NYPD Coerced me to drop charges or go to jail with a hole in my retina Saturday arrest for Dr Fagelman's savagely violent receptionist Delita's running punch to my eye grabbing my hair trying to drag me down the hall by my hair damaging my neck not fired or arrested I agreed to false arrest Oct 16 immediate than Det John Vergona changed my false arrest date to Saturday oct. 20, 2012 4PM IAB let him and his supervisor retire! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh9TedhfthE I am alleging fix, favors and retaliation -- please look at the first page -- it mentions HP tied to 911 Tech corruption as well as mayor Bloomberg Ray Kelly free rides Air Bloomberg....http://www.scribd.com/doc/188752042/NYPD-Commissioner-Ray-Kelly-Charles-Campisi-DI-Ed-Winski-Lt-Agnes-Lt-Angelo-Burgos-IAB-Sgt-Mary-O-Donnell-Sgt-Chen-Det-Andy-Dwyer-Det-John-Ve

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Politicker Reports anti-Quinn Protestors and the LARGE Yellow Banner

Politicker Reports anti-Quinn Protestors and the LARGE Yellow Banner


"Also marching in the parade were anti-Quinn protesters carrying a large, yellow “LGBT against Quinn” sign–baffling at least one police officer, who was apparently a fan of Ms. Quinn.
“Who would be against Quinn?” he asked.

Note:  Although I am a critic of Quinn's I feel badly for her --- look at the photo....
I can't help it I feel sorry for her. I just don't want her for mayor.  She sold us out.

Dr. Andrew Fagelman's Delita Hooks Award for the Most Violent Receptionist NYC?

Today I hug and kissed a rainbow of People all colors ages backrounds but what none of them knew was Dr. Andrew Fagelman did no fire his very violent receptionist office manager for:

verbally assaulting me
berating me

menacing me coming out from behind a long closed off counter to come after me as I tried to get help from my MD Dr. Vine who was in with another patient.

Her assistant finally broke in and got Dr. Vine to come to me but Delita Hooks had gotten between me and the exit to violently give me the finger.

She provoked me to document and I started filming so she decided rather than close the door to the medical office to use the door for balance as she began a violent rampage that for 9 months come July has her still lying blaming me.

I hand my Justice cards out and every good person says sorry but I assure them Dr. Andrew Fagelman and Delita Hooks and all involved in this violent assault and lies to cover-up for Delita Hooks violent assault and another crime a false cross complaint never have apologized and they have no morals or ethics in my opinion including Dr. Andrew Fagelman in my opinion an evil little man.

I have copies but to see this video after 12,500 views it was mysteriously age rated for violence yes Delita Hooks Dr. Andrew Fagelman did not get fired for her violence but did get an Adult rating for her violence in a Medical office.

Delita Hooks is the most violent dangerous liar and medical receptionist in all of NYC and my visit cost $430 dollars but now I have thousands of dollars of medical bills for the hole she made in my retina, the constant visits to check on the retina and now the scar tissue that formed and I have neck damage.

My insurance cut me off from more physical therapy and the only thing I can get for the pain now is injections epidurals which after the first I have declined.

Internal Affairs is on month 9 and it is an open investigation.   It appears that very cowardly sick people on behalf of this Jodi Arias of reception are too lonely, cowardly and believe voilently assaulting a patient and threatening to slap the crap out of a patient, throwing your shoes, a running punch as someone that would be me held 2 bags one heavy, my iphone as I stood there a human pinata.

Dr. Andrew Fagelman internist has no problem with Delita Hooks violating a patients body, a patients rights and a patient's privacy.  He told a private investigator I wasn't his patient.

Dr. Vine vacated with her partner  two weeks after I was attacked and perhaps one reason is because she can't have Delita Hooks savagely attacking her patients.

In my opinion Delita Hooks lied about everything and even in my opinion submitted forged medical reports.  Lucky for her so far it is like she or Dr. Fagelman have connections and so far the fix is in.....

Christine Quinn Campaign Posters Garbage

Christine Quinn Garbage mess!!!

Friday, June 28, 2013



I will wear a black arm band for you and for Mark Carson Sunday at the Gay Pride Parade so you will be with me in spirit.  You are already missed.  


