NYPD Coerced me to drop charges or go to jail with a hole in my retina Saturday arrest for Dr Fagelman's savagely violent receptionist Delita's running punch to my eye grabbing my hair trying to drag me down the hall by my hair damaging my neck not fired or arrested I agreed to false arrest Oct 16 immediate than Det John Vergona changed my false arrest date to Saturday oct. 20, 2012 4PM IAB let him and his supervisor retire! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh9TedhfthE I am alleging fix, favors and retaliation -- please look at the first page -- it mentions HP tied to 911 Tech corruption as well as mayor Bloomberg Ray Kelly free rides Air Bloomberg....http://www.scribd.com/doc/188752042/NYPD-Commissioner-Ray-Kelly-Charles-Campisi-DI-Ed-Winski-Lt-Agnes-Lt-Angelo-Burgos-IAB-Sgt-Mary-O-Donnell-Sgt-Chen-Det-Andy-Dwyer-Det-John-Ve

Monday, December 31, 2012

Violent NYC Fist Fight Don't Call the NYPD Broadway Violent

According to NYPD statistics this violent assault did not happen either.

There were thousands of NYPD just a few blocks away but none to be seen and Det John Vergona taught me first hand the NYPD are experts at selling the lie crime is done because the NYPD make crimes go away because the NYPD treats crime like a numbers game -- like a casino in Las Vegas the fix is in.

Crime is up in NYC and in your face as much as the NYPD are doing their best to make sure crime is not reported.  Thanks to the First Precinct Det Squad for giving me a first hand experience at what Adrian Schoolcraft tapes prove.

I was told to not call the NYPD and obviously the NYPD have such a bad reputation you can see why they are not called and even if there were very few NYPD would do what they are legally required.

Dishonest NYPD will fix it in dirty corrupt ways --- really terrible.

I want a billion $ back for the People of NYC and Bye Bye Bloomberg 2013 by Suzannah B. Troy Artist

I told you all that $450 million dollars back from SAIC for CityTime crime was way too low a figure and we should be shooting for a billion and go after SAIC's auditors.

In theory SAIC is responsible for the subcontractors --- Ariel as well as Techno-Dyne -- far more Techno-Dyne but rumor has it Ariel as well -- way back when I said Preet make a flow chart so fyi -- I want over a billion back for the 911 tech disaster and I want 311 completely exposed along with all tech and all nyc gov contracts on NYC gov website -- how much was the budget -- how many mega millions over the budget ---- how many mega millions to consultants who weren't interested in one plus one equals we were robbed mega millions to all together billions of dollars ---

in 2013 say good bye to Mike Bloomberg although he is funneling money to Quinn his puppet is my guess to put her in so he has a 4th and 5th term from the golf course when he should be resigning like Richard Nixon.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/yaTzHHJNLD0?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Mayor Bloomberg 2012 Corruption List by Suzannah B. Troy Happy New Year!



NYC City Hall Suzannah B. Troy Corruption List 2012

NYC City Hall Suzannah B. Troy Corruption List 2012

1) ECTP 911 Tech System -- Mike Bloomberg and Christine Quinn sold the lie we needed Mike to help us with the economy and they and their pals did go richer as more New Yorkers fell in to poverty and as more New Yorkers go from living in a recession to a depression NUMBER 1 MEGA CORRUPTION IS THE 911 TECH SYSTEM!

Aug 20 before Hurricane Sandy took lives, destroyed homes and NYC knew way in advance and supersized and developed on the water fronts I yelled down Bloomberg on CityTime and ECTP 911. You can hear me say 2 billion 14 million dollars and the 911 Tech system does not work properly.

You are welcome New Yorkers.

  1. Son of CityTime? - New York Post

    Son of CityTime? Last Updated: 2:21 AM, November 7, 2012; Posted: November 07, 2012. New York City's $2 billion new 911 emergency system seems to work ...
  2. Suzannah B. Troy artist: NY Post Editors 911 Son of CityTime

    Nov 7, 2012 – NY Post Editors 911 Son of CityTime. http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/ editorials/son_of_citytime_sHMM46dPh5zALtyHnnGVyN ...
  3. mayor bloomberg king of new york: 911 Son of CityTime NY Posts ...

