn Ryan and pals could not kill today's news story and for the first time in way too long I was allowed to comment.




Queens Trade Fair Lock Out Owner Meets with Union Tomorrow

Trade Fair locks out meat department workers in union dispute 

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/queens/trade-fair-locks-meat-department-workers-union-dispute-article-1.1299605#ixzz2Ogop8lUy

Sunday it was all women who lost their health care and jobs and tonight it was a couple of men and this loyal activist from the neighborhood who in stood in solidarity.

The owner is having a meeting 2morrow with the union and we hope he will settle.

Christine Quinn Temper Tantrum Voice Mail NYT St Vincent's Hospital Scandals



Just a reminder The New York Times killed the news story that Christine Quinn locked out her own community from testifying they demand a Trauma Level 1 Hospital in the West Village with AIDS care and A Rape Crisis Center.



Photo of foiled report (see above)  from the NYPD on why the ambulance took so long.  At first Chuck Meara and Quinn denied their was even an ambulance and than refused to admit it took so long to reach the elderly man that past out in the cold from being locked out as Rudin's payroll soared right in.

The Rudin Luxury St. Vincent's Hospital Asbestos....

Sergey Bin Google YouTube Human Rights Violation Censorship Removal of Suzannah Troy Video

Sergey Bin Google YouTube Human Rights Violation and censorship removing a video part of a playlist telling the truth I was threatened with bodily harm by Delita Hooks Dr Andrew Fagelman's receptionist.   Dr Andrew Fagelman did not fire Delita Hioks but allowed her to return to her desk. He therefore financed me being punched in the eye -- almost blinded -- without surgery I would have lost vision and my neck which was in bad shape is far more damaged.  

Day 5 Google Human Rights Violation and Censorship
Dr Fagelman and Delita Hooks were protected by corrupt NYPD and all are being investigated and the subject of 2 lawsuits against The City of NY because I have proof the First Precinct did not investigate this assault but fixed it.  When this video and another exposing Det Vergona were both removed -- another form of menacing and harassment I called the First Precinct Commander now Capt Brendan Timoney and IA telling them harassing messages and the removal of 2 videos evidence I believed done by a cop or someone connected to corrupt dealings 01 and Dr Fagelman Delita Hooks.

I will be exposing Google's violation of my Human rights as an activist -- your company had no right to remove the beginning of an assault the true events exposing Dr Fagelman and Delita Hooks as well as corrupt NYPD officers that did not arrest her.

As soon as I recover from this violation and shock of an on going traumatic event I will send outside google mon - Fri protesting.

Subject: Return my YouTube I am the victim of bulling harassment and a violent assault vid playlist evidence Google censored violated my rights return my work

Video part of a playlist.  Any decent human anyone with legal background would never allow ur wrong minded staff to remove evidence. 

3rd vid in playlist wrongfully deleted. 

Cc:  Google <USLawEnforcement@google.com>, FBI 26 Fedetal Plaza Fl 28 <ny1@ic.fbi.gov>
Subject: Re: [3-1652000000710] YouTube Support

All I want is my 34 second video of me being violently assualted by Delita Hooks which is the truth.  She is on linked in and violently assualting someone is a crime and if caught on video -- she the beginning because when she punched me the iphone shut down.  I compare you removal -- this is 2 in 4 days to Google actlng like China and me being a Chinese political activist.  

Google YouTube had no right to delete my video that reports the news and tells the truth.  There is nothing I did to violate terms and I am in fact a victim of a bully who has been  menacing me on going since the asssaut on YouTube and I have asked the US Marshals at Google for help, the FBI a specific agent and I have talked about my concerns Internal Affairs is covering up for the NYPD in my case which is still open so the video and even the removal is evidence in the assault by Delita Hooks and the NYPD involved.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Google YouTube Human Rights Violation Censorship Delete Suzannah Troy Video of Assault Proof NYPD Corruption


Google YouTube legal department contacted me today and I have responded with the URL they requested and a powerful email.

FYI Google Legal already has the url but okay it's communist Russia Google YouTube style.

Does someone at Google YouTube work with the NYPD -- maybe doing some fixing favors as well as human rights violations and censorship?