Bob Pomilla Genuflects To Madame Speaker Christine Quinn Parody

Kick the little guy to the curb even if he is 6 foot!!!!

Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Assault Cards 155 Spring St. Soho NYC

Due to Delita Hooks violent assault false cross complaint and today in my opinion aggravated harassment on her behalf false blaming me the victim if had just had a $430 procedure at 155 Spring St ordered 1,000 more Justice cards to hand out through July.

Ben Romano Your Identity Stolen to Harass a Victim of Violent Crime Dr. Andrew Fagelman's Office?



Ben Romano Your Identity Stolen to Harass a Victim of Violent Crime Dr. Andrew Fagelman's Office?

Brand new sock puppet account Google YouTubeland created today just to cyber bully and harass me wrongfully blaming me for Dr. Andrew Fagelman's violent assault and slandering me.

Ben Romano Your Identity Stolen to Harass a Victim of Violent Crime Dr. Andrew Fagelman's Office?



Ben Romano Your Identity Stolen to Harass a Victim of Violent Crime Dr. Andrew Fagelman's Office?

Brand new sock puppet account Google YouTubeland created today just to cyber bully and harass me wrongfully blaming me for Dr. Andrew Fagelman's violent assault and slandering me.

Dr. Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Savage Assault Today Cyber Harassment Contact US Marshalls Google


First Google YouTubeland -- If you have concerns here is the email for US Law Enforcement at Google


July 1, 2013 marks 9 months since Dr. Andrew Fagelman's violent lying receptionist Delita Hooks violently assaulted me.

For almost month months I have been cyber bullied and more and I continue to report it all.

Today a brand new sock puppet account was created just to assault me again on YouTube which makes 2 this week blaming me and I am the victim here.  There is no reason to violently and savagely assault a medical patient and the sock puppet account today claims I trespassed even though my medical procedure cost $430 and  Delita Hooks was crazy abusive before I started filming first provoking me to seek help from Dr. Vine who sadly was already in with another patient and than Delita Hooks got between me and the exit to violently give me the finger.

She could have closed the door when I started filming because note I am standing outside the door but instead she uses the door for balance to start the beginning of a savage assault where she is clearly the aggressor.

Dr. Fagelman did not fire her and it was as if the NYPD get free viagra or something because the NYPD used Delita Hooks false cross complaint to coerce and threaten me as only corrupt NYPD officers can do.  It was like Delita Hooks and Dr. Fagelman have a hook.  


Gay Pride Parade 2013 Mark Carson 911 Activism by Suzannah B. Troy

Uploaded on Jun 28, 2013
http://youtu.be/G8dfDq74mO4 Testimony plus the violent crimehttp://youtu.be/dh9TedhfthE by Dr. Andrew Fagelman's receptionist office manager Delita Hooks which the NYPD fixed for the medical office. Please sign in via gmail because after 12,500 it was mysteriously age restricted to slow down the video from going viral.

    FYI: Because of 9 months of cyber bullying on behalf of Delita Hooks violence and lies today the newest I just put in an order for 1,000 more Justice cards for me and in 2 weeks I am told I will be given a new deal to get far more cards for less money to pass out Dr. Andrew Fagelman Assault Justice Cards.

    Dr. Fagelman's violent receptionist office manager Delita Hooks violently assaulting me now has an adult rating so you have to sign in with a gmail account to see the video with 13,600 views an in your face hateful crime fixed by corrupt NYPD officers for the medical office.

    Monday, June 24, 2013

    Gary Tilzer True News Alive Temporary Tele Number

    Gary Tilzer True News Alive Temporary Tele Number

    Gary Tilzer is at Methodist Hospital and it took an all nighter Saturday with a 911 call and a very good NYPD Sgt Cooper to help me to find out Gary alive.

    Just barely and at Methodist Hospital crammed in a room with lots of men. 

    He is very ill.  Diabetes and sugar to high. 

    He can't be released until
    sugar levels lower and he is in horrifying shape. 

    Very sad and upsetting. The part of NYC Bloomberg Quinn doesn't want you to know about.   Gary needs help and corrupt politicians and posers posing as journalist celebrating he is sick could die and no computer. Read my blog posts all Saturday Sundau on finding Gary who vanished into unconsciousness Tues - Friday and no one knew where to?