    Nov 7, 2012 – 911 Son of CityTime NY Posts Editor Don't Know about CityTIme SAIC Law Suit by Suzannah B. Troy. 911 ECTP mega-scandal bigger than ...

It is so upsetting that if I tried to rob you of 20 dollars or 100 dollars you would be angry but you don't seem to care we were robbed billions.

Mike Bloomberg, Mark Page, Team Bloomberg, Christine Quinn and city council puppets with a few exceptions green lighted mega - millions to mega billions in over-runs on mostly but not all tech contracts.

Mike Bloomberg is a fraud.  I want a full refund on the mega bucks over - runs or full refund on systems we will have to throw away like Citytime so a $450 million dollar cash refund was way too low a figure and I was THE ONLY ONE TO COME OUT AND SAY THAT IMMEDIATELY LIKE I WAS THE ONLY ONE TO SAY NO TO A RENEWAL WITH SAIC AND SAIC IS NO BANNED FROM NY STATE AND CITY CONTRACTS.
City Hall under Mike Bloomberg run like a corrupt corporation. http://corruptconyc.com/
2) Under Mike Bloomberg and Christine Quinn's illegal third term  EVEN MORE POVERTY and homeless right here in NYC and despite Mike Bloomberg and President Obama talking health care even less hospitals in NYC as well as St. Vincent's Hospital now Rudin Luxury condos.  Google Christine Quinn Chuck Meara to learn more about the corrupt dealings.  Scott Stringer, Amanda Burden, Howard Rubenstein all involved.

3) NYPD Commissioner Kelly Internal Affairs -- It seems based on the three extremely shocking and disturbing trial in the Bronx and NYPD Haste and stop and frisk fans -- a stop and frisk would not have saved the African American teen shot to death in his own home by NYPD PO Haste.

The Adrian Schoolcraft audio recordings prove the NYPD knowing decided to violent New Yorkers civil rights with stop and frisk arrests -- clear the streets arrest everybody is heard on the recording and a Commander even refusing a woman the right to report her Iphone stolen.  We have had a record amount of NYPD caught raping women and how many NYPD haven't been caught because they threaten their victims they way Det. John Vergona threatened me with false imprisionment if I didn't drop assault charges see the bottom of this post.

The Queens DA just ruled that Adrian Schoolcraft being abducted by corrupt NYPD officers and they are high up cannot be put in front of a Grand Jury!  Gee, I wonder why.  Well Richard Brown and Internal Affairs say Deputy Chief Marino and DI Mauriello did nothing wrong getting an NYPD Swat team with machine guns called ESU unit (interview these guys and I bet they even think it was wrong) shutting down the street, bringing in a fire truck all because Adrian Schoolcraft  had good reason to be scared.  

http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/brooklyn/juiced_nypd_big_facing_suspension_wc9WSIA4l0RvfQ7MgF4KzL  NY Post article on Chief Marino --- juiced tested positve -- listen to Adrian Schoolcraft tape of abduction Deputy Chief Marion sounds "juiced" and like he is the EDP -- emotionally disturbed person not a very calm sane Adrian Schoolcraft.

(yes there are good NYPD but listen to this radio show and hear for yourself front line corruption that cannot be defended and they have not been punished.)
   PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS TAPE AND HEAR DEPUTY CHIEF MARINO FOR YOURSELF!!!!!!Listen to this and learn why the DA refused to put this in front of a grand jury -- because it was a sure indictment.
This interview AMAZING AND VERY DISTURBING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Listen to the part about down grading rape -- they even have on tape the NYPD raiding his home with SWAT team and tasers."

We have NYPD gun trafficking, NYPD murders -- from running over elderly to murdering Tina and throwing her body away like garbage laughing through the trial, to Ramos who tried to hire a hit man with his wife to kill the witness in his drug selling, NYPD fixing and favors and because we all know NYPD PBA fixing goes on everywhere not just the Bronx and for members at City Hall it is time for a new commission like the Knapp and Mollens.  We need Federal Agencies to come in because the NYPD are out of control.