This is NYC but Google truly is acting like the Chinese government.  Google YouTube went in to my 2ndary Channel Suzannah Troy Channel and deleted a video part of playlist that proves beyond a doubt I was violently assaulted by Dr. Andrew Fagelman's staff member Delita Hooks.  The video also proves Delita Hooks filed a false cross complaint and the NYPD involved are corrupt and fixed this crime so no arrest.  FYI Dr. Fagelman did not fire Delita Hooks who nearly blinded me.  Without surgery I would have lost vision in my eye and she also damaged my neck (worse than it was) which has bulging and herniated disks as an MRI proved which I had the day after the assault.

I told IA and an Agency that has the power to investigate NYPD and IA that I believe Internal Affairs is covering up for the corruption cops at the 01 Preinct -- the precinct that protects  City Hall and I also suggested that perhaps The First Precinct has a special relationship with Fagelman or is it my activism etc or all of the above.?

I await the return of my work removed by someone that has been menacing and stalking me on Google YouTube and again we believe it is either a cop at the First Precinct or connected to the 01 Precinct as well as the assault by Dr. Andrew Fagelman's receptionist office manager Delita Hooks.

I was a victim of a violent crime and you can see just the beginning of the assault. Delita Hooks was so unprofessional and menacing I was finally provoked by her to get out my video camera and start filming.

Google YouTube violated my rights and censored me removing that video -- one of 2 videos they removed because of a cyber stalker that I have reported to Google YouTube and their US Marshals. 

Google YouTube violated my rights -- the victim removing the truth -- real events I captured and the video is part of a series with different titles that exposes the different parties Dr. Andrew Fagelman, Delita Hooks, NYPD all involved in fixing it so Delita Hooks was not arrested.

Thanks to all that wrote Google and I ask you to please continue writing press@youtube.com until the video is returned.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Google YouTube Censorship Human Rights Violation Removing Violent Assault 155 Spring Street NYPD No Arrest

Google YouTube Censorship Human Rights Violation YouTube Deletes Video Proving Delita Hooks, Dr. Andrew Fagelman's receptionist/office manager Violently Assaulted me 155 Spring St and NYPD Corruption No Arrest -- removed....

Sorry to bother you with my hellish problems by please can you write press@youtube.com 
Wrote this to Google.  
Subject: Return my YouTube I am the victim of bulling harassment and a violent assault vid playlist evidence Google censored violated my rights return my work

Video part of a playlist.  Any decent human anyone with legal background would never allow ur wrong minded staff to remove evidence. 

3rd vid in playlist wrongfully deleted. 

Is the staff who removed this part of Google movement that supports violent assaults on medical patients and getting fixing and favors for corrupt NYPD so did some Google fixing and favors.

Delita Hooks bullied me, berated me, violated my rights and my body and corrupt cops did not arrest her. Hooks provoked me to try and get help from my MD that was in with another patient and thank Delita Hooks provoked me to video.  The lack of remorse, the MD's role and corrupt NYPD 01 evoked a playlist of YouTubes and Google YouTube assaults my rights and freedom.

Google just went in and took the truth -- criminal evidence down and deleted and Google's motto do no evil.

How evil is deleting my work by someone who Google knows has been menacing me and tried the same deal on behalf of the lead Det John Vergona.  Google removed that video 12 hours and returned it.

Google treating me like Google Communist China and I am a Chinese activist.

Delita Hooks is on LinkedIn and assaulting a patient puts her in the public forum.  Amazing the media has not reported perhaps because of my work exposing corruption.

I was assaulted Oct 1. When Delita Hooks pals started lying and slandering me with comments Oct 4 I put up this video

I have a right to post my video ont other channel and not have them threatened by people that want this crime covered up as well.

Seems like they Delita Hooks, Dr Andrew Fagelman and corrupt NYPD or pals took bullying and harassment menacing to Google YouTube and Google empowers bullies.  In this case Google aided and abetted the removal of the truth like Communist China coming in to my Channel and deleting my work.

I feel like this is racism -- some kind of extreme prejudice like Nazi Germany that you could come in and delete this work part of a playlist part of a crime still open and 2 law suits against NYPD. 

I feel like a Black person down South who is told get off the bus. 

I feel assaulted again but Google did the dirty work. 

Thank you. 

Suzannah Troy 

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Google YouTube Pure Evil Removes Video

Google's motto is do no evil but Google YouTube just did me evil -- pure evil -- removing a video I filmed of me being assaulted -- violently.  Without laser surgery I would have lost my vision.

Write Press@YouTube.com and any other emails you have for Google and demand my work be returned to me.