    He needs health insurance, home Heath care aid, and FYI I got him a new temp tele number (929) 888-4942 until he he's a replacement phone same old number once he returns home.  He said he remembers nothing Tuesday after his blogging until Friday and getting a call in the ambulance so he is convinced he had his wallet and phone in the ambulance. 

    We hoped he would be home and reconnected with his computer but his health serious problems so now we hear not Thursday but in hospital cut off from his computer thru July 4th weekend.

    FYI: Gary had his blog illegally removed on a Sunday aprox 2 years ago he called me 5am and by 6am enlisted Louis Flores's help by 4pm we got his blog back.

    When my YouTubes removed the first exposing Det John Vergona copies of this http://youtu.be/dh9TedhfthE which corrupt detectives Det squad fixed along supervisors.  

    Gary would not take 5 minutes to write Google on my behalf yet I gave my heart soul and more to get Gary reconnected to the world.  

    Sadly I can't load him a computer because I fear it be stolen at the hospital.  

    Katy Perry Documentary Winner on Netlfix Russell Brand a Loser

    I am a deep thinker, very passionate and above average intelligence so why would I love a documentary on Katy Perry a pop star on Netflix?  She is unbreakable...she may not know it but she is.
    Despite being signed by 2 major labels who never release her music she has to call her than 16 year old brother to ask him for money.  She is broke.  He has no money to give her.

    You have never seen someone so devoted to making others happy including her fans.

    Fox News reported in 2012 Katy Perry's documentary "Part of Me" flopped but Suzannah B. Troy is reporting Katy Perry's documentary is a winner on Netflix.

    Katy is beautiful but lots of people are --- what makes her shine is her effervescence --- what made me love her ---   I have a special love for people like her.  Their upbeat quality and positivity is like a beautiful sun that warms your body on a cool day....

    1) she reminds me of my most favorite person not in my life -- not gay.  She wasn't my lover but I loved her beauty inside out and her joy and positivity.  After she got married she changed and....

    2) what drew me in was Katy dreams big, surrounds her self with very loyal people that truly care like her sister and that helps when she got suckered in believing her husband was prince charming when it appears not only wasn't he but in a recent interview Katy says she has something tucked away in a safe about her ex-husband's uncool behavior for a rainy day....  Could it be a video that Vivid would pay big bucks for?  She bent over backwards for her husband...

     "I felt a lot of responsibility for it ending, but then I found out the real truth, which I can't necessarily disclose because I keep it locked in my safe for a rainy day. I let go and I was like: This isn't because of me; this is beyond me. So I have moved on from that."

    Russell Brand sent her a text divorce notice and has never spoken or contacted her since.   Eeewwww......

    Heart breaking was how hard she worked and beyond stretched her self to the limit flying half way around the world to keep her marriage going but in fact surprise he wasn't worthy of her.

    She collapses in exhaustion and depression crying and her loyal staff and sis help support and love her -- she gets herself up to perform and her fans in Portuguese tell her I love you Katy  and she cries I get it so completely.....that is beautiful..

    I am not a Katy Perry fan -- just too old about to be 51 years old...but loved the film and bought 2 songs for my iPhone  'Wide Awake" (We all get the wake up call ya know what I mean...)and'  "Part of Me" (you are not going to crush my SOUL)


    Note:  I don't like any techno music -- I just want to hear beautiful voices and music....
    I look forward to her work with far less everything and far more her voice and her words...her lyrics... on her journey in this world....

    http://youtu.be/i6oaXe2lw1Q  Katy a beautiful voice and you can actually hear her voice in this video.

    Dr Fagelman Delita Hooks YouTube Video Exposing Violent Assault and NYPD Fixing

    Violent assault fixed by the NYPD using Delita Hooks false cross complaint and last night almost 9 months after I still have what seems like one voice "Delita Hooks" lying voice telling me it was me and this video proves it was Delita Hooks a violent liar the jodi arias so why has the NYPD fixed this violent crime  her stalker from last night directed me to the NYPD police report as if it vindicates Delita Hooks but if it exists it is proof more evidence NYPD corrupt and fixed this for her.

    As an IAB officer said to me the video speaks for itself

    So Delita Hooks filed a false cross complaint a crime
    threatened me with bodily harm and violently savagely attacked me another serious crime
    and the NYPD fixed it...

    did the NYPD make up a forged false cross complaint?