NYPD 2013 is going to be a very tough year with Adrian Schoolcraft story coming out even more, the stop and frisk trials, NYPD trials including Ramos and Haste.
4) NY Pensions -- they are out of control and Mike Bloomberg has how many appointees to help us with their great biz acumen and add Mike Bloomberg allowing his best friend Steve Rattner to raid the NY Pensions, Steve paid to play, paid to not go to jail, plead the 5th 64 times and Mike keeps him on the payroll and helps him get op ed pieces in The Financial Times and the NY Times advising us on taxes but neither Mike or Steve will answer questions on the Caymen Islands or right an op ed piece why Steve Rattner, best friend to Mort Zuckerman, NYTimes owner and Mike pleaded the 5th 64 times. Explain that to NYC school kids.

5) Board of Ed and Board of Elections -- From tech corruption and crime to two systems with so many problems and Mike solved none of them.

6) CityTime Trial -- Preet Bharara actually blamed the delay of this trial in part on Hurricane Sandy and delayed the trial again so Mike will be out of office by the time I hope Gerald Shargel and Barry Bohrer call him, Team Bloomberg, Rudy Giuliani and his deputy mayors turned lobbyists for SAIC, Christine Quinn, Bill Thompson and Rose Gill Hearn.  If u don't know why google my name and theirs CityTime.  Read == to tired to spoon feed u and repeat myself over and over.

7) CCRB The Civilian Complaint Review Board on NYPD is closed, remains closed because of Hurricane Sandy and not one person in the press has held Mike Bloomberg accountable.  By the way despite all the tech money spent and Mike Bloomberg as tech mayor -- the way the tech system is set up for CCRB -- consider CCRB is shut down your cases and mine are not being addressed again we need outside Federal Agencies and a Commission to investigate NYPD crime, abuse of power and corruptionn because it ain't happening and no one in the media is doing squat to hold our mayor and Commish Kelly accountable.

8)  Mayor Mike Bloomberg a sitting mayor committed perjury during the Haggerty trial and broke campaign laws.  Cy Vance tried to prevent Haggerty from calling Team Bloomberg and when the Judge said no Cy called them but first gave them all immunity.  Did Patti Harris an unofficial little emperoress of City Hall get coaching tips on how to suffer amnesia when Dennis Vacco questioned her.
All of Team Bloomberg that Mike funneled money to all had amnesia except Haggerty who went to jail.   Haggerty or is going there.  http://www.manhattanda.com/press-release/john-f-haggerty-jr-sentenced-state-prison   Haggerty was innocent -- as innocent as Mike Bloomberg hardee har.

9) Cy Vance -- One Term Cy bye bye.  
There are so many reasons Cy's career here in NYC is over from Joe Jazz Hayden, not prosecuting St. Vincent's Hospital, not prosecuting or turning over ECTP 911 to Preet Bharara, letting NYPD rape cop Moreno go on the heroin hidden in his locker -- we will just roll the heroin hidden in his locker in to one year -- get real,  Cy Vance's campaign donor tennis partner sitting on the NYPD Rape Cop Pena trial convincing jurors anal vaginal rape isn't first degree because the petite school teacher with a gun to her face could not remember the color of a car across the street.   
I stood outside Cy Vance's office and tried to ask him if he was going to return the 5 grand Cy Vance received from Lloyd Constantine who I wish was disbarred along with Joe Tacopina and Chad Seigel for their Venus Fly Trap hateful acts putting the rape victim on trial.

Lloyd Constantine near-wrecks rape case—EDITORIAL - NYPOST ...

Mar 29, 2012 – ... much as anybody,” says Lloyd Constantine, mentor and onetime top... that tried the case of now-former NYPD Officer Michael Pena — and ...

10) From Albany to City Hall from community boards where we did not elect official and Mike Bloomberg and Christine Quinn who flushed democracy down the toilet pushing through an illegal third term which someone pointed out Pres. George Washington would have hung them for treason --- you are all proof this is not a democracy...

We and over whelming amount of New Yorkers said no to stop and frisk, said no to a way too rapid reckless Tsunami of community crushing development, we said no to closing our hospitals, we said no to bailing out banks and asked you bail out our hospitals so we get it -- NYC is Oligarch Central.