Removal of the truth -- pure evil.  Censorship.  Google YouTube EVIL.

Thank you.

Mayor Bloomberg Christine Quinn Rudin Family Greed Sick NYPD on Hospital Protestors Washington Square Park

200 NYPD there. Survellience vans. Bloomberg over the top. Intelligence division there. I am home sick

Christine Quinn can't face her critics.

Mike's BF Rudin stole St Vincent's hospital. Like 911 tech corruption Cy Vance refused to prosecute St. Vincent's criminals to protect high powered.

The NYPD need a hospital 2 Hero NYPD Auxilary died at St V because if their uniforms murdered by mad man. They had no guns.

NYPD sinful to police this way but they fear OWS and have expense toys, survellience and the use NYPD intelligence incorrectly abuse of power.

We all need hospital.

2 pm Washington Sq park.
NYPD set up like they want something to spin out but People just asking for hospital.

Mike Bloomberg Christine Quinn Bill Rudin and Rudin Family fear protest for hospital a threat so the NYPD turn out like crimes are going to be commited?

Note:  retired NYPD commander on Bill Rudin's payroll tried to get 06 PO to fix a ticket make it go away for rudin flunkie.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Google YouTube Delita Hooks Assault Video Wrongfully Removed Letter on my Behalf Asking for it's Return

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DizP1rEIAkM&list=PLGDwqE9WoZw91NGNCBXobENL5I3PlNcKr (The link is part of a series and one was flagged wrongfully a form of menacing, intent to cause me emotional distress and censor me and told same drill and Google YouTube enabling.  I contacted the NYPD and IA and People are writing letters to Google YouTube -- her is one....

To Google YouTube:

Another of Ms. Suzannah B Troy’s YouTube postings,  
In a ProPublica piece yesterday (3/21/2013) titled, “When Harm in the Hospital Follows you Home” Dr. Gerald Monk, a professor at San Diego State University, specializing in dealing with the aftermath of patient harm for both patients and providers explains as follows:  “The psychological symptoms are similar to those people suffer when exposed to physical, sexual and psychological violence. What all these things have in common is that they take place in settings where we reasonably anticipate that we will be safe and secure. We tend to believe the maxim that the doctor will do no harm.” (Emphasis added.)
Ms. Troy was assaulted in a medical office by one of the staff workers.  She has video proof of the assault and follow up medical records covering physical injuries she sustained during the assault, including injuries to her neck and her retina.
She is simply using her YouTube forum to publicize this attack in order to warn other patients visiting this particular office of potentially violent and dangerous conditions as well as bringing attention to the shameful conduct of a few NYPD personnel who have failed in their mission to serve and protect in the case of Ms. Troy.
Ms. Troy is an indefatigable citizen journalist who cares passionately about NYC.  She bravely confronts incompetence and corruption at all levels of city government.  She normally fights for the common man, the ordinary citizen who calls NYC home. In this instance, she is fighting for herself as well as others in situations similar to hers.  She sustained personal injury in a medical office in NYC and subsequently received shabby treatment by some NYPD personnel.  She is simply shining the light of truth on a dark and rotten situation.
Please reevaluate and reconsider her work and allow her postings to be restored.
Respectfully submitted,


From Suzannah B. Troy thanks and gratitude for brilliant letter and to Google YouTube NYPD IA and all agencies involved when is Delita Hooks going to be arrested, the NYPD involved censured and the on going menacing and harassment -- even tampering with a witness? going to stop?
When is Google YouTube going to change it's policy to protect the YouTube community from this kind of menacing behavior which is also censorship and a form of bullying and harassment by the cowards removing my work wrongfully. 

Please write press@YouTube.com and tell them to stop removing videos that document the truth and in this case exposed a violent assault and even the NYPD who did not arrest Delita Hooks.

I need eye surgery or lose vision in my eye because she ran at me punching me in the eye as hard as she could and I stood there holding my bags and my phone--- one bag very heavy and my arm 2 injections in my elbow which was numb.

Adrian Schoolcraft Kidnapper NYPD Chief Marino Floyd Stop & Frisk Next Schoolcraft Trial

Mayor Bloomberg crime stats just not true.....  NYPD Stats are like a Casino in Las Vegas -- the fix is in.  You can quote me --- I was violently assaulted and according to 01 Precinct Stats it never happened.

