Jun 17 1:00 pm City Hall Yes, I will be there with an NYPD Foiled report of an ambulance taking 28 minutes because it went to the wrong place.
I will have the minutes from a 45 minute meeting at City Hall with Christine Quinn and I had community members and Norman Siegel with me and Quinn agreed to release response time or look in to getting them for us and it never happened.
So I will hand out copies of the foiled report which by the way Chuck Meara denied the ambulance took 28 minutes and Quinn and Meara refused to investigate.
I will ask them yet again to release the response times for her own district which her community has repeatedly asked for as well to investigate why the ambulance took 28 minutes when she locked out her own district and why wouldn't she be the one.
I have also foiled Mark Carson's ambulance response time because a source told it took too long.