Look up Christine Quinn Chuck Meara -- Christine Quinn locked out her own community from testifying they want a Trauma Level 1 Hospital with a Rape Crisis Center and AIDS care not Rudin luxury condo and a 75 year old man fainted and the ambulance took a half hour -- I went to the NYPD and foiled the ambulance and guess what --- the ambulance went to the wrong place -- 2 million dollar tax payer's Titanic and Chrisitne Quinn wouldn't even investigate.  Google Chrisitne Quinn Talking Points.  Google Chuck Meara email 911 and read my posts.  I am too tired to copy and paste all the links and do it all for you.

In summary we have had a record amount of money in the BILLIONS tax payer money abused, stolen and wasted like never before -- the largest amount EVER in the history of NYC -- all under Mike Bloomberg all approved by Christine Quinn, Mark Page, too much went on for too long under Rose Gill Hearn the Cathy Black of Dept of Investigation.

Dept of Building is way too corrupt and or ineffective -- DOB and Con Ed needed to join us in telling the mayor too slow down and put safety first.


I can't even get the total figure on 311 spending and consultants.

Lastly I would like to know the figure on the legal bills for Christine Quinn and all her staff as well as all NYC employees and it should be on the NYC gov webste.

Suzannah B. Troy's NYC 2012 Corruption List  -- The corruption list is dedicated to Det. John Vergona of the First Precinct, his supervisors Deputy Inspector Ed Winski, Lt. Angelo Burgos, Sgt. Chen,  as well as Chief Campisi who I reported me being violently assaulted by Dr. Fagelman's receptionist Delita Hooks who menaced me, violently gave me the finger and than violently assaulted me - first threatening me with bodily harm, hitting me twice knocking my iphone out of my hand I was using to trying an document this violent and unprofessional behavior and than removing her shoes and throwing them before she ran at me with a closed fist wounding my eye and causing a hole in my retina, grabbing my hair -- causing damage to my neck that an MRI proved is in bad shape and the NYPD said hey it was even steven -- I was a patient holding heavy bags and had just had a cyst removed from my arm -- 2 painful injections in my arm Emblem Health HIP paid $450 dollars for that visit for me to be violently assaulted and the NYPD let this violent woman go and Dr. Fagelman did not fire her when a Starbucks manager would have in an instant for violently assaulting a customer.

Tourists and parents of college kids -- welcome to NYC where even being a patient getting a cyst removed the NYPD feel a violent raging receptionist has a right to assault a patient --- someone else's patient.  The mad folks that push innocent people in front of subways -- how many times where the NYPD called and the NYPD did nothing?  I believe in Sunando Sen's case many times.

Internal Affairs giving this case to the Integrity Division is almost laughable but I await hearing from Lt. Agnes and I will be sending a report to two Federal Agencies about Internal Affairs cover-ups including Adrian Schoolcraft being outed to his precinct and a call for the Feds to come in and investigate the NYPD and Internal Affairs as well as a new Commission like the Knapp and the Mollen. 

I always blogged about NYPD corruption but the NYPD were never on my top ten list until Det. John Vergona, DI Ed Winski, Lt. Angelo Burgos and Sgt Chen sent me a message and it was quite a violent message and I thought of them as well as Delita Hooks and Dr. Fagelman and the women in the video yelling "No Dee don't do it" because I hear they lied about me.  Easy to scapegoat and lie about me huh?

Thank you for following my blogs and YouTubes...Thank you for pushing the Dr. Andrew Fagleman Receptionist Delita Hooks violent assault video that proves NYPD corruption and clearly based on my work we have a motive as to why the NYPD did not want to do their job as well as listening to Adrian Schoolcraft secret recordings of the NYPD they are caught turning away crime and a lot more awful acts by the men and women that are suppose to protect and serve but that is not the case.



Sunday, December 30, 2012

NYC Civilian Complaint Review Board Still Closed!


NYC Civilian Complaint Review Board Still Closed!

Our office is closed and the toll-free phone # is not working, due to severe damage from Hurricane Sandy. We are still taking complaints. To file, please call: 212-392-4170. For additional ways to file, including online, please use the link on the left side of this page: How to File a Complaint
New York City Civilian Complaint Review Board

NYC Civilian Complaint Review Board Still Closed!
Hey Mike Bloomberg,  Christine Quinn, Commish Kelly 

#stopstopandfrisk march #OWS Matt Hopard UStream


#stopstopandfrisk march #OWS Matt Hopard UStream

Note from Suzannah B. Troy -- this is the first time except for Commish Ray Kelly accepting free rides from mayor Bloomberg Air Bloomberg as well as the Harvard Club scandal albeit small -- first time ever I express very strong criticism.