Suzannah B. Troy

"I set a standard that said do your job or suffer the consequences," said Deputy Chief Michael Marino, on the stand in Manhattan Federal Court for a class-action lawsuit challenging the NYPD's controversial stop-and frisk tactics as racial profiling..

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nypd-deouty-chief-admits-quotas-stand-article-1.1296395#ixzz2OIe9Nlss

In my opinion NYPD Chief

 and DI than Capt. Mauriello kidnapped Adrian Schoolcraft so wait until they are both cross examined in The Adrian Schoolcraft trial.

From my Adrian Schoolcraft support blog!!!!!   http://adrianschoolcraftsupport.blogspot.com/2012/12/adrian-schoolcraft-nypd-whistleblower.html

   PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS TAPE AND HEAR DEPUTY CHIEF MARINO FOR YOURSELF!!!!!!Listen to this and learn why the DA refused to put this in front of a grand jury -- because it was a sure indictment.

This interview AMAZING AND VERY DISTURBING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Listen to the part about down grading rape -- they even have on tape the NYPD raiding his home with SWAT team and tasers."

http://www.startribune.com/templates/Print_This_Story?sid=105070439 Read about NYPD Mauriello and others involved getting in trouble.  "Mauriello was charged with purposely tampering with grand larceny and car theft reports, and with misleading internal investigators. The sergeant was accused of failing to verify that two officers had filed a robbery complaint; the same two officers were charged with not following the order to file the complaint."  Fast forward to now - no media coverage Richard Brown says not no foul no crime.  
Here are some links and posts....

MARCH 2013 UPDATE: http://nypdnewcommission.blogspot.com/2013/03/nypd-whistle-blower-adrian-schoolcraft.html  ADRIAN'S LAWYERS JUST SERVED QUEENS DA RICHARD BOWN!!!!!

NYDN March 13, 2013 Update: Adrian Schoolcraft NYPD Whistle Blower is suing over psych ward lockup after doctors held him from leaving 

http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/brooklyn/juiced_nypd_big_facing_suspension_wc9WSIA4l0RvfQ7MgF4KzL  NY Post article on Chief Marino --- juiced tested positve -- listen to Adrian Schoolcraft tape of abduction Deputy Chief Marion sounds "juiced" and like he is the EDP -- emotionally disturbed person not a very calm sane Adrian Schoolcraft.

Note from Suzannah B. Troy -- I am being systematically harassed YouTube land yet again on videos that prove Delita Hooks threatened me with bodily harm and assaulted me and the NYPD did not arrest her like they should.


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Google YouTube Returns Video exposing assault proving false cross complaint NYPD no arrest

Google YouTube Returns Video exposing assault proving false cross complaint NYPD no arrest

Best letter I was cc that spoke up for me:

I believe your removal of the YouTube presentation by Suzannah B Troy titled, “Det. John Vergona 01 Det. Squad Delita Hooks Assaults me files false cross complaint No Arrest!“ is tantamount  to unwarranted censorship.  There is a legitimate need for Ms. Troy’s presentation to be aired.  It is true, it seeks to expose very unseemly behavior on the part of a few NYPD personnel, undermining our confidence in their mission to protect and serve, and it certainly serves the public good by exposing violent behavior by Ms. Hooks, conducting her work in a medical office which should be a bastion of tranquility, safety, and decorum. 
Respectfully submitted  

Christine Quinn Protested at Mayoral Forum NYPD Arresting LGBT New Yorkers for Carrying Condoms!!!!!

Christine Quinn continues betray LGBT Community!

Sold us out Rudin Luxury Condos instead of a hospital West Village Trauma Level 1 with AIDS care and Rape Crisis Center.  06 needs Trauma Level 1 as well.  Open 9-11.

Ask Quinn why more poverty more homelessness, more jobless -- while she and Bloomberg grew richer -- they sold the 3rd term lie we needed Mike to help us with the economy but they helped themselves and their pals.

Ask her why the 911 tech system went over budget 1 billion dollars = 2 billion dollars and failed during Bloomberg's Blizzard and Hurricane Sandy - why -- because like CityTime scam there was stealing going on and Christine Quinn, Bloomberg's puppet green lighted the thievery and largest tax payer abuse in NYC History!


Christine Quinn Protested at Mayoral Forum NYPD Arresting LGBT New Yorkers for Carrying Condoms!!!!!

