I look awful and like I have aged a hundred years.
I don’t sleep much and it is hard to do what I do that gives me joy especially working out and at age 50 years old you need to work out to fight off all kinds of problems and just to feel good.
My hair looks so unhealthy that I paid to get it glossed and a temporary color that doesn’t hide all the grey but does a little giving me an illusion of healthy hair.....
I am so drained and so upset. I see my eye MD about my contact lenses and not being able to see out of my left eye when I wear the lenses for mono vision.
I pray Karma serves Delita Hooks the punishment she deserves for her evil and that includes violence and blaming her victim and all those that aided and abetted her I pray are punished in the most creatively karmic way and that their evil really comes back to haunt them.
I feel very upset and very tired.....
Continue to work every day for Justice.