    The NYPD repeatedly stopped me from filing a complaint and now was it Dr. Fagelman's lawyer or a stalker friend for Delita Hooks contact me -- referring to a false NYPD police report more proof the NYPD fixed this  violent crime and where going to do what ever it takes to fix this crime for Delita Hooks and Delita Hooks.

    The possible aggravated harassment in my opinion almost 9 months of the Delita Hooks gang harassing me on my YouTube Channel blaming and slandering me -- I was asked what I did to make a 40 year old woman violently hit me, punch me after threatening me --- I did nothing -- there is no reason to hit someone and a patient in a medical office that is like hitting a person in Church.

    I was asked by cyber stalker for Delita Hooks what I did?

    I asked did  Delita Hooks do drugs?  Was she some kind of drug to act that crazy violent?

    The lies and blame and cover-ups including by the NYPD and IAB is taking their sweet time like they want to cover this up and try and protect the NYPD brand.

    Why does it seem like Delita Hooks is the NYPD Police Commissioner and Commander of the First Precinct get the NYPD to sell her lies when the video, photo evidence, medical reports prove she is guilty and the NYPD detectives all refused to meet me -- I can't even get the names and badge number of her special detectives that fixed it.

    I can't get Vergona's badge number, I can't get his partner's name and badge number, I can't Sgt Chen's badge number so the corrupt is in your face for Delita Hooks like she runs the NYPD and she is the jodi arias of medical reception desks with the NYPD fixing this violent crime.

    If there is a police report it is just more proof the NYPD fixed this violent crime and were confident no one would investigate their dirty corrupt dealings just like the detectives refused to investigate Dr. Andrew Fagelman, 155 Spring Streets, violent lying receptionist attacking me.

    Her letter ghost written by I am guessing Dr. Fagelman's lawyer who didn't want to put his name on it further incriminates her and includes the fear I may come back and press charges against her yet again.

    Christine Quinn Memoir Huge Flop Like her Campaign to be Mayor?

    I did not now she had that many friends

    I know what her staff is getting for the holidays


    The above was sent to me
    Christine Quinn Memoir Huge Flop Like her Campaign to be Mayor
    but FYI she and her campaign people thought this book would sell her as successfully as the slush money she uses to help steal/win a mayoral job she isn't qualified to have.

    She has spent 15 years in City  Council and pushed through an illegal third term, an illegal corrupt tsunami of community crushing development in her own neighborhood 2 mega heinous examples Rudin luxury condos replacing St. Vincent's Hospital so Mark Carson LGBT hate crime felt like Quinn's hate crime as well and NYU crushing her own district.....

    to Quinn pushing through the largest white collar crimes in my opinion ever with CityTime and 911 and a long list of tech contracts where oops they went over budget mega millions or billion plus uber high priced sea of consultants.

    Read a free excerpt of ''Roots of Betrayal :  The Ethics of Christine Quinn''

    Mayor Bloomberg No Guns Required Crazy Violence Aaron Jefferson's Stabbing Murder to Dr. Fagelman's Delita Hooks Violent Assault of a Patient


    Aaron Jefferson Teenage Marine hopeful fatally stabbed to Death Jamaica Queens

    mayor bloomberg no guns required NYC crazy violent city and NYPD fixing crimes not investigating violent crimes add to the violence.

    NYPD fixed me being violently assaulted by crazy violent Delita Hooks who can act honey and sweetness when the Coco Channel wannabe feels like it....


    NYPD used her blatantly false cross complaint to threaten me with false arrest...

    Why was Delita Hooks, Dr. Andrew Fagelman's receptionist, a Coco Channel wannabe, so confident that she could walk in to the First Precinct and commit yet another crime?

    Saturday, June 22, 2013

    Steve Levin Vito Lopez's Protege Vote Him Out Sept 10, 2013

    Steve Levin Christine Quinn's lulu boy, Vito Lopez Sex Predator corrupt politico's protege needs to go.   Say no to another term for Vito Lopez's puppet boy Steve Levin who can't even figure out how to pay his parking tickets but you have to.
    He earns a 6 figure salary but decided he did not have to pay his parking tickets.
    Can you say Domino Sugar Factory.   Are you tired of being Sold Out! Vote Steve Levin out!