Google YouTube Removed Video Exposing NYPD Corruption write Press@YouTube.com demand my work be returned!

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/20oEjqHYItg?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Google Youtube Censorship protecting NYPD corruption write press@youtube.com ask them to return my work

  • Det. John Vergona 01 Det. Squad Delita Hooks Assaults me files false cross complaint No Arrest! - 

Please write press@youtube.com
you can also write

Ask them to please stop Orwellian censorship of the truth. The video proves the title of the YouTube.
The case is still open and being investigated along with Det Vergona, his supervisors and other Detectives.

The title of the YouTube and footage are part of 2 notices of Claim against the City of NY as in Ms Troy is suing the NYPD for the very reason sites in the title if the YouTube.

Feel free to copy and paste and write Google.

Google YouTube Stop Stop and Frisk plus censorship of the truth!!!

Monday, March 18, 2013

No one running Against 1 Term Cy Vance OWS Premo Trial proved DA as corrupt as NYPD!

Michael Premo trial proved how corrupt DA is and horror show news is no one is running against Cy Vance.



NYPD officer in Premo case just like Bloomberg during Haggerty Trial in YOUR FACE Perjury and Cy Vance does nothing to busy fixing crimes just like NYPD --- wake me up from this horror show.

NYPD rape cop had heroin in his locker Cy said hey let's role it in to a year!

No prosecution of NYPD in Premo trial because Cy Vance DA as guilty?

Sunday, March 17, 2013

NYPD First Precinct DI Ed Winski Replaced Moved to Mid-Town South

Rudin Luxury St. Vincent's Hospital ASBESTOS

Bill Rudin can't stop giving the community  -- in this case ASBESTOS in a dumpster but the community has a Duane Read on Steroids instead of a Trauma Level 1 Hospital with a RAPE CRISIS Center and AIDS care!!!!!

Kissie kissie hugs and love!!!!!!  Christine Quinn Sell-out!!!!!

Dressed as Christine Quinn holding image of Quinn and Rudin KISSING!!!

Rudin Luxury St. Vincent's Hospital ASBESTOS 
Dept of Investigation Attorney General Dept of Health Commissioner Mike Bloomberg Andrew Cuomo any comments?

Oh by the way Bill Rudin and Rudin family -- The Natives are Angry -- the want places to park their cars, they want the generator to be shut down and they want you out of here.   They want a full service Trauma Level 1 Hospital for some reason.  Any ideas?

Hey Cy how is the criminal investigation in to St. Vincent's Hospital and ECTP 911 our crappy 2 billion dollar 911 tech system going?

When does the total disregard for area residents stop. Is it not bad enough that the Rudin construction has taken away 100s of parking spots. Last
week a generator was parked in the street and hard wired into the SVH spot.  Yet another two parking spots taken away from local residents. Why could they not have placed it behind their wall in their site. 

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Friday, March 15, 2013

John Sexton Evil Empire Head Lost his head the king is dead purple reign of terror is over


John Sexton represented higher greed no higher ed...

read my posts on St. Ann's from 1847 -  lived next to St. Ann's for 20 years.

When did I become a full blown activist?  Than.....John Sexton's in your face evil and the USPS was involved along with the Church selling off these beautiful churches like a bake sale but NYU so EVIL -- evil empire -- the Purple Reign of Terror over.

CITYTIME TRIAL of NEXT CENTURY exoneration from Speedy Trial Act?

CITYTIME TRIAL of NEXT CENTURY exoneration from Speedy Trial Act?

"The Government requests that time be excluded under the Speedy Trial Act from today's date until the date of the conference"  

 (First Bloomberg and Quinn flush democracy down the toilet term limits and now this plus Cy Vance has over seen the arrest of highest number of innocent New Yorkers ever Occupy Wall Street Protestors?  Back to CityTime Crime....

What the heck is a Speedy Trial?  OMG its the Sixth Amendment to the us Constitution? According to Wikipedia, we get help with the definition  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speedy_Trial_Clause

"The Speedy Trial Clause of the Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitutionprovides that "[i]n all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy . . . trial . . . ."[1] The Clause protects the defendant from delay between the presentation of the indictment or similar charging instrument and the beginning of trial.

