Chang W. Lee/The New York Times
At a recent gathering, the talk turned to lunch and regulars, from left, Tom Baer, George Arzt (yeah that is George taking a giant size bite out of our tax dollars hardee har????), John LoCicero, former Mayor Edward I. Koch and Henry J. Stern, moved their conversation to a restaurant.
Artz lobbies for Liu while working for Liu? I guess it is nice work if you can find it!
"New York attorney Peter Gleason said the city website that documents lobbyists shows the legal contracts. “That is for everybody to look at and see who is lobbying which government official during which time frame,” he said."
True or False Wayne Barrett's wife in bed with Christie Quinn so does that make it a menage, Wayne, wifey and Quinn?
(Note: In my book John Liu is a hero re: CityTime and ECTP 911 Tech corruption -- that approximately 3 billion tax dollars abused right there and Liu called for a criminal investigation in to ECTP 911 1 year ago...Cy Vance and Preet have done nada.)