    Enough talk: Our politicians must save children’s garden by Clayton Patterson

    Enough talk: Our politicians must save children’s garden by Clayton Patterson


    Dear Clatyon:  

    Thanks for acknowledging my work to get a speed bump for Anna Silver School and the area near the Children's Magical Garden.  I did so because Alfredo was so passionate for the need and the community board did nothing so I took action.

    Thanks again and right on with this article!!!!!!!

    Ruppert Playground in jeopardy as well and the children are going to lose their playground to a ritzy eatery at Union Square -- Mike Bloomberg's hideous New York....

    Great piece Clayton!!!!

    Independent Monitor Needed for NYPD, 911 Tech, DOITT ,City Council, Mike Bloomberg, Vito Lopez, Christine Quinn, Albany, Sheldon Silver....

    Independent Monitor Needed for NYPD, 911 Tech, DOITT ,City Council, Mike Bloomberg, Vito Lopez, Christine Quinn, Albany,  Sheldon Silver....

    Lojack needed for tax payer money.....

    1. We need an independent monitor for CityTime, 911 ECT,P and over all of DOITT.
      1. We've needed independent monitors for NYPD + slush funds. Now, we need one for hospitals, too.

    Wednesday, June 19, 2013

    James Gandolfini died in Italy Age 51 Remembering Here in NYC


    I am the same age --- will be 51 next month and we both went to Rutgers.

    James Gandolfini died in Italy of a heart attack....   People are shedding tears around the world because so many people loved him and he stayed real....he cared.


    I am the same age --- will be 51 next month and we both went to Rutgers.

    I feel very sad --- he seemed like such a good guy.

    The first time I saw him in person was after 9-11,  NYPD detectives had taken me with them to ask for a raise at a big rally --- I think it was mid-town and James Gandolfini happen to be walking by with his girlfriend and the NYPD asked him to speak up for them and he did.

    The last time I saw him was on Prince St eating by himself.  I didn't bother him.   I eat by myself and enjoy the alone time.

    I had tried to reach him to ask him to call than Capt Ed Winski of the First Precinct to stop harassing, ticketing and or arresting Veteran Vets because I knew from the HBO film he made he loved Vets....he cared.  I felt if James Gandolfini called Winski he would leave our Vet Vendors alone.

    He was a brilliant actor and a good guy.  He leaves behind a beautiful boy that looks just like him but light hair and a brand new baby girl from his 2nd marriage.

    Very sad....

    I would have asked him to play NYPD hero Lt. Petrosino but he was too tall....Lt. Petrosino died in 1905 in Italy the first NYPD hero to die abroad in the line of duty.

    James Gandolfini was versitalie and superb in any role including the HBO movie about the reality show the Amercian Family that broke up http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cinema_Verite.  As a little girl I remember the actual tv series and I thought Gandolfini was brilliant playing the opposite of a Tony Soprano, a really bad character that Gandolfini infused with too much charasima and made us all love the bad Tony we should not love because he was that good an actor

    I feel very sad --- he seemed like such a good guy.

    I had tried to reach him to ask him to call than Capt Ed Winski of the First Precinct to stop harassing, ticketing and or arresting Veteran Vets because I knew from the HBO film he made he loved Vets....he cared.

    He was a brilliant actor and a good guy.  He leaves behind a beautiful boy that looks just like him but light hair and a brand new baby girl from his 2nd marriage.

    Very sad....  I feel like a friend has died but we weren't friends....he just captured so many of our hearts and minds with his talent.   RIP

    Mayor Bloomberg 911 CityTime No NYC Gov Arrests

    Tuesday, June 18, 2013

    Mayor Bloomberg St. Vincent's Hospital W. Village CitiShare 2 Beth Israel?

    Mayor Bloomberg St. Vincent's Hospital W. Village CitiShare 2 Beth Israel?

    The NY Times to Censor Suzannah B. Troy's Comment on Christine Quinn?

    Posted 1:57PM Will this comment make it past The NY Times Censors.  Carolyn Ryan is Chris Quinn's cheer leader and the censors at the NYT act like NYC is Baby Putinville.