No speedy enjoyment on CITYTIME, its  Low gear for CityTime as Deb Alderson does not go down and John Jumper not a porn star... For readers who are brand new to the blog...read up on CITYTIME Crime of the Century  NEXT Century perpetrated on the City of New York Tax payers.... A payroll system meant to replace the City's AutoTime payroll system turned in the fraud of the century. No NYC politicians NOR  top executives at SAIC yet indicted!   AutoTime was created and run by City Workers and could have been expanded but Rudy wanted to network his way to the White House and give his deputy mayor wannabe lobbyists a cash cow so CityTime SAIC became the Tax Payer's Titanic.

Preet Bharara said there would be arrests NYC gov officials so where are they?

ECTP 911 is actually bigger  and so far no criminal investigation....

Chris Matthews Hardball No Balls Interview Christine Quinn

The fix is in and just like Piers Morgan no one in the media has the courage to ask tough questions and expose Christine Quinn as a liar who also sits on a fence and will not take a stance on anything.

Norman Siegel and I met with her at City Hall about Rudin luxury condos instead of a hospital and she locked out her own district and Norman  Siegel asked her how are you going to vote tomorrow and she said "I do not know".  If that wasn't cowardly and a lie -- I don't know what is.

She lied on NY1 and said she was on top of CityTime.  Truth is she brushed aside 2 investigations in to City Time and it is shocking Preet Bharara has not cross examined her.  All the questions from the investigations were under oath so why no arrests and Quinn as well as bloomberg and Mark Page should be held accountable but oh yeah this is not a democracy

and no one slamming her for her role in slush abuse and pushing through an illegal third term.

Now she wants to move up the election to the summer because they know there is low voter turn out and she may barely win if at all and The NY Times is trying to help her win in a summer election when there would be even less people turning out to vote.

No one will confront her on her role in Board of election corruption as she appoints everyone and ditto for her role in slush abuse.  She did not appoint a slush dog except in name although I can't get the name.  Ask her one slush abuse this slush watch dog shut down.

The media so fearful of their bosses to do their jobs and talking heads just too poorly educated on NYC gov corruption or too empty headed to care and cowardly?

Thursday, March 14, 2013

"Giuseppi Logan: The Norfolk Years" Thank You Note to Suzannah B. Troy for Helping GL From Ty Brady

Robin Gustin  "Giuseppi Logan: The Norfolk Years"

http://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/08/nyregion/giuseppi-logan-jazz-artist-tries-for-a-comeback.html?pagewanted=all&amp;_r=0   Robin Gustin's photo speaks to The New York Times photo and I treasure the beautiful photo in The New York Times of Giuseppi Logan and I sitting on the bench at Tompkins, GL's favorite spot.   My YouTube documentary  series continues on.
The Signal to Noise article the only media post that truly acknowledge me so thanks for such a quality piece Pete Gershon.  Very rare to be acknowledged the way you acknowledged my work.


I wanted to thank you for the work you've done for Giuseppi Logan. I saw a few of your YouTube videos, I'll eventually watch all of them. I used to live in Norfolk from 1984 - 1990. Everyone there him as Joe. I knew Joe because a very good friend of mine, Kenny Butler, used to let Joe stay at his place, that went on for years. My friend's on Facebook from the Norfolk years only just learned about Joe being Giuseppi Logan, what a trip! We did not know that he had a prior recording history. Everyone that knew Joe liked him, though it was hard to have a conversation with him, he was gregarious person to be around. I imagine my friend Kenny though had many long conversations with him because of the time they spent together. It probably helped that Kenny had his masters in psychology. I even gave Joe my twin brothers old trumpet, I think Joe had that for some time. Kenny really liked Joe, I remember Kenny telling me that he thought Joe was an old soul that
had a lot to tell and teach. Joe mostly played trumpet during the time that I knew him. I also saw the project that Ed did in getting the CD and record made, I'll have to get one.
Thanks Suzannah,
Ty Brady

ps  If you wanted to REALLY wanted to learn about Giuseppi's Norfolk "lost years", then you should get in contact with Kenny.  (Ty I am too tired right now -- thinking can I register to run for Comptroller of NYC and get enough signatures and mula to humiliate Scott Stringer in a debate and further expose what a fraud he is but thank you.  Will forward to media and post on my blog for GL fans!

Ty thank you and all who have helped GL along the way.

I am trying to heal from a violent assault that almost blinded me in left eye at 155 Spring St. by Dr. Andrew Fagelman's receptionist office manager Delita Hooks who not only violated my patient rights and my body but lied about me -- flat out slandered me and filed a false cross complaint so you reminding me of all the People that have appreciated my efforts to help make a difference in my life.  Jaee Logan GL's youngest child and only child from his 2nd relationship calls me an Angel.