I was a supporter of Commish Kelly and the NYPD but always giving corrupt NYPD hell from my blogs and YouTubeland until corrupt Det. John Vergona First Precinct Det. Squad and his supervisors and co-workers taught me dirty corrupt policing and than I listened to excerpts   Adrian Schoolcraft tapes and I have changed my feelings 100 percent.
I see Ray Kelly's retirement at the end of this term and a new Commission like the Mollen and Knapp is coming because the NYPD corruption is out of control with 3 shocking trials in the Bronx as well as the Schoolcraft Tapes that are must listen. 

To good honest NYPD thank you but sadly you are the minority.  We were policed by good respectful NYPD and I thanked them at the end of the protest and I believe two males dressed as protestors joined us and I appreciated them lending their voices to our protest.

Once you listen to the interview below with excerpts of NYPD brass ordering NYPD to break laws and violate civil rights you WILL NEVER FEEL THE SAME ABOUT STOP AND FRISKS!

http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/brooklyn/juiced_nypd_big_facing_suspension_wc9WSIA4l0RvfQ7MgF4KzL  NY Post article on Chief Marino --- juiced tested positve -- listen to Adrian Schoolcraft tape of abduction Deputy Chief Marion sounds "juiced" and like he is the EDP -- emotionally disturbed person not a very calm sane Adrian Schoolcraft.

   PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS TAPE AND HEAR DEPUTY CHIEF MARINO FOR YOURSELF!!!!!!Listen to this and learn why the DA refused to put this in front of a grand jury -- because it was a sure indictment.

This interview AMAZING AND VERY DISTURBING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Listen to the part about down grading rape -- they even have on tape the NYPD raiding his home with SWAT team and tasers."



Protesters March Against City Funding Of NYPD Stop-And-Frisks

Dan Norton Internationalist Group Protest Stop & Frisk

Christine Quinn 3.7 million stop & frisks

I was a supporter of Commish Kelly and the NYPD but always giving corrupt NYPD hell from my blogs and YouTubeland until corrupt Det. John Vergona First Precinct Det. Squad and his supervisors and co-workers taught me dirty corrupt policing and than I listened to these tapes and I have changed my feelings 100 percent.
I see Ray Kelly's retirement at the end of this term and a new Commission like the Mollen and Knapp is coming because the NYPD corruption is out of control with 3 shocking trials in the Bronx as well as the Schoolcraft Tapes that are must listen.

To good honest NYPD thank you but sadly you are the minority.  We were policed by good respectful NYPD and I thanked them at the end of the protest and I believe two males dressed as protestors joined us and I appreciated them lending their voices to our protest.

Once you listen to the interview below with excerpts of NYPD brass ordering NYPD to break laws and violate civil rights you WILL NEVER FEEL THE SAME ABOUT STOP AND FRISKS!

http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/brooklyn/juiced_nypd_big_facing_suspension_wc9WSIA4l0RvfQ7MgF4KzL  NY Post article on Chief Marino --- juiced tested positve -- listen to Adrian Schoolcraft tape of abduction Deputy Chief Marion sounds "juiced" and like he is the EDP -- emotionally disturbed person not a very calm sane Adrian Schoolcraft.

   PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS TAPE AND HEAR DEPUTY CHIEF MARINO FOR YOURSELF!!!!!!Listen to this and learn why the DA refused to put this in front of a grand jury -- because it was a sure indictment.

This interview AMAZING AND VERY DISTURBING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Listen to the part about down grading rape -- they even have on tape the NYPD raiding his home with SWAT team and tasers."



Louis Flores Speech Stop & Frisk

Ale Occu-Evolve Stop & Frisk

Ale Occu-Evolve Stop & Frisk

Jose LaSalle Stop and Frisk Protest

Jose LaSalle Stop and Frisk Protest

Jose LaSalle Stop and Frisk Protest

Stop and Frisk is Crime

Say No To New Jim Crow

Protesting Christine Quinn 3.7 Million Stop and Frisk Jackson Heights

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Sunando Sen Funeral Subway Victim Monday 10am Good Soul

Mayor Bloomberg Ray Kelly Explain Sunando Sen Murder

The evil murderer could not have picked her opposite a GOOD good soul and heart and intelligent.  