    Wow!  A first!  The NY Times approved my comment in 2 minutes on Christine Quinn and I am allowed to expose her on her role in pushing through 911 Tech corruption, CityTime, Board of Election tech corruption as well as Tsunami of Community Crushing Development like Rudin Luxury Condos not a hospital and Term Limits!!!!
    Surprise my comment on  Charles Hynes comment posted and  has 100 thumbs up!

    Christine Quinn sold-us out.   She pushed through an illegal third term, a Tsunami of Community Crushing Development including the conversion of St. Vincent's Hospital in to Rudin Luxury Condos instead of fighting for protective zoning for a Trauma Level 1 hospital only -- one that might have saved Mark Carson's life so in my opinion Quinn's greed and ambition an LGBT hate crime, and Quinn pushed through a fortune historic in over-runs in technology contracts, staggering, CityTime, 911 Tech Corruption, etc.  The Board of Election tech doesn't even work so mayor Bloomberg is the emperor with no clothes and Ms. Quinn, his mini-me is a little emperor wannabe, far more ambition than she ever was an activist.

    Under her watch affordable housing has become an oxymoron.!

    The New York Times Poach Louis Flores Research on Christine Quinn Not Crediting Him?

    The New York Times Poach Louis Flores Research on Christine Quinn Not Crediting Him?

    It's flattering to see The New York Times refer to acts documented in "Roots of Betrayal : The Ethics of Christine Quinn." It's important to note how Speaker Quinn still maintains the storyline that she had to "professionalise" AVP and how she chose to side with watered-down recommendations when she served on a police brutality commission under Mayor Giuliani. Even after decades have passed, Speaker Quinn still throws Matt Foreman, Norman Siegel, and the activism work of many LGBT leaders under the bus. The true nature of Speaker Quinn's lack of political ethics is beginning to emerge. 

    Monday, June 17, 2013

    NYPD Abuse of Power Petition Delita Hooks YouTube As 1 Example Sign the Petition!


    NYPD Abuse of Power Petition Delita Hooks YouTube As 1 Example Sign the Petition!
    NYPD did something fixing for Delita Hooks Dr. Andrew Fagelman's violent lying abusive receptionist but NYPD Ramos now in jail could tell us all a lot more about NYPD PBA fixing and favors -- see the link in the Change.org petition and thanks for signing.

    Delita Hooks getting her violent assault of me fixed is just one example in a ocean of too many of how out of control the NYPD are and yes there are a few good NYPD out there but there are too few.

    NYPD stats are like a Las Vegas Casino, the fix is in.

    Jamaica News Cocktails With Delita Hooks When She is not Punching Patients?

    Jamaica News Cocktails With Delita Hooks When She is not Punching Patients?

    Look at this puff piece on the violent liar Delita Hooks a violent violent liar but she can ask oh so nice if she feels like it.

    Delita Hooks sure has friends --- I noticed that when the NYPD had the most damning evidence of Delita Hooks threatening me with bodily harm and throwing her shoes running at me to punch me as hard as she could in the eye making a hole in my retina, damaging my eye, my neck and lying about me.

    I call her the Jodi Arias of medical reception desks but Jamaica News calls her a curator not receptionist where she sits up at the very front

    In my opinion Delita Hooks will be in jail.  She is a violent liar who can turn on the "nice" switch as quickly as she can turn it off.  She yelled at me I have no rights who do I think I am.  She is an economic racist filled with hate?  i wasn't rich enough to have my patient rights respected.
    Watch this. http://youtu.be/F_F7rAN2nWY  If she contacts me or has anyone contact me on her behalf to perpetuate her lies I have asked Internal Affairs to investigate if that is "aggravated harassment" and they are plenty of yelp reviews worth reading.  http://youtu.be/F_F7rAN2nWY  Watch this....see the other side of Delita Hooks threatening me when she could of closed the door but she stalked me from behind a long closed counter at Dr. Andrew Fagelman's to violently get between me and the door to give me the finger.  She provoked me to start filming to document.   Than instead of closing the door because I had stepped out holding 2 bags one heavy, my arm numb and my phone she violently attacked me and threw her shoes at me making a hole in my retina, ripping at my hair, my earring ripped out and I finally defended myself. I immediately went to the NYPD.  She did not call 911 and she did not close the door.  She went back to the reception desk where she sits in the very front.