Thanks and gratitude....your kind thoughts a comfort.

Suzannah B. Troy 
ps amazing how I hear from People from all over the world thanking me and sending kind thoughts to GL.  A dear British friend that adopted me Nic even bought GL's music so help support GL.   Thanks to everyone that gave me clothes to help keep Giuseppi Logan warm and my family as well who share their clothing to give to homeless People as well.

Thanks to the German Science Magazine "Wunderwelt Wissen" for publishing my photo of Giuseppi Logan in their touching piece on Treasures Found.

Dr. Fagelman Receptionist Assault Patient (me) Video Breaks 4,000 Views!

Dr. Fagelman Receptionist Assault Patient (me) Video Breaks 4,000 Views!

Thanks and gratitude to all that helped me break 4,000 views.

Congratulations to the NYPD & Bloomberg Quinn 5 Millionth Stop and Frisk!

Congratulations to the NYPD & Bloomberg Quinn 5 Millionth Stop and Frisk!

and the 8 th largest army.Blatant and open discrimination against the civil rights of minority's in the greatest city in the world. The big apple's  public secret 


2:29 PM

Protesters March Against City Funding Of NYPD Stop-And-Frisks

By: NY1 News
Protestors took to the streets of the Jackson Heights section of Queens today to march against the New York City Police Department's stop-and-frisk policy.
Demonstrators gathered on Roosevelt Avenue to protest City Council Speaker Christine Quinn's approval of the NYPD's budget for the controversial tactic.


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

#OWS TradeJustice Joe Crowley To Be Protested Birthday Fund Raiser

(Note from Suzannah - in my opinion Crowley yet another "family" in a diverse group like united nations of corruption that run New York greed first People last.)

Congressman Joseph Crowley, a consistent supporter of job-killing ,environment destroying free trade agreements, is holding his annual birthday fundraiser to rake in corporate cash from the companies who want to ensure that he will continue pushing free trade agreements that endanger our jobs, our health, and our environment.

Join TradeJustice to expose Crowley's past free trade votes and demand that he vote against Fast Track Authority for the Trans-Pacific Partnership, an 11 country trade deal currently being negotiated, described by critics as "NAFTA on Steroids" and "a corporate power tool."
DATE/TIME: Thursday, March 21st, 5:30-8:30PM(or later)
LOCATION: 355 West 16th St (Between 8th and 9th Avenues), Manhattan, New York City
CONTACT: TradeJustice New York Metro / OWS TradeJustice
Email: info@tradejustice.netWeb: http://tradejustice.net

#OWS TradeJustice  Joe Crowley To Be Protested Birthday Fund Raiser

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Eddie Pepitone Comedian Film Bitter Buddha


Bitter Buddha Great New Documentary Comedian Get This Guy Famous Already!

What can I tell you.

This guy Eddie is really loved.  He needs a break already so give him one!  He isn’t a spring chicken and the film has 5 star rating Rotten Apples


"The Documentary takes an unconventional journey with a true "comic's comic". For a few decades, Eddie Pepitone has proven to be a startling force in the alt-comedy scene. Within "The Bitter Buddha" we follow Eddie as he deals with a middle-age career surge, while struggling with self-doubt, sobriety, and a challenging family history. (c) Official Site"

Playing in the West Village at Cinema Village March 8 to 14th 3:10PM  7:00PM 9:00PM

 so go see this film or else!

http://women-of-will.com/ Tina Packer's "Women of Will” Unleash Shakespeare’s Fiercest Females

Tina Packer&#39;s "Women of Will”  Unleash Shakespeare’s Fiercest Females

Dr Fagelman Receptionist Assaulted Me Justice Cards

Dr Fagelman Receptionist Assaulted Me Justice Cards

Thanks to these cards my video exposing Dr Andrew Fagelman's crazy violent receptionist assaulting me close to 4,000.


I recommend not to assault and blame victim. Lying to NYPD not smart because IA may get around to doing their job eventually.

Dr Andrew Fagelman did not fire her so he financed me being assaulted and lied about as well as almost blinded as I stood their holding my bags, arm numb from medical procedure because Delita Hooks decided I was her human piñata.  

Thanks to corrupt NYPD and evil MD no arrest and firing.