Welcome to NYC where evil preys on Good Souls.  

Sunando Sen family be proud such a good soul!!!
So tragic such a good good person I took note because he was clearly good.  

Funeral Monday exhausted mentally and physically.

Sunando GOOD SOUL intelligent kind Heart

Sunando Sen Funeral Subway Victim

Sunando Sen Funeral Subway Victim

Sunando Sen Funeral Subway Push Victim

Sunando Sen Funeral Subway Victim
If u have information come forward. 

NYPD Crimestoppers
a056-crimestoppers.nyc.gov/.../ ...1-800-577-TIPS 1-800-577- ... Wanted · Bank Robberies · Submit Tip · NYC Police Foundation. Tip Form ...

Funeral Monday 10am

I donated money for Sen's funeral and can too 204 east 11 212-6735628

Stop and Frisk Protest Targeting Christine Quinn Protest Jackson Heights

Stop and Frisk Protest Targeting Christine Quinn Protest Jackson Heights

Friday, December 28, 2012

Mayor Bloomberg Does Zero to Help CUNY Students

Mayor Bloomberg Does Zero to Help CUNY Students

Can you help by blogging the following event my BF experienced when he went to the financial aide office at NYC College of Technology (CUNY) because we know he is not alone and would like to find out how many other students are affected. A close friend of mine whose BF.... currently receives TAP and Pell as a student and found out that he exhausted his limit leaving him with a balance of $880 for the Spring semester that he can not afford to pay. Note: the Federal govt and the State cut these funds and to make matters worse CUNY raised their tuition very recently. As an end result, students are going to have to drop out of school because they can not afford their tuition. What a messed-up situation.

What is Bloomberg offering to do to help CUNY students......many young people went back to school because of the recession and now they are getting #%&*#ed-up again by the Govt. This is crazy.

Thanks. I really appreciate your help on this because we need to make your readers aware of this new problem.

Activists Plan Stop-And-Frisk March On Sunday Written by Nick Powell

Activists Plan Stop-And-Frisk March On Sunday

Written by Nick Powell
The New York Police Department is reveling in the news released this week that homicides recorded in the city are at an all-time low, and have dropped 19 percent since the previous year. Supporters of the NYPD are pointing to these numbers as evidence that stop-and-frisk policing is working to prevent violent crime.
Count activist Louis Flores as someone who is not buying what the NYPD is selling, as he is one of the main drivers behind a planned march against the controversial law enforcement tactic that has disproportionately affected minority communities, including his own in Jackson Heights–where the march will take place.

Council Speaker Christine Quinn
“I’d like to know how many people in my community were stopped and how many homicides have been prevented, but they don’t give those statistics,” Flores said. “It’s just a generality, a political spin that they offer to justify stop and frisk. They’re in a defensive position where they feel like they have to justify what they’re doing and they point to a decrease in homicide rate, but I don’t believe it.”
The message that Flores hopes will arise from the protest is that the City Council–and Speaker Christine Quinn in particular–should pull funding for the stop-and-frisk program during city budget negotiations. Quinn has addressed some of the problems related to stop-and-frisk in the past, but has not signed on as a sponsor to the Community Safety Act, the proposed legislation in the Council that would specifically prohibit race-based profiling by police officers, among other measures. Flores hopes that Quinn and the City Council will take action and end the practice altogether.

Click to


Note from Suzannah B. Troy:

Listen to American Life Interview that has Adrian Schoolcraft audio recordings and you will never believe what the NYPD are selling when it comes to stop and frisks.

Listen to story on NYPD down grading serial first degree rapists crimes.  

What has Internal Affairs down about that?

Internal Affairs allegedly betrayed Adrian Schoolcraft and accusations continue to fly that IA is covering up crimes not investigating them unless a Federal Agency comes in.

CCRB remains closed down and it is time for an a new commission like Mollen and Knapp and Federal Agencies to come in because the NYPD are out of control and the three trials in the Bronx along with the Queens DA ruling on the Schoolcraft abduction by his NYPD commanders is more than a red light as well as growing anger amongst New Yorkers demanding outside monitor of NYPD.