    In my opinion a dangerous violent liar who can switch her personality like the wind and she went to the NYPD and was confident she could walk right in to the precinct and lie and blame me for her violence.

    Yetta Kurland Big Win FDNY EMS Gender Discrimination Case Settled

    Dear Friend --
    I’m proud to announce that on Friday I, along with other civil rights attorney, filed a settlement in a major gender-discrimination lawsuit on behalf of women working for the City of New York
    We represented female EMS workers at the FDNY who were unfairly denied promotions despite decades of service and exemplary records. 
    "I had to fight twice as hard to do my job… I was doing all the work, but without the rank."  These words from Kathleen Gonczi, a 23-year veteran of the fire department, are all too familiar to millions of working women.  But Kathleen fought back, and I am proud to have been at her side.
    After seven years of litigation, the FDNY has agreed to pay back wages and compensation to these courageous and hard working women.  They have also agreed to change their employment and promotion practices to better ensure all applicants have an equal chance to advance.
    This settlement is a win for women in the workforce who deserve equal opportunities and equal recognition for their accomplishments.  But it also a win for all New Yorkers who deserve to have the most qualified employees working for them in the highest levels of leadership in New York City’s workforce, irrespective of race or gender. 


    Read more about the settlement in the NY Times at: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/15/nyregion/women-settle-gender-bias-lawsuit-against-fire-dept.html.

    You can also see this video at:


    Friends of Yetta · 130 Seventh Ave, #253, New York, NY 10011, United States
    This email was sent to suzannahbtroy@mac.com. To stop receiving emails, click here.
    You can also keep up with Yetta Kurland on Twitter.

    Created with NationBuilder, the essential toolkit for leaders. 

    Mayor Bloomberg No St Vincent's Hospital CitiShare Bike to Beth Israel




    Mayor Bloomberg No St Vincent's Hospital CitiShare Bike to Beth Israel

    Way back when you had a place to go with open arms no matter what..... we bailed out banks but no hospital, now criminal investigation in to St. Vincent's Hospital Crooks and FYI Christine Quinn sold us out....and she did not push for a Hospital Trauma Level 1 care, Rape Crisis Center, AIDS Care and she did not pressure Cy Vance to prosecute the St. Vincent's Crooks and rumor is because she did not want to bring attention to the Rudin acquisition of St. Vincent's.

    Note:  I am a Google YouTube Partner in good standing so I don't know why but ever since I tried to report the Public Advocate rep contacted Internal Affairs on my behalf re: being violently assaulted at Dr. Andrew Fagelman's office by his receptionist Delita Hooks I haven't been able to upload on Suzannahartist that news piece, the Mark Carson FDNY FOIL response and now this YouTube.

    Very weird...posted on my sub YouTube Channel Suzannah Troy but going with CNN IReport as a protest...  really upsetting....Dealing with Google YouTube censorship is but eventually they apologize to me.

    Suzannah B. Troy Exclusive Emergency Brake L Train Tech Problem not a Debris Problem?

    Earlier aprox 9:30 - 10 am NYPD source told me debris on tracks L train by 1st ave was why an Emergency break was pulled or went on ----- holding people prisoner in subway cars for at least 20 minutes....

    but at 2:00 today an MTA employee told me real reason a tech glitch not debris caused the subway emergency brake to go on!!!!!!

    The debris may read as a body!!?!

    Don't know but one MTA employee said no debris just tech problem. 

    City record number of tech nightmares starting with 911 and CityTime... Now this?

    from this morning report from subway

    Saturday, June 15, 2013

    911 Tech Corruption Exclusive FDNY States Suzannah B. Troy need Mark Carson's Permission for his Ambulance Response Time and Google Prevents YouTube from Being Posted so It's on CNN IReport


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    Click to view SuzannahTroy's profileSuzannahTroy
    June 15, 2013

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    Google YouTube continues to block this YouTube from being uploaded from my computer and Iphone as well as my YouTube I made before this on the Public Advocate calling Internal Affairs to do a status check on my allegations against the NYPD in the Dr. Fagelman receptionist violent assault of me that left me with a hole in my retina and damage to my cervical spine.  Delita Hooks was confident she could...
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